Use kinit -R and aklog rather than krenew
When krenew runs it seems to set up a new context for afs tokens that then do not renew correctly.
While I do not quite undestand it simplifying this to the trivial
kinit -R
makes sense
In addition we fix CC8 vs C9 where on C8 user units are default enabled where as on 9 they are default disabled.
Note that 'systemctl --no-reload preset --global aklog.service aklog.timer" is only called on initial package installation so I think aklog.timer will not be enabled since it is a new unit without reinstall. The aklog.service is the important one however and I'll enable the time myself on plus and adm.
Enable the units explicitly on 8 and 9.
Extra commits:
- Release 1.4
- Include in package as documentation.
Edited by Steve Traylen