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Commit 59bb453a authored by Dave Casper's avatar Dave Casper
Browse files

fix mc_valid - default false, check while generating instead and dont return...

fix mc_valid - default false, check while generating instead and dont return until valid event is created
parent 162f00b1
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with 595 additions and 15 deletions
atlas_subdir( GenEventExample )
atlas_add_component( GenEventExample
LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaBaseComps GeneratorObjects
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
def GenEventReadExampleCfg(flags, name="GenEventReadExampleAlg", **kwargs):
a = ComponentAccumulator()
GenEventReadAlg = CompFactory.GenEventReadAlg
a.addEventAlgo(GenEventReadAlg(name, **kwargs))
thistSvc = CompFactory.THistSvc()
thistSvc.Output += ["HIST DATAFILE='genEventHist.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
return a
if __name__ == "__main__":
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
from CalypsoConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = True
# Flags for this job
ConfigFlags.Input.isMC = True # Needed to bypass autoconfig
ConfigFlags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-XXXX-XXX-XX" # Needed to bypass autoconfig, only the "OFLCOND" matters at the moment
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.FaserVersion = "FASER-01" # Default FASER geometry
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateFaserSCT = True
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = ["my.cosmics.pool.root"]
# Configure components
from CalypsoConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
acc = MainServicesCfg(ConfigFlags)
# Set things up to create a conditions DB with neutral Tracker alignment transforms
# Configure verbosity
# ConfigFlags.dump()
# logging.getLogger('forcomps').setLevel(VERBOSE)
# acc.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
# acc.foreach_component("*ClassID*").OutputLevel = INFO
# log.setLevel(VERBOSE)
# Execute and finish
# __author__ = 'Ryan Rice-Smith'
#include "GenEventReadAlg.h"
GenEventReadAlg::GenEventReadAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
: AthHistogramAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator) { m_cosThetaHist = nullptr; m_rVertexHist = nullptr; }
GenEventReadAlg::~GenEventReadAlg() { }
StatusCode GenEventReadAlg::initialize()
// initialize a histogram
// letter at end of TH1 indicated variable type (D double, F float etc)
m_cosThetaHist = new TH1D("CosTheta", "Cosine of ZenithAngle; cos #q; Events/bin", 20, 0., 1.); //first string is root object name, second is histogram title
m_rVertexHist = new TH1D("RVertex", "Vertex Radius; r (mm); Events/bin", 40, 0, m_radius * 1.2);
m_phiHist = new TH1D("Phi", "Azimuth; phi; Events/bin", 40, -4*atan(1), 4*atan(1));
m_rPerpHist = new TH1D("rPerp", "Transverse radius squared; r^2 (mm); Events/bin", 40, 0, pow(m_radius, 2) * 1.2);
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/coshist", m_cosThetaHist));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/rhist", m_rVertexHist));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/phihist", m_phiHist));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/rperphist", m_rPerpHist));
// initialize data handle keys
ATH_CHECK( m_mcEventKey.initialize() );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Using GenEvent collection with key " << m_mcEventKey.key());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode GenEventReadAlg::execute()
// Handles created from handle keys behave like pointers to the corresponding container
SG::ReadHandle<McEventCollection> h_mcEvents(m_mcEventKey);
ATH_MSG_INFO("Read McEventContainer with " << h_mcEvents->size() << " events");
if (h_mcEvents->size() == 0) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const HepMC::GenEvent* theEvent = h_mcEvents->at(0);
