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Loosening lower B mass cut in B2XMuMu and using VeryLooseKs in S34r0p1

Renata Kopecna requested to merge Renata-S34r0p1-B2XMuMu-BmassLoose into 2018-patches

Loosening the cut will improve the control over the tails in the K*->K+pi0 channel. Using VeryLooseKs results in gaining cca 50% of Ks candidates in the B+->K*+Jpsi(1S) decay chain. Rates stay well below 0.5% (see below)

StrippingReport        		   INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                     Decision name|Rate,%  |Accepted  |   Mult|  ms/evt|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                 |  0.3660|       366|       |  11.746|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_ |  0.3660|       366|       |  11.351|
 |!StrippingB2XMuMu_Line            |  0.3660|       366|  6.060|   9.966|
 |!StrippingB2XMuMu_Line_TIMING     |  0.3620|       362|  6.127|   0.124|


Edited by Vitalii Lisovskyi

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