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Adding mue versions for the Lb2pkllLoose lines in Bu2LLK

Dan Thompson requested to merge RD_Lb2pkmeLooseLines_2018-patches into RD_2018-patches

Added a 'Bu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeLoose' and 'Bu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeSSLoose' line to Bu2LLK to align with other pkll lines.

The Bu2LLK_mm_Lb2pkmmLoose and Bu2LLK_ee_Lb2pkeeLoose lines were made at the last restripping. For our analysis (Lb2L1520mue), we are using Bu2LLK_meLine but decided to add this line as an alternative option.

Lines added: Bu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeLoose Bu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeSSLoose (needed for the combinatorial background proxy in analysis)

Rates and Timing Results:

 |                                                                       *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*|*Mult* |*ms/evt*|
 |!StrippingBu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeLooseLine                                                  |  0.2290|       229|  2.188|   1.031|
 |!StrippingBu2LLK_meSS_Lb2pkmeSSLooseLine                                              |  0.1920|       192|  2.510|   0.748| 
 |!StrippingBu2LLK_me_Lb2pkmeLooseLine_TIMING                                           |  0.2290|       229|  2.188|   0.555|
 |!StrippingBu2LLK_meSS_Lb2pkmeSSLooseLine_TIMING                                       |  0.1920|       192|  2.510|   0.571|

Contact People: @dathomps @nsahoo

Edited by Dan Thompson

Merge request reports
