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New Line for Missing Mass studies with baryons (updated)

Dan Thompson requested to merge DT_missMassBaryonV2_RD into 2017-patches

Re-Comitting line for missing mass measurements with Baryons in pK spectrum. Not committing init file.

Created new branch and merge request to fix problems.

Lines pass DST requirements for retention and timing:

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.0570|        57|       |   6.878|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamSemileptonic_                        |  0.0570|        57|       |   6.856|
 |!StrippingSb2PKMuXPiLine                                     |  0.0460|        46|  1.435|   5.229|
 |!StrippingSb2PKMuXPiSSLine                                   |  0.0120|        12|  1.333|   0.260|
 |!StrippingSb2PKJpsiPiLine                                    |  0.0020|         2|  1.000|   0.105|
 |!Strippingb2PKMuXPiLine_TIMING                               |  0.0460|        46|  1.435|   0.059|
 |!Strippingb2PKMuXPiSSLine_TIMING                             |  0.0120|        12|  1.333|   0.049|
 |!Strippingb2PKJpsiPiLine_TIMING                              |  0.0020|         2|  1.000|   0.047|

Merge request reports