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Xic2LambdaKPi patch

Marian Stahl requested to merge mstahl_Xic2LambdaKPi_patch into run2-patches

Update of config for Xic2LambdaKPi module after validation and lessons learned from 2017 re-stripping

  • Likely misuse of D2DVVDCHI2SIGN functor. EDIT: seems to be OK. Functor is same as FDCHI2_ORIVX from TupleToolGeometry
  • Learned from 2017 re-stripping that the current selection is suboptimal. Especially the BPVVDCHI2>24 cut kills roughly 50% of the \Xi_c^0 signal
  • I assume that the StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine has a large correlation with the new Hc2V02H_Xic2LambdaKPi line (!1325 (merged)) on the same stream. I hope this is no problem. For 2017, there is a dedicated \Xi_c^0\to\Sigma^0 K^- \pi^+ line that allowed us to remove StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine. This is not the case here, therefore I would like to keep the line.

Retentions and timing


StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 25000, Good event 25000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XicpLine_TIMING                      |  0.3520|        88|  1.784|   0.060|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine_TIMING                      |  0.5000|       125|  1.464|   0.069|


StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 25000, Good event 25000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XicpLine_TIMING                      |  0.1960|        49|  1.653|   0.049|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine_TIMING                      |  0.2800|        70|  1.514|   0.055|
Edited by Marian Stahl

Merge request reports
