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Added Related Info Cone Variables and tightening cuts

Luis Miguel Garcia Martin requested to merge Hypb2L0HGamma-modV2 into 2018-patches
StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 10000, Good event 10000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.5100|        51|       |  17.262|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.5100|        51|       |  17.248|
 |!StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_LLL                               |  0.0600|         6|  1.000|  11.427|
 |!StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDD                               |  0.1300|        13|  1.615|   1.739|
 |!StrippingStripXib2XiGamma_DDL                               |  0.0300|         3|  1.333|   0.334|
 |!StrippingStripOb2OGamma_LLL                                 |  0.1400|        14|  1.071|   0.959|
 |!StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDD                                 |  0.1000|        10|  1.000|   0.639|
 |!StrippingStripOb2OGamma_DDL                                 |  0.1200|        12|  1.083|   0.245|
 |!StrippingXib2XiGamma_LLL_TIMING                             |  0.0600|         6|  1.000|   0.048|
 |!StrippingXib2XiGamma_DDD_TIMING                             |  0.1300|        13|  1.615|   0.039|
 |!StrippingXib2XiGamma_DDL_TIMING                             |  0.0300|         3|  1.333|   0.027|
 |!StrippingOb2OGamma_LLL_TIMING                               |  0.1400|        14|  1.071|   0.023|
 |!StrippingOb2OGamma_DDD_TIMING                               |  0.1000|        10|  1.000|   0.033|
 |!StrippingOb2OGamma_DDL_TIMING                               |  0.1200|        12|  1.083|   0.031|


Edited by Carlos Vazquez Sierra

Merge request reports