if (theEvent->particles_size() != 1 && theEvent->vertices_size() != 1) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// h_mcEvents->at(0)->print( msg().stream() );
auto pParticles = theEvent->particles_begin();
auto pParticlesEnd = theEvent->particles_end();
const HepMC::GenParticle* pHat { nullptr };
for (; pParticles != pParticlesEnd ; ++pParticles)
const HepMC::GenParticle* p = *pParticles;
if (pHat == nullptr) pHat = p;
m_phiHist->Fill(atan2(p->momentum().x(), p->momentum().z()));
auto pVertices = theEvent->vertices_begin();
auto pVerticesEnd = theEvent->vertices_end();
for (; pVertices != pVerticesEnd; ++pVertices)
const HepMC::GenVertex* v = *pVertices;
HepMC::FourVector vOffset { v->position().x() , v->position().y(), v->position().z() - m_zOffset, v->position().t() };
m_rPerpHist->Fill(pow(vOffset.rho(), 2) - pow((vOffset.x() * pHat->momentum().x() +
vOffset.y() * pHat->momentum().y() +
vOffset.z() * pHat->momentum().z())/pHat->momentum().rho(), 2));
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode GenEventReadAlg::finalize()
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthHistogramAlgorithm.h"
#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
#include <TH1.h>
#include <math.h>
// #include <TProfile.h>
/* GenEvent reading example */
class GenEventReadAlg : public AthHistogramAlgorithm
GenEventReadAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
virtual ~GenEventReadAlg();
StatusCode initialize();
StatusCode execute();
StatusCode finalize();
TH1* m_cosThetaHist;
TH1* m_rVertexHist;
TH1* m_phiHist;
TH1* m_rPerpHist;
// TProfile* m_hprof;
DoubleProperty m_zOffset { this, "ZOffsetMm", 150.0, "Offset of the generation sphere center" };
DoubleProperty m_radius { this, "TargetRadiusMm", 3500.0, "Radius of target sphere in mm" };
// Read handle keys for data containers
// Any other event data can be accessed identically
// Note the key names ("GEN_EVENT" or "SCT_Hits") are Gaudi properties and can be configured at run-time
SG::ReadHandleKey<McEventCollection> m_mcEventKey { this, "McEventCollection", "GEN_EVENT" };
\ No newline at end of file
#include "../GenEventReadAlg.h"
DECLARE_COMPONENT( GenEventReadAlg ) //change alg name if update file/class etc
\ No newline at end of file
Faser cosmic-ray generator #Faser cosmic-ray generator
Documentation goes here... ## Setup
\ No newline at end of file
In Athena 22.0.19, the scipy module is missing from the LCG environment for some reason.
To use the generator, the following command is required after the usual steps to setup the release:
`lsetup "lcgenv -p LCG_98python3_ATLAS_2 x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt scipy"`
## Usage
The `` file shows a default configuration, appropriate for generating cosmic rays in all of FASER.
Options available through the `CosmicSampler` constructor include:
* maxMuonEnergyGeV - the maximum muon energy to sample at the surface (default: 10000 = 10 TeV; setting this higher does not result in appreciably higher rate)
* targetDepthMeters - the depth of the detector in meters (default: 85)
* thetaMinDegree - the minimum zenith angle to sample (default: 0 = vertically downward)
* thetaMaxDegree - the maximum zenith angle to sample (default: 80 = almost horizontal)
* targetRadiusMm - the radius of the sphere around the detector on which to generate muons (default: 3500 = 3.5 m)
* x0Mm - X offset of the target sphere from the origin in detector coordinates (default: 0)
* y0Mm - Y offset of the target sphere from the origin in detector coordinates (default: 0)
* z0Mm - Z offset of the target sphere from the origin in detector coordinates (default: 150 = 15 cm)
* chargeRatio - the mu+:mu- ratio (default: 1.27; energy and angle dependence not yet implemented)
The Z offset is chosen to make the radius required to enclose all of FASER (including FASERnu and ECAL) as small as possible. This improves the efficiency for making cosmic rays that hit something. For single-detector studies (tracker, ECAL, FASERnu) it will be more efficient to reduce the target radius and shift the center appropriately.
