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Add new functors for getting flavour tagging decision and mistag rate

Yingrui Hou requested to merge yihou_ft_functor into master

Add two new functors TaggingDecision and TaggingMistag to get the flavour tagging decision and mistag rate for different tagging models and taggers, aiming to replace the old functor SSPionBDT_Mistag and SSPionBDT_Deicison, which is for SSPionBDT tagger only. The input tagger type can be int or str.

For now, only available for SSPion_BDT, OSKaonLatest, OSMuonLatest, OSElectronLatest, SSKaonLatest, SS_Proton, OSVtxCh.

Goes with DaVinci!1037 (merged)

Edited by Claire Prouve

Merge request reports
