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Release for derivation production, see ATLASDPD-1901

# Release notes for release/24.0.1
The release [release/24.0.1](
was built from the tag [nightly/master/2023-04-04T2101](

This is the list of merge requests that were included since
the previous release [release/24.0.0](
 * !62103 : VDV execute method DEBUG only
 * !62102 : JiveXML: Remove centos9 CMake check
 * !61590 : add NN variables for Zee vertex studies in Rel24
 * !62099 : AthenaPoolMultiTest: fix unit tests
 * !62089 : AthenaServices: fix AthenaOutputStream unit test
 * !62031 : AssociationUtils initialization fix for dual-use usage
 * !62094 : AthenaPoolTest: fix unit tests for next Gaudi version
 * !62088 : Sweeping !62082 from 21.6 to master.
 * !62098 : Update to version 23.6.11 for AthGeneration
 * !62092 : AthExThinning: unit test fixes
 * !62030 : Force JetContainer name in NNJvt tool for JetJvtEfficiency tool
 * !62055 : AF3: use IDCaloBoundary for extrapolation, improve CaloSurface list, suppress warnings
 * !61869 : GPU Calorimeter Reconstruction - Now With Splitter and Moments
 * !62051 : Fast insert for ACTS clusters
 * !62063 : Daily sweep of 23.0 to master
 * !62070 : Restore detection of AuxStore based on type Property
 * !62083 : Remove TPhotonEfficiency code as basically it ended up being a thin wrapper of the TElectronEfficiency
 * !62069 : Athena: add auth_get_sso_cookie
 * !62056 : Update Powheg version to 06-01
 * !61621 : Enable all signatures except jet and ID by default in HLT monitoring at T0
 * !62032 : Clean-up BoostedJetTaggers for dual-use usage
 * !62044 : Update histogram exclusions for DQ ART tests
 * !62011 : Fast Chain: Fixes for running simulation and pile-up digitization in a single job
 * !62017 : Manual Sweep of !61962 from master to 23.0
 * !62028 : NSW pad trigger: demote INFO to DEBUG for safety
 * !62034 : Fix reading EventInfoAux::eventNumber (long long vs int64_t)
 * !61984 : Add a flag to save all pixel hits
 * !62020 : Update GenEvent.h -- use references in suggest_barcode
 * !62024 : Add ntuple-dumper for LArADC2MeV
 * !62026 : Allow mass as jet level input for Flavour Tagging
 * !62046 : NnClusterizationFactory : reserve and reduce a bit verbosity
 * !62049 : 2023-04-01: daily merge of 23.0 into master
 * !62047 : [ATR-26912] Updates for BKee triggers
 * !62006 : Allow DigitizationTests to access 23.0-specific reference files (ATLASSIM-6446)
 * !62038 : Duplicate DL1d chains in combined slice to use GN1 tagger
 * !62012 : ATR-27212 - Minor Menu Fixes for Day 1 2023 Menu
 * !62014 : TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool partial support for e17_lhvloose_L1EM15VHI
 * !61880 : Bump Acts Tag to v24.0.0
 * !61968 : Externals Update, master branch (2023.03.30.)
 * !62025 : Sweeping !62005 from 21.6 to master.
 * !62029 : SUSYTools - Update Recs Muons
 * !62010 : Better error catch in egammaLayerRecalib (master)
 * !62016 : AnalysisTop: Update muon recommendations
 * !62015 : AnalysisTop: Update MET recommendations
 * !61988 : Clean up of CvtParametersBase
 * !62013 : MET Trigger Monitoring updates in line with 2023 menu,
 * !61993 : master PowhegControl: adding new processes Scalar and Vector LeptoQuark Drell-Yan production DY_SLQ and DY_VLQ - AGENE-2180
 * !61983 : Updated tracking CA flags: useBeamSpotInfoNN + nnCutLargeD0Threshold + useBroadClusterErrors
 * !61974 : Cleanup code related to HepMC
 * !61991 : TrkDriftCircleMath DCSLFitter cleanup (rm cout, rm un-needed virtual, reserve vector
 * !61992 : CaloIdentifier: Avoid some ExpandedIdentifier copies.
 * !61997 : RecExTB: Fix cppcheck warnings.
 * !61998 : ZdcAnalysis: Fix cppcheck warnings.
 * !61999 : AthAllocators: Use std type_traits.