The calculated rate of cosmic rays at 85 meter depth is 3.41 Hz for a 1 meter radius target sphere. This scales with the target radius squared, so for the default radius of 3.5 meters, it is 41.8 Hz. Most of these muons will miss the sensitive parts of FASER, however.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt,cos,sin
import scipy.interpolate
from FaserCosmicGenerator.rockdata import rockdata as rockData
rockDensity = 2.65 # gm/cm^3 for standard rock
##with open('stdRockData.csv',newline='') as csvFile:
## reader=csv.DictReader(csvFile)
## for row in reader:
## rockData.append(row)
#print("Read ",len(rockData)," entries")
# Splines are log(X) vs. log(T), and vice-versa
# Expect data file has energies in MeV and depth in gm/cm^2
logE = [np.log(np.float64(d[0])) for d in rockData[1:]]
logX = [np.log(np.float64(d[3])) for d in rockData[1:]]
xFromE = scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline(logE, logX, bc_type='natural')
eFromX = scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline(logX, logE, bc_type='natural')
def muRange(eKin):
# returns range in meters of standard rock for specified muon kinetic energy in GeV
return np.exp(xFromE(np.log(eKin*1000)))/rockDensity/100
def muEnergy(xRange):
# returns muon kinetic energy in GeV to penetrate specified range in meters of standard rock
return np.exp(eFromX(np.log(xRange*100*rockDensity)))/1000
def muPropagate(eStart, xDepth):
# returns the kinetic energy of a muon which starts with kinetic energy eStart after traveling xDepth meters of standard rock
fullRange = muRange(eStart)
if (fullRange <= xDepth):
return 0
return muEnergy(fullRange - xDepth)
def muSlant(eStart, xDepth, cosTheta):
# returns the kinetic energy of a muon which starts with kinetic energy eStart after penetrating to a depth xDepth in meters of standard rock
# cosTheta is the cosine(zenith angle); 1 = vertical downward, 0 = horizontal
if (cosTheta <= 0 or cosTheta > 1):
print("muSlant: cosTheta (", cosTheta, ") out of range; must be less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0")
return 0
fullRange = muRange(eStart)
slantDepth = xDepth/cosTheta
if (fullRange <= slantDepth):
return 0
return muEnergy(fullRange - slantDepth)
def getCosThetaCorrected(costh,P1=0.102573,P2=-0.068287,P3=0.958633,P4=0.0407253,P5=0.817285):
return sqrt(tn/td)
def dIdE(costh,Emu):
#From DayaBay paper, eqn2
#Takes cos(angle of incidence), a muon energy, and returns Flux(?)
return final
def keepit(val1,val2,disable=False): #For monte carlo reasons.
if disable: return True
else: return val1>val2
def getminE(costh): #gfun(x)
return muEnergy(fdepth/costh)
def dIdE_swap(Emu,costh): #func(y,x)
#From DayaBay paper, eqn2
#Takes cos(angle of incidence), a muon energy, and returns Flux(?)
