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fixed retentionrates of phi RD lines

Niklas Stefan Nolte requested to merge fix_phi_RD_lines into master

|!StrippingLFVPhi2eMuLine | 0.4920| 492| 1.069| 0.162|

|!StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eMuLine | 0.4450| 445| 1.204| 0.153|

|!StrippingLFVPhi2MuMuControlLine | 0.1170| 117| 1.000| 0.092|

|!StrippingLFVPhi2eeControlLine | 0.3180| 318| 1.160| 1.014|

|!StrippingLFVPromptPhi2MuMuControlLine | 0.0590| 59| 1.034| 0.069|

|!StrippingLFVPromptPhi2eeControlLine | 0.4440| 444| 1.185| 0.128|

these are the new retentionrates, tested with 100k evts in DaVinci/v42r6p1 let me know if you need more information/other DV version or something else!

Cheers, Niklas

Edited by Niklas Stefan Nolte

Merge request reports