 * !61864 : Added ToT information from pixel SPs
 * !61989 : Add Iso and Trigger key properties in the example Alg
 * !61981 : Update HIGG1D1 derivation for Upgrade
 * !62004 : Fix technical issue with write out of lhe preamble AGENE-2156
 * !61963 : 2023-03-31: merge of 23.0 into master
 * !62007 : ATR-27013
 * !62008 : Adding monitoring groups to some Express stream chains - ATR-27208
 * !61976 : ID Trigger monitoring in the CA
 * !61958 : [FTAG] add flipped GNN taggers to output and fix flipping logic
 * !61965 : Save pixel width in Pixel Cluster EDM
 * !61954 : RNTuple fixes - writing dynamic attribs and setting compression
 * !61962 : Decouple MetaData configuration for DAODs
 * !61964 : Switch Ringer to run 3
 * !61977 : fix a bug where the muon punch through simulation overestimate the number of punch-through particles
 * !61970 : reduce cloneAndReplace calls and check inflags for sanity
 * !61951 : Use static empty link in the SiTotalCharge class
 * !61969 : TileMonitoring: Check if threads argument is None (default value) before using it
 * !61918 : Migrate precision SA muon sequnce to CA
 * !61957 : getCompatibleSurfaces : tidy up a bit the code
 * !61959 : Si combinatorial track finder xk reserve
 * !61694 : VP1TrackSystems: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61721 : Remove overwrite for split-level of dynamic aux store
 * !61966 : Fix unmerged CA in TrigT1ResultByteStream + L1CaloFEX + L1Topo
 * !61345 : Fix Sector overlap issue in TrigL2MuonSA
 * !61915 : TrigEgammaMonitoring - Adjustments to avoid invalid arithmetic operations
 * !61956 : Update TrigHTTSGToRawHitsTool.cxx to use the canonical form of looping over...
 * !61961 : Adding deleted useGPU flag setting back into FTF config
 * !61960 : Add missing plots for ACTS CKF ART test
 * !61946 : Add CA-based version of CollectionMerger configuration tests
 * !61952 : Update SiCharge.cxx with the hope that short-circuiting will work and...
 * !61686 : Change find to rfind starting at 0 (small optimisation)
 * !61945 : Faster handling of rdo list for both Pixel and Strip cluster EDMs
 * !61929 : SUSYTools - Update METsyst
 * !61948 : Improving decoding logic for TP L1As
 * !61931 : Adding Perf Mon into Standalone L1Topo JO
 * !61755 : Narrowscan code urge fix ATR-19376
 * !61922 : TrigNavSlimmingMT: fix legacy flags usage
 * !61938 : added Phase-I version of several jet chains, ATR-27206
 * !61923 : 23.0-cleanup-PixelCalibAlgs
 * !61925 : minor fix in variable name in TileCal calibration ntuple
 * !61950 : CaloRec: Avoid using CompFactory with old style configurable sequences
 * !61949 : TileMonitoring: Add possibility to monitor timing with CIS events in the gap
 * !61937 : Try to use references in the InnerDetector
 * !61934 : Clean up of IDPVM CA configs
 * !61933 : Update CMakeLists.txt: added missing find_package( Boost)
 * !61932 : TileConditions+TileConfiguration+TileRecUtils: Add possibility to ignore online channel status
 * !61928 : [ATLASRECTS-7450] Cleaned up JetFitterTag code
 * !61926 : Read and decor handles for TruthIsolationTool
 * !61916 : Fix Taus using legacy flags
 * !61677 : Write additional tracks from ACTS refitting to output ESD/AOD files
 * !61944 : Update AthGeneration version.txt to 23.6.10
 * !61940 : ATR-27081 - fix chain merging for mu_mu_munoL1
 * !61935 : 2023-03-28: merge 23.0 into master
 * !61175 : MET Handling of Low Pt Electrons
 * !61924 : ATR-26014 Temporary fix, split paired bunches into trains
 * !61920 : SCTErrMonAlg: fix legacy flags usage
 * !61921 : LArCoverageAlg: fix legacy config usage
 * !61919 : Fix legacy flags usage in RegSelToolConfig
 * !61917 : EGammaCommonCfg: fix usage of legacy flags
 * !61906 : Extend Range for Hits In Third Time Bin variable
 * !61909 : reduce range for timing plots in the ACTS seeding monitoring
 * !61890 : NSW pad trigger: fix bug of double assignment
 * !61838 : Use more access by const reference in Simulation
 * !61912 : MET Reco: workaround to avoid unmerged CA
 * !61913 : DFCommonTruthClassificationToolCfg: fix unmerged CA
 * !61777 : Hopefully circumvent default Roi Z width change for the LRT lepton chains
 * !61875 : MuonRPC_CnvTools - Simplify the internal State cache to hopefully address MT issues in the trigger
 * !61908 : Update standalone tests to run on new data22 python files.
