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Book 4 additional lines in B2OC for S28r2p1

4 more B02D0Eta lines booked in BhadronCompleteEvent stream

  • StrippingB02D0Eta2PiPiGamma_Beauty2CharmLine
  • StrippingB02D0Eta2PiPiPi0_Beauty2CharmLine
  • StrippingB02D0Etap2RhoGamma_Beauty2CharmLine
  • StrippingB02D0Etap2EtaPiPi_Beauty2CharmLine

Test with 100k events:

 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_                |  0.0010|         1|       |   1.740|
 |!StrippingB02D0Eta2PiPiGamma_Beauty2CharmLine                |  0.0010|         1|  1.000|   1.063|
 |!StrippingB02D0Eta2PiPiPi0_Beauty2CharmLine                  |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.112|
 |!StrippingB02D0Etap2RhoGamma_Beauty2CharmLine                |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.071|
 |!StrippingB02D0Etap2EtaPiPi_Beauty2CharmLine                 |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.340|

needs to be tested and merged with !1678 (merged).

Edited by Shunan Zhang

Merge request reports