return final
def getValforMC(Einit,costh,Edenom=0.09):
return (Einit**2.7)*dIdE(costh,Einit)/Edenom
def Rx(th=0):
#Rotate on x axis
(0,sin(th), cos(th))))
return Rx
def Rz(phi=0):
#Rotate on x axis
Rz = np.array(((cos(phi),-sin(phi),0),
(sin(phi), cos(phi),0),
return Rz
def Ry(psi=0):
#Rotate on x axis
Ry = np.array(((cos(psi),0,sin(psi)),
return Ry
def dot(M1,M2):
def getMom(E,m):
#assuming c=1
return sqrt(E**2-(m**2))
#def getRate(R,cthmin=0,cthmax=1,Emax=100000):
# a1,a2=dblquad(dIdE_swap,cthmin,cthmax,getminE,Emax)
# return a1*3.14*(R**2)*2*3.14
# Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration # Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
from FaserCosmicGenerator.cosmicSampler import CosmicSampler from FaserCosmicGenerator.cosmicSampler import CosmicSampler
import FaserCosmicGenerator.Range
import FaserCosmicGenerator.rockdata as rockdata
import numpy,scipy,math, random, ROOT
# Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration # Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
import ROOT,math,random import ROOT,math,random
from random import random
from math import pi,sin,cos,acos,sqrt
import FaserCosmicGenerator.Range as r
from numpy import array,add
import numpy as np
PI = math.pi
TWOPI = 2*math.pi PI = pi
TWOPI = 2*pi
from ParticleGun.samplers import Sampler, SampledParticle from ParticleGun.samplers import Sampler, SampledParticle
class CosmicSampler(Sampler): class CosmicSampler(Sampler):
"Cosmic ray sampler" "Cosmic ray sampler"
def __init__(self, maxMuonEnergyGeV = 10000, targetDepthMeters = 85, targetRadiusMm = 3000, thetaMinDegree = 0, thetaMaxDegree = 80): def __init__(self, maxMuonEnergyGeV = 10000, targetDepthMeters = 85, targetRadiusMm = 3500, thetaMinDegree = 0, thetaMaxDegree = 80, x0Mm = 0, y0Mm = 0, z0Mm = 150, chargeRatio = 1.27):
if thetaMinDegree > thetaMaxDegree : if thetaMinDegree > thetaMaxDegree :
return RuntimeError("thetaMin must be less than or equal to thetaMax") return RuntimeError("thetaMin must be less than or equal to thetaMax")
...@@ -20,22 +26,34 @@ class CosmicSampler(Sampler): ...@@ -20,22 +26,34 @@ class CosmicSampler(Sampler):
self.radiusCm = self.radiusMm/10 # used for calculating rates self.radiusCm = self.radiusMm/10 # used for calculating rates
self.cosThMax = math.cos(thetaMinDegree*PI/180) self.cosThMax = math.cos(thetaMinDegree*PI/180)
self.cosThMin = math.cos(thetaMaxDegree*PI/180) self.cosThMin = math.cos(thetaMaxDegree*PI/180)
self.x0 = x0Mm
self.y0 = y0Mm
self.z0 = z0Mm
self.chargeRatio = chargeRatio
# read range data # read range data
# compute rate # compute rate
def shoot(self): def shoot(self): #don't, though :(
# generate one event here # generate one event here
self.genPosition = ROOT.TLorentzVector() self.genPosition = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
self.genMomentum = ROOT.TLorentzVector() self.genMomentum = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
self.pdgCode = 13
CR=CosmicRay(sampler = self)
x, y, z = CR.pos
px, py, pz =
self.genPosition.SetXYZT(x + self.x0, y + self.y0, z + self.z0, 0)
# placeholders to test class structure - should create a vertically down 1 TeV mu- starting above the detector # placeholders to test class structure - should create a vertically down 1 TeV mu- starting above the detector
self.genPosition.SetY(self.radiusMm) ## self.genPosition.SetY(self.radiusMm)
self.genMomentum.SetPxPyPzE(0,-math.sqrt((1.0e6)**2-(105.71)**2),0,1.0e6) ## self.genMomentum.SetPxPyPzE(0,-math.sqrt((1.0e6)**2-(105.71)**2),0,1.0e6)
self.pdgCode = 13
# end placeholders # end placeholders
particles = [] particles = []
p = SampledParticle(self.pdgCode) p = SampledParticle( = self.genMomentum = self.genMomentum
p.pos = self.genPosition p.pos = self.genPosition
particles.append(p) particles.append(p)
...@@ -44,4 +62,95 @@ class CosmicSampler(Sampler): ...@@ -44,4 +62,95 @@ class CosmicSampler(Sampler):
def __call__(self): def __call__(self):
return self.shoot() return self.shoot()
class CosmicRay:
def __init__(self, sampler):
self.sampler=sampler #stores settings from Sampler class
self.mass=105.658 #MeV (muon)
self.Einit=0 #GeV
self.EiMeV=0 #MeV
self.Efinal=0 #GeV
self.EfMeV= 0 #MeV
self.direction=(0,0,0) #,0,0) #theta, radians
self.phi=0 #angle that particle approaches z (vertical) axis
self.costh=0 #cos(th)
self.mc_valid=False #monte carlo/keepit bool
self.deepEnough=False #Does particle reach ddepth?