 * !61911 : cleanup of MBTS streamers duplication, ATR-27207
 * !61886 : EvtGen_i CMake Fix, 23.0 branch (2023.03.27.)
 * !61897 : CxxUtils: Fix glibc test.
 * !61898 : AtlasHepMC:  Missing const qualifier.
 * !61899 : DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: Fix setting of decorator keys.
 * !61900 : HIEventUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
 * !61901 : MdtCalibT0: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61902 : MdtCalibRt: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61903 : CA-based configuration for AthenaMtesEventLoopMgr
 * !61894 : Do not use flags in PixelGeoDB
 * !61895 : Remove more SLHC references in the config
 * !61878 : [ATLSWUPGR-187] Update TriggerSlimmingHelper to ignore files with no trigger payload
 * !61884 : Separate legacy and phase 1 triggers in data quality web display
 * !61893 : Fix syntax error in
 * !61891 : add CA based config for some NSW cluster reconstruction tools
 * !61904 : TrigTauRec and TrigTauHypo: count tracks above 1.5 GeV in perf, adjust DeepSet ID WP
 * !61879 : FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation: Update configurable property syntax
 * !61856 : migrated particleCreatorTools
 * !61836 : Fixing jFEX input data decoder crash.
 * !61881 : ISF_ValidationMT: Switch AthenaMP simulation ART tests to use a single IoV
 * !61533 : Add flags to speed up menu generation
 * !61626 : Start of ZDC CA trf
 * !61896 : 2023-03-27: merge 23.0 into master
 * !61882 : Added streamers for NSW_MONITOR, ATR-27143
 * !61779 : fix rare error from isolation correction when eta==2.5
 * !61726 : Add configuration code to test G4Region changes discussed in ATLASSIM-6426
 * !61828 : MET Association: workaround to avoid unmerged CA
 * !61834 : MdtCablingTest - Steer JSON file dump
 * !61837 : Activate SimExoticsTests ART jobs for the 23.0 branch
 * !61842 : RecJobTransforms: Add MetaData to CA based AODMerge
 * !61843 : TrfTestsART: Require exactly the same branches in the AODMerge test
 * !61847 : AthAllocators: gcc12 warning.
 * !61848 : Identifier: Suppress gcc12 false positive.
 * !61849 : CxxUtils: Clean up more cppcheck warnings.
 * !61850 : GeneratorObjects: Fix thread-safety checker warning.
 * !61852 : RootAuxDynIO: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61851 : ZdcAnalysis: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
 * !61868 : MuonConfig - Remove T0 warning for cosmics
 * !61870 : Fast Chain: Fixes for running simulation and MC overlay in a single job
 * !61872 : Reduce number of C-like casts in ACTS Pixel Space Point Formation
 * !61413 : Config enhancement
 * !61863 : Set lastref_dir for ACTS Seeding ART test
 * !61835 : Muon Momentum correction for Data 2022
 * !61873 : PreExec to use flags instead of ConfigFlags
 * !61860 : ambitrackselectiontool from CA
 * !61846 : jFEX Jet calibration back - only eta dependent
 * !61845 : fixing phi range from -pi to pi
 * !61758 : Migration of tag and probe chains to CA
 * !61853 : Migrate NSWPRDValAlg to CA config
 * !61855 : H5: Add short and unsigned short output types
 * !61858 : gFEX rounding input data issue
 * !61877 : Fixing some chains beloging to the Express stream
 * !61862 : TriggerEgamma: Resolving HI isuue in the latest nightly
 * !60809 : More detailed debug printout for ActsTrkFinding
 * !61866 : Phi Range definition from -pi to +pi instead of 0 to 2pi
 * !61865 : Max 20 events for ACTS ART test
 * !61861 : B-physics trigger: add noringer version for BeeX (ATR-27201)
 * !61859 : 2023-03-26: merge 23.0 into master
 * !61854 : solve issue on ACTS CKF ART test
 * !61807 : Update to LCG_102b_ATLAS_15
 * !61840 : Modifying JetTriggerEfficiencyMonitoring Algorithm for Phase 1 Triggers
 * !61682 : MdtCalibSvc: Fix cppcheck warnings.
