Add RICH 4D reconstruction as an option
Adds the option to run a 4D enabled RICH reconstruction, taking hit time information into account.
The example file Rec/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/
contains an example of how to enable this, and tweak the settings.
# Enable 4D reco in each RICH
# Note: can only work for now when using MC cheating for tracks and hits above
enable4D = (True, True)
# Average expected time for signal
avSignalTime = (13.03, 52.94)
# Pixel time window +- size in each RICH (in ns)
pixTimeWindow = (1.0, 1.0)
# Photon reco time window +- size in each RICH (ns)
photTimeWindow = (0.25, 0.25)
There is also a new QMT unit test detdesc-mc-dst-fake-mctracks-mchits-4D
that also enables the 4D reconstruction options.
For the 4D reconstruction to work, users must enable the options to fake tracks from the RICH extended info, and also the RICH pixels direct from the MCRichHits, as these are the only routes by which the hit times, and the track origin times can currently be set.
By default disabled such that it does does not change the default sequence, as needed in run 3.
Requires LHCb!4251 (merged)
Some examples of time distributions and resolutions