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IFT Helium stripping lines

Hendrik Jage requested to merge IFT_HeMedian1_2018-patches into IFT_2018-patches

Adding dedicated lines for unbiased helium identification and efficiency estimations.

The DEDX based lines depend on corresponding new LoKi functors (Phys!1065 (merged)). The LLD based lines depend on the new ChargedProtoDedxPIDTool (Rec!3498 (merged)) and corresponding LoKi functor (Phys!1066 (merged)).

The lines go to a DST stream and have corresponding rates, determined on 100k events.

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                                               |           2016 |           2017 |           2018 |
 |                                *Decision name*|*Rate,%*| *Mult*|*Rate,%*| *Mult*|*Rate,%*| *Mult*|
 | Global_                                       |  0.4070|       |  0.5350|       |  0.5730|       |
 | SequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_           |  0.4070|       |  0.5350|       |  0.5730|       |
 | He_VLTT_Long                                  |  0.0180|  1.611|  0.0300|  1.467|  0.0330|  1.303|
 | He_VLTT_Up                                    |  0.0230|  1.000|  0.0410|  1.000|  0.0420|  1.000|
 | He_IT_Long                                    |  0.0160|  1.000|  0.0440|  1.023|  0.0450|  1.000|
 | He_IT_Down                                    |  0.0370|  1.000|  0.0480|  1.000|  0.0440|  1.000|
 | He_TTOT_Long                                  |  0.0370|  1.000|  0.0430|  1.047|  0.0470|  1.021|
 | He_TTOTDown                                   |  0.0500|  1.020|  0.0400|  1.050|  0.0320|  1.094|
 | He_TT_Up                                      |  0.0410|  1.024|  0.0490|  1.020|  0.0410|  1.049|
 | He_VL_Long                                    |  0.0200|  1.650|  0.0300|  1.233|  0.0390|  1.513|
 | He_VL_Up                                      |  0.0180|  1.000|  0.0270|  1.000|  0.0320|  1.000|
 | He_VL_Velo                                    |  0.0310|  1.000|  0.0420|  1.000|  0.0500|  1.000|
 | He_SV_DD                                      |  0.0260|  1.885|  0.0320|  2.125|  0.0460|  2.196|
 | HeNOverflows                                  |  0.0350|  1.171|  0.0420|  1.214|  0.0520|  1.058|
 | He_TTOT_Long2                                 |  0.0230|  1.000|  0.0340|  1.059|  0.0380|  1.026|
 | He_TTOT_Down2                                 |  0.0360|  1.028|  0.0500|  1.020|  0.0350|  1.029|
 | He_TT_Up2                                     |  0.0310|  1.000|  0.0340|  1.029|  0.0460|  1.000|
 | He_SV_DD2                                     |  0.0240|  2.500|  0.0490|  2.041|  0.0500|  2.220|

The given timing values are overhead free and determined on 10k events.

StrippingReport INFO Event 10000, Good event 10000
 | *Decision name*    | Timinig: *ms/evt*        |
 |                    |   2016 |   2017 |   2018 |
 |He_VLTT_Long        |   0.082|   0.101|   0.080|
 |He_VLTT_Up          |   0.034|   0.048|   0.049|
 |He_IT_Long          |   0.137|   0.168|   0.154|
 |He_IT_Down          |   0.410|   0.567|   0.522|
 |He_TTOT_Long        |   0.131|   0.160|   0.175|
 |He_TTOT_Down        |   0.067|   0.079|   0.063|
 |He_TT_Up            |   0.055|   0.077|   0.048|
 |He_VL_Long          |   0.081|   0.079|   0.085|
 |He_VL_Up            |   0.043|   0.056|   0.062|
 |He_VL_Velo          |   0.061|   0.082|   0.070|
 |He_SV_DD            |   0.038|   0.034|   0.030|
 |HeNOverflows        |   0.077|   0.089|   0.083|
 |He_TTOT_Long2       |   0.152|   0.209|   0.187|
 |He_TTOT_Down2       |   0.058|   0.084|   0.080|
 |He_TT_Up2           |   0.066|   0.080|   0.079|
 |He_SV_DD2           |   0.028|   0.035|   0.036|
Edited by Hendrik Jage

Merge request reports
