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2017 TrackEff update

Renata Kopecna requested to merge 2017-TrackEff-Renata into 2017-patches

Changes done are similar to 2018 (see !915 (closed)), fully compatible with 2015+2016 (see !1122 (merged))

Rates are all below 0.05%, except for DownMuon nominal line that can be removed a (possibly increasing the prescale of the DownMuon validation line), as seen below.


StrippingReport                     INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 | 	                     Decision name|Rate,%  |  Accepted|   Mult|  ms/evt|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                       |  0.0230|        23|       |  12.623|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon_         |  0.0230|        23|       |  12.598|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1         |  0.0120|        12|  1.000|   9.422|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2         |  0.0110|        11|  1.000|   0.440|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1        |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.070|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1_TIMING  |  0.0120|        12|  1.000|   0.072|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2_TIMING  |  0.0110|        11|  1.000|   0.064|
 |!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonZLine1_TIMING |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.040|


 StrippingReport                           INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |	                     	 	Decision name|Rate,%  |Accepted  |   Mult|  ms/evt|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                  |  0.0920|        92|       |  13.002|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon_                    |  0.0920|        92|       |  12.986|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1                 |  0.0500|        50|  1.140|   8.701|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2                 |  0.0360|        36|  1.056|   0.222|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLowMultLine1          |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.751|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2                    |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.039|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1               |  0.0030|         3|  1.333|   0.674|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2               |  0.0020|         2|  1.000|   0.118|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1_TIMING          |  0.0500|        50|  1.140|   0.061|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2_TIMING          |  0.0360|        36|  1.056|   0.050|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLowMultLine1_TIMING   |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.053|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_ZLine2_TIMING             |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   0.026|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1_TIMING        |  0.0030|         3|  1.333|   0.028|
 |!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2_TIMING        |  0.0020|         2|  1.000|   0.028|


StrippingReport        		   INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                                   Decision name|Rate,%  |Accepted|   Mult|  ms/evt|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                               |  0.2530|       253|       |  19.818|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon_                 |  0.2530|       253|       |  19.805|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine           |  0.2270|       227|  1.128|  14.253|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine        |  0.0030|         3|  1.000|   0.029|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1                 |  0.0460|        46|  1.022|   0.056|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2                 |  0.0390|        39|  1.026|   0.050|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine_TIMING    |  0.2270|       227|  1.128|   0.055|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine_TIMING |  0.0050|         5|  1.000|   0.023|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1_TIMING          |  0.0460|        46|  1.022|   0.045|
 |!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2_TIMING          |  0.0390|        39|  1.026|   0.046|
Edited by Renata Kopecna

Merge request reports
