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InteractionRegion information in additional algorithms

Maciej Artur Giza requested to merge mgiza-interaction-region-supplementary into master

Corresponding issue: #508 (closed)

This MR adds the information obtained via InteractionRegion functor to algorithms:

  • VeloKalman
  • FastPVFinder
  • PVOfflineTool
  • TrackBeamLineVertexFinder
  • KalmanFilter
  • KalmanFilterTool
  • VeloClusterTrackingSIMD

The following changes are suggestions on which, as I hope, we will be able to tune and converge on.

I would like to ask the maintainers of the Kalman-related algorithms to check the proper execution of mentioned functions, to be working as intended by them, before the merge.

Please, have in mind that so far I've been working with PatPVs, so you may find here the errors that I was not able to catch.

I'm adding to cc all the people mentioned in the issue: @ahennequ @ausachov @adudziak @wouter @dovombru @mveghel

Edited by Maciej Artur Giza

Merge request reports
