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Extend the correlation histograms such that correlations between all sub detectors are plotted (and adapt some ranges)

Titus Mombaecher requested to merge tmombach_correlationhists into master

Goes with Moore!2546 (merged)

For directly spotting time-alignment issues. Before we just had correlation histograms between the trackers and Muon. Now I added

  • VELO Hits - RICH1 pixels
  • SciFi Hits - RICH1 pixels
  • SciFi Hits - RICH2 pixels
  • SciFi Hits - ECAL clusters (with E>100MeV, configurable)
  • ScFi Hits - total HCAL ADC count (only counts with > 10 ADC, configurable)

I also adapted some ranges, although so far we mostly only ran at mu=1.1 or 3 we had partially quite empty plots, which made visibility harder. Screenshot_2023-08-03_at_14.04.44 Screenshot_2023-08-03_at_14.03.58 Screenshot_2023-08-03_at_14.04.19

Screenshot_2023-08-03_at_13.40.21 Screenshot_2023-08-03_at_13.41.04

Edited by Titus Mombaecher

Merge request reports
