- May 22, 2015
John Derek Chapman authored
share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_ISF.py, share/skeleton.EVGENtoHIT_MC12.py - remove lines switching off magnetic field in some cases for Forward Detector simulation. ATLASSIM-1612. Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-03 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-03)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Andrzej Olszewski authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Daniel Hayden authored
James Robinson authored
Fixed incorrect random seed setting. Removed code which used python features not available in r17. (PowhegControl-00-02-10)
Elmar Ritsch authored
merging changes from ISF_Services-00-03-19-branch into -00-03-xx tags: Shifting forward ID/Calo boundary in ATLFASTII to make it coincide with a boundary in the Geant4 geometry (ATLASSIM-1903) (ISF_Services-00-03-21)
Jochen Meyer authored
Graeme Stewart authored
to allow uniform SimuJobTransforms tags for MC15 sim/digi releases * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-08 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-08)
- May 19, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging: ParticleGun-02-00-07 * Try harder to distinguish between single and disjoint uniform sampling interval shorthand sequences. * Fix accidental tuple expansion in DisjointRandomSequence expansion. * Adding randomSeed property setting to examples (ParticleGun RNG stream not configured for vanilla Athena).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
tagged as McEventCollectionFilter-01-00-00 06-03-2015 Use numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() for the barcode setting tagged as McEventCollectionFilter-01-00-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* migration of AthenaHitsVector to AtlasHitsVector in TrackRecordCollection (obo Peng Jiang) * Tagged as MuGirlPerformanceTools-00-00-28 2014-09-23 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Force a dependency on HepPDT for cmake (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as MuGirlPerformanceTools-00-00-27
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TrackRecordFilter.cxx: Fixing careless mistake in CHECK * tagging as MCTruthAlgs-00-03-12 2015-02-08 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * src/TrackRecordFilter.cxx: Attempting to fix resource leak, coverity defect 29064 * tagging as MCTruthAlgs-00-03-11 2015-01-27 Peng Jiang * src/TrackRecordFilter.cxx - migrate to use AtlasHitsVector-based TrackRecordCollection. ATLASSIM-1784 * tagging as MCTruthAlgs-00-03-10
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Moving to AtlasHitVector, allowing Emplace and other nice features * Tagging: TrackRecord-01-01-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Moving to AtlasHitsVector * tag: G4SimAthenaPOOL-00-03-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* ITruthStrategy.h: changing const ITruthIncident argument of ::pass(..) method to non-const (ATLASSIM-1967) * tag as ISF_HepMC_Interfaces-00-01-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/CosmicTriggerTimeTool.cxx - Update for TrackRecordCollection becoming an AtlasHitsVector. ATLASSIM-1784 * Tagging: CommissionUtils-00-00-29
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* OverlayAlgBase/OverlayAlgBase.h, OverlayAlgBase/OverlayAlgBase.icc, src/OverlayAlgBase.cxx - migrate to using AthAlgorithm rather than Algorithm as the baseclass. Still need to sort out StoreGates though. * tagging OverlayAlgBase-00-02-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Add shifted IBL code - cache * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-14 2015-02-13 Sabine Elles * Add shifted IBL code * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-13 2014-09-23 Sabine elles <sabine.elles@cern.ch> * Fix special::ether material scaling error * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-12