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Add the new line for B->mumu + open charm (vlisovsk MR 3)

Vitalii Lisovskyi requested to merge vlisovsk_b2mumuoc into 2017-patches

A new module for rare decays of the kind B -> mumu + open-charm final state (B2OC modes with initial-state radiation going to dimuon).

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.5010|       501|       |  28.324|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.5010|       501|       |  28.316|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuLine                                       |  0.3640|       364| 10.495|  27.080|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcLine                                     |  0.0570|        57|  2.070|   0.085|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcNoPointLine                              |  0.1550|       155|  1.832|   0.176|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuLine_TIMING                                |  0.3640|       364| 10.495|   0.038|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcLine_TIMING                              |  0.0570|        57|  2.070|   0.026|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcNoPointLine_TIMING                       |  0.1550|       155|  1.832|   0.025|

@iwilliam @sferrere

updated log after adding all changes:

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 35000, Good event 35000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.6571|       230|       |  28.015|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.6571|       230|       |  28.005|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuLine                                       |  0.3657|       128|  6.625|  26.065|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuSSLine                                     |  0.2029|        71|  2.535|   0.575|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcLine                                     |  0.0714|        25|  2.080|   0.069|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcNoPointLine                              |  0.1600|        56|  1.893|   0.225|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuLine_TIMING                                |  0.3657|       128|  6.625|   0.041|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuSSLine_TIMING                              |  0.2029|        71|  2.535|   0.034|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcLine_TIMING                              |  0.0714|        25|  2.080|   0.027|
 |!StrippingB2OCMuMuBcNoPointLine_TIMING                       |  0.1600|        56|  1.893|   0.027|
Edited by Vitalii Lisovskyi

Merge request reports
