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Commit d4204323 authored by Dave Casper's avatar Dave Casper
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Skeleton for cosmic generator module

parent efe8197e
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# Package: FaserCosmicGenerator
# Declare the package name:
atlas_subdir( FaserCosmicGenerator )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
Faser cosmic-ray generator
Documentation goes here...
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
from FaserCosmicGenerator.cosmicSampler import CosmicSampler
# Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
import ROOT,math,random
PI = math.pi
TWOPI = 2*math.pi
from ParticleGun.samplers import Sampler, SampledParticle
class CosmicSampler(Sampler):
"Cosmic ray sampler"
def __init__(self, maxMuonEnergyGeV = 10000, targetDepthMeters = 85, targetRadiusMm = 3000, thetaMinDegree = 0, thetaMaxDegree = 80):
if thetaMinDegree > thetaMaxDegree :
return RuntimeError("thetaMin must be less than or equal to thetaMax")
self.maxEnergy = maxMuonEnergyGeV
self.depth = targetDepthMeters
self.radiusMm = targetRadiusMm # used for generating start position
self.radiusCm = self.radiusMm/10 # used for calculating rates
self.cosThMax = math.cos(thetaMinDegree*PI/180)
self.cosThMin = math.cos(thetaMaxDegree*PI/180)
# read range data
# compute rate
def shoot(self):
# generate one event here
self.genPosition = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
self.genMomentum = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
# placeholders to test class structure - should create a vertically down 1 TeV mu- starting above the detector
self.pdgCode = 13
# end placeholders
particles = []
p = SampledParticle(self.pdgCode) = self.genMomentum
p.pos = self.genPosition
return particles
def __call__(self):
return self.shoot()
#!/usr/bin/env python
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import sys
import GaudiPython
import ParticleGun as PG
from FaserCosmicGenerator import CosmicSampler
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import *
from AthenaCommon.Logging import log, logging
from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import TeV
from AthenaCommon.PhysicalConstants import pi
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, INFO
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
from CalypsoConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
from CalypsoConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolReadConfig import PoolReadCfg
from McEventSelector.McEventSelectorConfig import McEventSelectorCfg
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
from FaserGeoModel.FaserGeoModelConfig import FaserGeometryCfg
from G4FaserAlg.G4FaserAlgConfigNew import G4FaserAlgCfg
from G4FaserServices.G4FaserServicesConfigNew import G4GeometryNotifierSvcCfg
# Set up logging and new style config
Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = True
# Input settings (Generator file)
# from AthenaConfiguration.TestDefaults import defaultTestFiles
# ConfigFlags.Input.Files = defaultTestFiles.EVNT
# Alternatively, these must ALL be explicitly set to run without an input file
# (if missing, it will try to read metadata from a non-existent file and crash)
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = [""]
ConfigFlags.Input.isMC = True
ConfigFlags.Input.RunNumber = 12345
ConfigFlags.Input.Collections = [""]
ConfigFlags.Input.ProjectName = "mc19"
ConfigFlags.Common.isOnline = False
ConfigFlags.Beam.Type = "collisions"
ConfigFlags.Beam.Energy = 7*TeV # Informational, does not affect simulation
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.FaserVersion = "FASER-01" # Always needed
ConfigFlags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = "OFLCOND-XXXX-XXX-XX" # Always needed; only the OFLCOND part matters
# Workaround for bug/missing flag; unimportant otherwise
ConfigFlags.addFlag("Input.InitialTimeStamp", 0)
# Workaround to avoid problematic ISF code
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.Layout = "Development"
# Output settings
ConfigFlags.Output.HITSFileName = "cosmics.HITS.pool.root"
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.GeoExportFile = "faserGeo.db" # Optional dump of geometry for browsing in vp1light
# Geometry-related settings
# Do not change!
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateVeto = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryVeto = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateTrigger= True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryTrigger= True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulatePreshower = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryPreshower = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateFaserSCT = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryFaserSCT = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateUpstreamDipole = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateCentralDipole = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.SimulateDownstreamDipole = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryUpstreamDipole = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryCentralDipole = True
ConfigFlags.Detector.GeometryDownstreamDipole = True
ConfigFlags.GeoModel.Align.Dynamic = False
ConfigFlags.Sim.ReleaseGeoModel = False
# All flags should be set before calling lock
# Construct ComponentAccumulator
acc = MainServicesCfg(ConfigFlags)
# Particle Gun generator (comment out to read generator file)
# Raw energies (without units given) are interpreted as MeV
pg = PG.ParticleGun()
pg.McEventKey = "GEN_EVENT"
pg.randomSeed = 123456
pg.sampler = CosmicSampler()
acc.addEventAlgo(pg, "AthBeginSeq") # to run *before* G4
# Only one of these two should be used in a given job
# (MCEventSelectorCfg for generating events with no input file,
# PoolReadCfg when reading generator data from an input file)
# acc.merge(PoolReadCfg(ConfigFlags))
# Output stream configuration
], disableEventTag=True))
acc.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamHITS").AcceptAlgs = ["G4FaserAlg"] # optional
acc.getEventAlgo("OutputStreamHITS").WritingTool.ProcessingTag = "StreamHITS" # required
# Here is the configuration of the Geant4 pieces
acc.addService(G4GeometryNotifierSvcCfg(ConfigFlags, ActivateLVNotifier=True))
# Verbosity
# ConfigFlags.dump()
# logging.getLogger('forcomps').setLevel(VERBOSE)
# acc.foreach_component("*").OutputLevel = VERBOSE
# acc.foreach_component("*ClassID*").OutputLevel = INFO
# acc.getService("StoreGateSvc").Dump=True
# acc.getService("ConditionStore").Dump=True
# acc.printConfig()
# Execute and finish
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