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B2OC 2018 patches

Linxuan Zhu requested to merge B2OC_2018-patches into 2018-patches

B2OC Development branch for 2018-patches The number of inputs in function "_makeB2DHH()" in "", see here, has been changed and consequently the rates of the following lines are affected, because this lines use the output of "_makeB2DHH()" as input.

|!StrippingBc2BPiPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |  0.0450|        45|  7.778|   0.042|
|!StrippingBc2BPiPiWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine          |  0.0250|        25|  5.720|   0.038|
|!StrippingBc2BPiKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |  0.0400|        40|  6.775|   0.037|
|!StrippingBc2BPiKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine           |  0.0280|        28| 10.286|   0.038|
|!StrippingBc2BKPiB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine             |  0.0400|        40|  6.750|   0.037|
|!StrippingBc2BKKB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine              |  0.0340|        34|  5.265|   0.038|
|!StrippingBc2BKKWSB2DHHD2HHHCFPIDBeauty2CharmLine            |  0.0220|        22|  4.591|   0.037|

However, this issue does not affect this restripping campaign, because the above lines are not required to be rerun.

Edited by Alessandro Bertolin

Merge request reports
