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Added new line StrippingDp2EtaPrimePip for Calib

Simone Stracka requested to merge etap_calib_line into Stripping-s28r1p1

This is a copy (with tightened cuts), of the D+ -> eta' pi+ line, to be used for calibration purposes, as requested by @chefdevi

The rates obtained in the test are:

StrippingReport INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000 | Decision name|Rate,%|Accepted| Mult|ms/evt| |StrippingGlobal | 0.0350| 7| | 11.168| |StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration | 0.0350| 7| | 11.160| |!StrippingDp2EtaPrimePipCalibLine | 0.0350| 7| 1.714| 9.650| |!StrippingDp2EtaPrimePipCalibLine_TIMING | 0.0350| 7| 1.714| 0.042|

Merge request reports
