B -> h mu LNV lines update
The updates to LFVLines are intended to add isolation RelInfo for LNV B -> h mu searches. The test of these lines has been done by following the instructions in LBOPG-105. The 2016 test report for the updated StrippingLFVLines.py file is as follows:
StrippingReport 2016
StrippingReport INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 2.8060| 1403| | 17.895|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_ | 2.8060| 1403| | 17.807|
|!StrippingLFVB2hMuLine | 0.0080| 4| 1.000| 0.369|
|!StrippingLFVB2hMuLine_TIMING | 0.0080| 4| 1.000| 0.185|
FILES TO MERGE: DV-RedoCaloPID-Stripping28r2.py StrippingLFVLines.py
Edited by Ifan Williams