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Wip future add ut hit tool

Renato Quagliani requested to merge wip-renato-futureAddUTHitTools into future

Based on !509 (merged) Conversion of AddUTHitTool to use UTHitHandler and usage in Matching and Forward tracking algorithms. Strategy adopted for the UTHitHandler: Create upfront the UTHitHandler<MutUTHit> (overhead), forward it as reference through the tracking tool (modification of interfaces needed), currently a temporarily duplicated methods in the trackMatch interfaces to also be able to use UTStationManager.

  • Create new interface for Upgrade Matching algorithm.
  • Drop all PrUTHit usage (to be checked its usage in Pr.PrMCTools) and switch to UTHit base class, remove PrUTHit everywhere.
  • Integrate latests changes from !509 (merged)
  • Tests, code clean up and integration of to do (compile, runs and sensible performance achieved, but not fully tested).
  • Removal of PrMatchTool.{cpp,h} (is it fine to remove it?). (non default algorithm, to check if Tf/TrackSys knows about it)
  • Templated UTHitHandler and modified hit creator to support UTHitHandler<UTHIt> or UTHitHandler<MutUTHIt> (forwarded in tools).

Inputs are welcome for better strategy to use UTHitHandler within algorithms, tools and Interfaces, @chasse, @sponce , @decianm ,@graven if this gets merged and finalised together with !509 (merged) we can try to add the best tracking sequence in miniBrunel.

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