Forked from
faser / calypso
1208 commits behind the upstream repository.
Code doesn't actually do anything, but this compiles and give the basic framework for adding real algorithims.
Code doesn't actually do anything, but this compiles and give the basic framework for adding real algorithims.
Code owners
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, INFO
def TriggerDataAccessExampleCfg(flags, name="TriggerDataAccessExampleAlg", **kwargs):
from FaserGeoModel.FaserGeoModelConfig import FaserGeometryCfg
a = FaserGeometryCfg(flags)
TriggerDataAccessExampleAlg = CompFactory.FaserTriggerDataAccess
a.addEventAlgo(TriggerDataAccessExampleAlg(name, **kwargs))
from FaserByteStreamCnvSvc.FaserByteStreamCnvSvcConfig import FaserByteStreamCnvSvcCfg
# thistSvc = CompFactory.THistSvc()
# thistSvc.Output += ["HIST DATAFILE='rdoReadHist.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
# a.addService(thistSvc)
return a
if __name__ == "__main__":
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
from CalypsoConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = True
# Flags for this job
ConfigFlags.Input.isMC = False # Needed to bypass autoconfig
ConfigFlags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-XXXX-XXX-XX" # Needed to bypass autoconfig, only the "OFLCOND" matters at the moment
ConfigFlags.IOVDb.DatabaseInstance = "OFLP200" # Use MC conditions for now
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.FaserVersion = "FASER-01" # Default FASER geometry
ConfigFlags.Input.ProjectName = "data20"
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.Align.Dynamic = False
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = ["cosmics.raw"]
ConfigFlags.Output.RDOFileName = "trigger.RDO.pool.root"
# Configure components
from CalypsoConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolWriteConfig import PoolWriteCfg
acc = MainServicesCfg(ConfigFlags)
# Configure output
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
itemList = [ "xAOD::EventInfo#*",
"xAOD::FaserTriggerDataAux#*" ]
acc.merge(OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "RDO", itemList))
ostream = acc.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamRDO")
# Set up algorithm
# Configure verbosity
# ConfigFlags.dump()
# logging.getLogger('forcomps').setLevel(VERBOSE)
acc.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
acc.foreach_component("*ClassID*").OutputLevel = INFO
# log.setLevel(VERBOSE)
# acc.getService("FaserByteStreamInputSvc").DumpFlag = True
acc.getService("FaserEventSelector").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
acc.getService("FaserByteStreamInputSvc").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
acc.getService("FaserByteStreamCnvSvc").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
acc.getService("FaserByteStreamAddressProviderSvc").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
acc.getService("MessageSvc").Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
# Execute and finish