Add some multilepton channels with possibility of a displaced dilepton
the new lines are: StrippingMultiLepton_B24muXLongLivedLine, StrippingMultiLepton_B26muXLongLivedLine, StrippingMultiLepton_Incl8mu4bodyLongLivedLine, StrippingMultiLepton_InclDet6mu3bodyLongLivedLine
the others are unchanged compared to 2017-patches but still should be run in the 2018 restirpping (this needs Phys!901 (merged) to be picked up)
test over 75k: (only new lines here)
|_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_ | 2.1480| 1611| | 57.255|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_B24muXLongLivedLine | 0.3280| 246| 14.333| 3.409|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_B26muXLongLivedLine | 0.1480| 111| 69.622| 0.631|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_B24muXLongLivedLine_TIMING | 0.3253| 244| 14.451| 0.093|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_B26muXLongLivedLine_TIMING | 0.1480| 111| 69.622| 0.167|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamDimuon_ | 0.2013| 151| | 23.185|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_Incl8mu4bodyLongLivedLine | 0.0053| 4| 4.000| 0.040|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_InclDet6mu3bodyLongLivedLine | 0.0333| 25| 4.600| 0.043|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_Incl8mu4bodyLongLivedLine_TIMING | 0.0053| 4| 4.000| 0.033|
|!StrippingMultiLepton_InclDet6mu3bodyLongLivedLine_TIMING | 0.0333| 25| 4.600| 0.033|
Edited by Vitalii Lisovskyi