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new Fast stage tuning

Thomas Nikodem requested to merge upgrade-newFastStageTuning into upgradeTracking

@adudziak @sstahl

without tuning (measured on lxplus):
TimingAuditor.T... INFO PrVeloUTFast | 1.935 | 1.998 | 0.227 18.4 1.40 | 1000 | 1.998 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO PrFowardTrackingFast | 13.373 | 13.496 | 0.532 220.5 19.31 | 1000 | 13.496 |
PrCheckerFast.F... INFO long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 3521 from 3760 [ 93.6 %] 42 clones [ 1.2 %], purity: 99.50 %, hitEff: 97.43 %
PrCheckerFast.F... INFO UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 3515 from 3729 [ 94.3 %] 42 clones [ 1.2 %], purity: 99.52 %, hitEff: 97.44 %

with tuning:
TimingAuditor.T... INFO PrVeloUTFast | 1.193 | 1.191 | 0.179 5.0 0.58 | 1000 | 1.192 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO PrFowardTrackingFast | 4.673 | 4.698 | 0.424 75.1 6.50 | 1000 | 4.698 |
PrCheckerFast.F... INFO long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 3497 from 3760 [ 93.0 %] 41 clones [ 1.2 %], purity: 99.53 %, hitEff: 97.44 %
PrCheckerFast.F... INFO UT_long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV : 3496 from 3729 [ 93.8 %] 41 clones [ 1.2 %], purity: 99.53 %, hitEff: 97.44 %

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