 * !61582 : MDT Cabling - Add JSON loader
 * !61747 : Use ReaderFactory for the ascii file input
 * !61786 : 23.0-coverity-LArROD
 * !61787 : 23.0-coverity-LArRawEvent
 * !61831 : Use access by reference in TruthEtIsolation
 * !61824 : Muon(Combined)Config: fix unmerged CAs
 * !61826 : Update RIG ART Tests
 * !61816 : InDetRecStatistics: Clean up thread-safety annotations.
 * !61814 : PixelCalibAlgs: Fix clang warning.
 * !61812 : fix to work with absolute path to top-script
 * !61806 : xAODBTaggingEfficiency: Fix clang warning.
 * !61805 : LArCalibUtils: Fix clang warning.
 * !61803 : InDetRecStatistics: Fix / suppress cppcheck warnings.
 * !61802 : InDetTrackClusterAssValidation: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61801 : BCM_CollisionTime: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61799 : StoreGate: Forward-declare DataStore.
 * !61798 : MuonNSWCommonDecode: cmake fix
 * !61795 : CLIDComps: Deprecated boost::filesystem function.
 * !61810 : Including inefficiency plots and protection against precale rates
 * !61830 : 2023-03-24: merge 23.0 into master
 * !61818 : GeneratorObjects: c++20 fix
 * !61819 : MuonCablingData: Fix compilation with gcc13.
 * !61813 : AFP Webdisplay - ToF post-processed histograms
 * !61817 : PixelReadoutGeometry: Suppress cppcheck warnings.
 * !61833 : DirectIO: disable q443 tests in master branch
 * !61780 : LLP stau to neutralino special configuration options
 * !61808 : SUSYTools AF3 PRW
 * !61789 : Resolve ATLTAU-1818
 * !61832 : Broken acts art tests
 * !61788 : Define ATLAS_REFERENCE_DATA for failing DigitizationTestsMT
 * !61763 : Duplicate DL1d chains in bjet slice to use GN1 tagger
 * !61809 : TrigInDetValidation: remove tracktwoMVABDT tau chains
 * !61800 : Update dead material correction arithmetic to better match firmware implementation
 * !61796 : runHLT_standalone: remove useOnlineLumi Modifier
 * !61793 : Fix unmerged CA in ID trig configs
 * !61792 : revisit scheduling of SiDetElementsRoadCondAlg and general cleanup
 * !61711 : Fix LAr DP tools
 * !61431 : Step by step implementation of CA in photon (this one targets wrapping of precisionCalo step)
 * !61823 : TrigTauHypo: add property to count tracks above pt threshold in the perf step
 * !61542 : Modifying JetTriggerEfficiencyMonitoring Algorithm for Phase 1 Triggers
 * !61769 : Remove unused lexical_cast headers
 * !61493 : Configuration clean-up for Frozen Showers and Woodcock tracking
 * !61790 : Extend release notes script to sweeps
 * !61811 : Externals Update, master branch (2023.03.23.)
 * !61739 : DirectIOART: add AthenaMT remote read tests
 * !61713 : Changing how FTF can be run as an offline algorithm for ITk
 * !61822 : ActsTrkEvent: Template fix.
 * !61580 : Centralize LLP electron ID configuration
 * !61670 : FastChainPileup: Save log files from ART jobs and fix regression tests
 * !61699 : add FTAG3 for g->bb calibration (AFT-637)
 * !61785 : Remove online and RDOtoBS tests, which have failed regularly for many years.
 * !61781 : LArROD: Add std scope to fix build failure on AlmaLinux9
 * !61756 : Migrate mc18 HI test to mc21, using ttbar and removing hijing from HITtoRDO step.
