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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • QEE
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to QEE WG
  • B&Q
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to B&Q WG
  • Charm
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to Charm WG
  • RD
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to RD WG
  • B2CC
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to B2CC WG
  • B2OC
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to B2OC WG
  • BnoC
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to BnoC WG
  • Calib
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to Calib WG
  • SL
    LHCb / Stripping
    Lines related to SL WG
  • IFT
    SMOG/ion related MRs
  • Other labels

  • for SWIM
    if a problem should be solved by "someone who isn't me"
  • FT
    Code specific to the Scintillating Fiber Tracker
  • Functors
    Functor framework and concrete functors
  • highlight
    Highlights for application release notes
  • Automatic throughput test shows decrease in HLT1 throughput
  • Automatic throughput test shows increase in HLT1 throughput
  • Automatic throughput test shows decrease in HLT2 throughput
  • Automatic throughput test shows increase in HLT2 throughput
  • impacthigh
    High impact: e.g. physics performance is affected, critical code is being modified
  • impactlow
    Low impact: e.g. reconstruction or central selections are not affected
  • Jets
    Jet reconstruction
  • Lamarr
    Label for Lamarr ultra-fast simulation
  • legacy
    Merge request on legacy branches
  • A merge request with this label is picked up in the lhcb-gaudi-head nightly slot.
  • A merge request with this label is picked up in the lhcb-gaussino nightly slot.