Reposync job
To add new repos, add the repo file to prod.repos.d, the GPG key to gpgkeys and any specific configuration to prod.repos.yaml. This last part is probably not needed.
If you're adding a redhat repo, you probably also need the SSL client certificate.
- Download the certificates, if necessary (see below)
- Add the certificate to Teigi:
tbag set --hg lxsoft/adm 8a85f983598e8558015993b62b96699e.pem --file 8a85f983598e8558015993b62b96699e.pem
- List the new certificate in
for the lxsoft machines. - Make sure your new repo files in prod.repos.yaml list the new certificate.
Downloading Redhat certificates
Certs for linuxsoft-mirror system registered on RHN
8a85f9845993af3f015993b34c3f0210 - 2017-01-01 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Self-support (1-2 sockets) (Up to 1 guest)
8a85f983598e8558015993b62b96699e - 2017-01-01 - 2020-01-01 Extended Update Support
8a85f9875993915c015993b8460b1956 - 2017-01-01 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite
8a85f983598e8558015993be99386c0f - 2017-01-01 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat JBoss A-MQ, 64-Core Standard
8a85f9825cc471b3015cc47ecc80054c - 2017-06-20 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat Virtualization (2-sockets), Premium
8a85f983598e8558015993c40f836ef2 - 2017-01-01 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat Enterprise MRG Realtime, Standard (1-2 sockets)
8a85f9875b339bfe015b33aaa17019fc - 2017-04-03 - 2020-01-01 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support (Physical or Virtual Nodes)
Note: with each new/changed subscription we have to add/remove subscription for linuxsoft-mirror on RHN and use freshly regenerated cert .. seems to be necessary also in case of new product versions which appeared after the orig. cert was generated
removed/replaced certs:
8a85f98159926149015993c2a4ed781a - 2017-01-01 - 2020-06-20 Red Hat Virtualization (2-sockets), Premium
8a85f983598e8558015993be99386c0f - replaced 2018-02-27 for RH-SSO 7.2
Procedure (Update 2018/04):
- Download the zip with all certificates
- Rename them to the subject (be careful, the following may need to be adapted as Subject format may change)
for i in `ls *.pem`; do NAME=`openssl x509 -in $i -text | grep -i "Subject:" | sed 's/.*CN *= *\([a-z0-9]\{32\}\).*/\1/'`; mv $i $NAME.pem; done
- Proceed with steps above.