 * !61733 : Updated pixel cluster splitting CA flags
 * !61784 : ATR-27116: use the same flatindex for AlfaCtpin and LegacyTopoMerged in L1/Base/
 * !61268 : Support compilation against Geant4 11.0 and 11.1
 * !61368 : Restructuring the CA MetaData Configuration
 * !61571 : schedule new FTAG algorithm trainings in derivations, remove outdated VR trainings
 * !61731 : Minor updates in TileRawChannelBuilderFitFilter and TileAANtuple
 * !61774 : Another attempt to fix beamspot decoration
 * !61775 : MuonCondTest -- Add cabling tests for Run 2 MC
 * !61778 : Updating input RDO to fix ITK trigger test
 * !61783 : DerivationFrameworkLLP: Fix clang15 compilation error
 * !61685 : Solving circular dependency and clean up
 * !61603 : Changing L2CaloEgamma to CA configuration as a pre step to even more migration
 * !61760 : Use Pixel ID Helper to decode Pixel clusters
 * !61725 : GeneratorFilters: Update
 * !61782 : 2023-03-23: merge of 23.0 into master
 * !61716 : [ATR-24310] Adding full trigger payload to DAOD_PHYSVAL, migration to CA derivations
 * !61751 : renamed the phase-I tau TAndP chains seeded by elec
 * !61679 : ISF_PunchThroughTools - Adjust PCA to accept splitting by pdgId and eta groupings
 * !61771 : CxxUtils: Fix bug in including features.h
 * !61770 : Remove unused boost string headers
 * !61759 : Use const reference in TruthClosureCheck
 * !61750 : Removed the unused boost headers/libraries from SGTools. The tests still use boost
 * !61730 : Remove boost from ALPHA
 * !61704 : Fix problem in GlobalVariables - the FCAL C binning was a copy of the A-side...
 * !61772 : Fix unmerged CA in MCTBFitterCfg
 * !61743 : Drop kwargs from Tracking CA configs: SiClusterizationTool
 * !61768 : Remove unused boost/foreach.hpp header
 * !61773 : Trigger+Muon: fix unmerged CAs in unit tests
 * !60557 : Conflicts:
 * !61657 : Idtrig ca migration trig fast track finder config
 * !61655 : update remaining xi2max settings to flags
 * !61702 : DirectIOART: temporary fix RDO input athena tests
 * !61671 : Implementation of non-currently-supported decays in gg4l process via change of pdg ID in LHE files AGENE-2156
 * !61709 : Removing nightly ITk trigger test from 23.0
 * !61715 : PrescalingTool: clean CPS groups before starting a run
 * !61753 : Migration of legacy EM seeded items to Phase 1 eEM seeded - EGamma chains ATR-27156
 * !61672 : InDetOverlay: Suppress cppcheck warnings.
 * !61644 : Remove boost from ISF_Fatras
 * !61645 : Remove boost from Reconstruction/RecoTools
 * !61646 : Remove boost from ZDC
 * !61647 : Use standard header instead of tr1
 * !61648 : Remove boost from EventUtils
 * !61675 : Fix shared hits
 * !61649 : Remove boost from JetTileCorrection
 * !61650 : Removed boost from AtlasGeomentryCommon
 * !61652 : Reduced the usage of boost in ForwardDetectors/ForwardTracker
 * !61661 : TrkJetVxFitter: Fix cppcheck warnings.
 * !61667 : 23.0-coverity-MuonSTGC_CnvTools
 * !61680 : DerivationFrameworkBPhys: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61683 : AsgTesting: Suppress cppcheck warnings.
 * !61687 : Make remapping isDefaults possible
 * !61729 : Fix unmerged CA in MCTBExtrapolatorCfg
 * !61691 : [ATLASRECTS-7545] avoid dividing by zero
 * !61701 : TrfTestsART: Introduce test with hybrid MT/MP and CA reco
 * !61714 : Simplify InDetPerfPlot_Resolution::getPlots
 * !61700 : Updated InDet CA config for disabled TRT
 * !61705 : 23.0-coverity-MuonMM_CnvTools
 * !61722 : Fix unmerged condition algorithm in ITkGlobalChi2FitterBaseCfg
 * !61728 : Fix unmerged CA in EMParticleCaloExtensionToolCfg
 * !61692 : VP1AODSystems: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61696 : TrkTrackCollectionMerger: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61695 : TRT_SeededSpacePointFinderTool+TRT_SeededTrackFinderTool: Fix cppcheck warning.
 * !61734 : Add possibility to specify NSW as-built conditions from ascii file
 * !61744 : Remove boost from McParticleUtils
 * !61746 : Remove boost from FastCaloSim
 * !61732 : Reduce the usage of barcodes
 * !61611 : better binning for legacy and new L1Calo EM/TAU in HLTSeeding histograms (ATR-26373)
 * !61681 : runHLT_standalone: remove 25ns modifier
 * !61669 : TrigEDMChecker: configure TrigDecisionTool
 * !61409 : Interactive athena with the ComponentAccumulator
 * !60256 : Adding Phase1 L1TopoRawDataContainer into TriggerEDMRun3

Link to the full diff between [release/24.0.1]( and
is available at