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Vertex compare modifications for PV resolution monitor

Bogdan Kutsenko requested to merge bokutsen_vertex_compare_RecoMon into 2024-patches

A data PV resolution monitor was added to RecoMon for two sets of PVs reconstructed from 2 random subsets of HLT1 and HLT2 Velo tracks.

Some changes are needed in the VertexCompare.cpp for the monitor to work:

  • All histograms are changed to Gaudi::Accumulator::Histograms
  • m_monitoring gaudi property is added for the monitoring histograms: pulls and arrays of Gaudi histograms for the differences in matched PV positions: dx, dy, dz for each bin on nTracks. Later these histograms will be processed in AutomaticAnalysis to obtain PV resolution in each dimension and show it in the Monet
  • m_requireSingle is added, to make offline plots based on the events with one PV
  • Two new algorithms to split HLT2 tracks randomly into two subsets are added

Needed for MooreOnline!406 (merged), Moore!3312 (merged)

Goes with Allen!1563 (merged), Moore!3542 (merged)

Edited by Bogdan Kutsenko

Merge request reports