def fill(self):
#Generate theta/energy combinations until a combo has enough energy to reach detector
while not self.deepEnough or not self.mc_valid:
Emin = r.muEnergy(self.sampler.depth)
self.genEnergy(Emin, self.sampler.maxEnergy)
self.deepEnough = self.checkDepth()
if r.keepit(r.getValforMC(self.Einit, self.costh), random()) and self.deepEnough:
self.Efinal = r.muSlant(self.Einit, self.sampler.depth, self.costh)
self.EfMeV = self.Efinal*1000
P = r.getMom(self.EfMeV + self.mass, self.mass)
self.genCoords( self.sampler.radiusMm )*array(self.direction)
if random() < self.sampler.chargeRatio / (self.sampler.chargeRatio + 1): = -13 # mu+
else: = 13 # mu-
def genCosTh(self):
def genEnergy(self, Emin, Emax, gamma=2.7):
#Generates initial kinetic energy of muon
self.EiMeV = self.Einit*1000
def getPtleDepth(self):
#Calculates how deep(vertically) a particle with Einit penetrates into earth
return mulength/self.costh
def setDepth(self):
#Calculates how deep(vertically) a particle with Einit penetrates into earth
return mulength*self.costh
def checkDepth(self):
return mudepth>=self.sampler.depth
def genCoords(self, R):
# Generate random polar coords on circle tangent to point of
# interception at angle theta
phi = TWOPI*random()
costheta = self.costh
sintheta = sqrt(1- costheta**2)
## Do rotation by hand
# v = array((cos(phi)*sintheta, sin(phi)*sintheta, -costheta))
v = array((sin(phi)*sintheta, -costheta, cos(phi)*sintheta))
r = sqrt(random()*R**2)
alpha = TWOPI*random()
ihat = np.cross(v, (1,0,0))
ihat = ihat/np.linalg.norm(ihat)
jhat = np.cross(ihat, v)
self.pos = r*cos(alpha)*ihat + r*sin(alpha)*jhat - sqrt(R**2-r**2)*v
#Rotation template,finalpos/np.linalg.norm(finalpos))
...@@ -134,4 +134,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": ...@@ -134,4 +134,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# #
# Execute and finish # Execute and finish
# #
sys.exit(int( sys.exit(int(
...@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ def FASEREnvelopeCfg(ConfigFlags, name="Faser", **kwargs): ...@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ def FASEREnvelopeCfg(ConfigFlags, name="Faser", **kwargs):
# kwargs.setdefault("dX", 16.0 * mm) # kwargs.setdefault("dX", 16.0 * mm)
# kwargs.setdefault("dY", 16.0 * mm) # kwargs.setdefault("dY", 16.0 * mm)
# kwargs.setdefault("dZ", 33.0 * mm) # kwargs.setdefault("dZ", 33.0 * mm)
kwargs.setdefault("dX", 600.0 * mm) kwargs.setdefault("dX", 4000.0 * mm)
kwargs.setdefault("dY", 600.0 * mm) kwargs.setdefault("dY", 4000.0 * mm)
kwargs.setdefault("dZ", 3000.0 * mm) kwargs.setdefault("dZ", 4000.0 * mm)
kwargs.setdefault("SubDetectors", SubDetectorList) kwargs.setdefault("SubDetectors", SubDetectorList)
Subproject commit 0154f6ecf8286f496911b42665d1a633edd5aca4 Subproject commit a6e556e2b868059d1ef34a5a63075ba1d31c7e6c
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