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adding D0->K3pi mode for DiCharm

replacing !1755 (closed).

main motivation is the Tcc->D0 D0 pi+ channel where adding D0->K3pi mode may increase statistic by x2.

Implemented by substituting D02Kpi with D0, which is a merge of D02Kpi and D02K3pi. Thus, all lines like of DiCharm, TriCharm, ... and so on will benefit.

As in default_config the WG specified was 'BandQ' and lived under B&Q line dictionaries asked by @ngrieser to move corresponding file to BandQ folder. Both and execute fine and resulting 0000.Charm.mdst contains events from the bewly added mode. See rates below:

 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  3.8700|       387|       |   9.265|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamCharm_                               |  3.8700|       387|       |   3.515|
 |!StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharm                               |  0.4500|        45|  1.022|   0.120|
 |!StrippingD02K3piForPromptCharm                              |  0.1100|        11|  1.182|   0.076|
 |!StrippingDstarForPromptCharm                                |  0.6100|        61|  1.016|   0.255|
 |!StrippingDForPromptCharm                                    |  0.3500|        35|  1.029|   0.052|
 |!StrippingDsForPromptCharm                                   |  0.4900|        49|  1.020|   0.052|
 |!StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharm                              |  0.3200|        32|  1.094|   0.073|
 |!StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm                   |  0.9500|        95|  1.253|   0.032|
 |!StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                          |  0.3500|        35|  1.457|   0.032|
 |!StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharm                               |  0.2800|        28|  3.393|   0.039|
 |!StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                          |  0.0300|         3|  2.000|   0.037|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharm                           |  0.2400|        24|  2.833|   0.041|
 |!StrippingXiCprimeForPromptCharm                             |  0.1900|        19|  3.000|   0.070|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstar2XiCprimeKForPromptCharm                 |  0.1600|        16|  9.500|   0.028|
 |!StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm               |  0.0500|         5| 14.400|   0.025|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKpiForPromptCharm                       |  0.5300|        53| 64.245|   0.031|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKKForPromptCharm                        |  0.3400|        34| 14.029|   0.027|
 |!StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharm                            |  0.0900|         9|  1.444|   0.031|
 |!StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharm                              |  0.0100|         1|  1.000|   0.196|
 |!StrippingD02KKForPromptCharm                                |  0.2600|        26|  1.000|   0.066|
 |!StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharm                              |  0.3700|        37|  1.000|   0.143|
 |!StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharm                              |  0.2200|        22|  1.136|   0.108|
 |!StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharm_TIMING                        |  0.4900|        49|  1.041|   0.040|
 |!StrippingD02K3piForPromptCharm_TIMING                       |  0.0400|         4|  1.000|   0.041|
 |!StrippingDstarForPromptCharm_TIMING                         |  0.6100|        61|  1.016|   0.031|
 |!StrippingDForPromptCharm_TIMING                             |  0.3700|        37|  1.000|   0.029|
 |!StrippingDsForPromptCharm_TIMING                            |  0.5400|        54|  1.019|   0.049|
 |!StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharm_TIMING                       |  0.3200|        32|  1.094|   0.036|
 |!StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm_TIMING            |  0.9500|        95|  1.253|   0.035|
 |!StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm_TIMING                   |  0.3500|        35|  1.457|   0.045|
 |!StrippingmaCForPromptCharm_TIMING                           |  0.2800|        28|  3.393|   0.027|
 |!StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharm_TIMING                   |  0.0300|         3|  2.000|   0.028|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharm_TIMING                    |  0.2400|        24|  2.833|   0.021|
 |!StrippingXiCprimeForPromptCharm_TIMING                      |  0.1900|        19|  3.000|   0.026|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstar2XiCprimeKForPromptCharm_TIMING          |  0.1600|        16|  9.500|   0.035|
 |!StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm_TIMING        |  0.0500|         5| 14.400|   0.027|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKpiForPromptCharm_TIMING                |  0.5300|        53| 64.245|   0.041|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKKForPromptCharm_TIMING                 |  0.3400|        34| 14.029|   0.034|
 |!StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharm_TIMING                     |  0.0900|         9|  1.444|   0.021|
 |!StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharm_TIMING                       |  0.0100|         1|  1.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingD02KKForPromptCharm_TIMING                         |  0.2600|        26|  1.000|   0.044|
 |!StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharm_TIMING                       |  0.3700|        37|  1.000|   0.058|
 |!StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharm_TIMING                       |  0.2200|        22|  1.136|   0.036|

Merge request reports
