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Pull mirroring updated .
- Nov 26, 2016
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* loosened TRT precision hit fraction cut to recover TRT extension efficiency (ATLASRECTS-3526). * Update minSecondaryTRTPrecFrac to 0.3 * Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-08-02 2016-11-18 Goetz Gaycken * loosened TRT precision hit fraction cut to recover TRT extension efficiency (ATLASRECTS-3526). * Tuning of TRT PID to get good efficiency and fake rate up to a mu of 60 (ATLASRECTS-2102, obo Kerstin Tackman, Ludovica Aperio Bella). Former-commit-id: 96684f16b35f4969c505bf67d68fcf303feb33eb
Peter Kluit authored
* Fix badly ordered MuGirl Small-Large segments ATLASRECTS-3710 * Tagging MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools-00-01-05 2016-11-24 Peter Kluit * Fix badly ordered MuGirl segments ATLASRECTS-3710 * they cause problems in the iPatFitter * The change is under jo: ReOrderMeasurements (default true) * Tagging MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools-00-01-04 2016-09-01 scott snyder <> * Tagging MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools-00-01-03. * Fix clang warnings. Former-commit-id: 04156d4d84e70245182b40f7ebaa274aa943c785
Peter Kluit authored
* Fix for double material in front of first MS hit ATLASRECTS-3710 * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-01-16 2016-11-11 Jochen Meyer * cleaning up configuration * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-01-15 Former-commit-id: b3d327df59bff8c0c041e1af9c59f66f1e0e39ca
Christos Anastopoulos authored
* Tagging MCTruthClassifier-00-01-53-01 * Obo Zach * Attempting to add some catches for Pythia8 prompt photon samples that * previously resulted in unclassified photons 2016-10-19 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Taught the package how to build in standalone mode with CMake. * Removed the executable flag from the source files of the package. * Made testClassifier work correctly, and without warnings on new MC files. (That may have a split level of 0 for their auxiliary stores.) * Tagging as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-53 2016-10-10 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Tagging MCTruthClassifier-00-01-52. * More coverity warnings Former-commit-id: 701f8593bf01cc822510bc5d3710e0811db5d18b
Peter Kluit authored
* fix FPE ATLASRECTS-3710 * src/iPatFitter.cxx * always call addLeadingMaterial * src/MaterialAllocator.cxx * check reordering in the radial and z distance * remove couts * tag as TrkiPatFitter-02-08-11 2016-11-02 Peter Kluit * fix CMakeList and requirements ATLASRECTS-3653 * MaterialAllocator.cxx remove cout and degrade WARNING (spectrometerMaterial: ALARM no) to DEBUG * tag as TrkiPatFitter-02-08-10 Former-commit-id: 96ea6f54113e2df7911a8453ef921599a3dce167
Edward Moyse authored
* Attempt to fix ATLASRECTS-3711 - don't do pointless copy * MuonEventAthenaPool-00-32-06 Former-commit-id: dcf2a280d0a07e37d705c26ab0bd1d50aa98ee23
Edward Moyse authored
* Fixing ATLASRECTS-3711 (make convertors friends) * Tagging MuonRDO-01-06-07 Former-commit-id: a62ba5d2
Ljiljana Morvaj authored
* adding tighter 3EM triggers to L1 & HLT (ATR-15445) * affects physics and mc in v6,v7 * associated with TriggerMenuXML-04-02-75 * TriggerMenu-00-20-80 2016-11-22 Elisabetta Pianori * adding Global Sequential Calibration to jet and b-jet triggers (ATR-13434) * affects physics and mc in v7 * TriggerMenu-00-20-79 2016-11-22 Daniele Zanzi * new mu+tau and 2tau+met for 2017 (ATR-15448) * affects physics and mc in v6,v7 * associated with TriggerMenuXML-04-02-72 * TriggerMenu-00-20-78 2016-11-21 Emma Torro * fix for frequent warnings in TrigBjetHypo in Physics pp v7 (ATR-13952) * Affects Physics pp v7 * TriggerMenu-00-20-77 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d18f233be9ea5d7153a575c6afa025ce70913754
Ljiljana Morvaj authored
* adding tighter 3EM triggers to L1 & HLT (ATR-15445) * affects physics and mc in v6,v7 * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-80 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-75 2016-11-22 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * scripts/ Remove '***' in printout (ATR-15546) * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-74 * Delete the following pre-Run1 L1 XML files: L1MenuM5.xml L1MenuM4.xml L1MenuM6.xml ChainTagMap.xml L1Menu_Cosmics_M7.xml L1Menu_Cosmics_20080703.xml L1Menu_Cosmics_20080729.xml LVL1config_SingleBeam_v1_7-bit_trigger_types_20080905.xml LVL1config_SingleBeam_v1_3-bit_trigger_types_20080905.xml LVL1config_SingleBeam_v1_7-bit_trigger_types_20080913.xml ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 445d884ca9014fcf4bcd498b1ee25ffbdb1ffda7
Jochen Meyer authored
* don't initialize RefitTool with AlignmentErrorTool for Run 1 * Tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-17 2016-11-20 Jochen Meyer * add loading of alignment nuisance parameters for track fit to MuonAlignConfig * Tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-16 2016-10-13 scott snyder <> * Tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-15. * python/ Do not run xAODTrackingCnvAlg if ID is off. (Fixing RecExRecoTest_TestConfiguration#muon ATN test failure.) Former-commit-id: 676cf5286292ff3eafe9e7d6ab2f8b5afb808315
Vadim Kostyukhin authored
* Correct output of the multi-vertex finder * InDetVKalVxInJetTool-00-08-12 2016-11-15 Vadim Kostyukhin <> * Retuning of the pseudo-vertex finder * InDetVKalVxInJetTool-00-08-11 2016-11-09 Vadim Kostyukhin <> * For R>Beampipe Signif3D>20 * SVResolution=0 * Return for L1 in Check2TrVertexInPixel * InDetVKalVxInJetTool-00-08-10 2016-10-24 Vadim Kostyukhin <> * Correct error in re-fitting of pseudo-vertices * InDetVKalVxInJetTool-00-08-09 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 3f8791b199b0af6ce78bd0780157594937b1fe7a
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* modules/Findtdaq.cmake: Fix of the tdaq RPM dependency * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-07 2016-11-22 Johannes Elmsheuser <> * Findtdaq.cmake port new RPM naming schema from trunk * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-06 2016-11-08 OAna Boeriu <> * Moved the dbg option outside of the for-loop * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-05 2016-11-08 Oana Boeriu <> * Added new UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer output to dbg platform builds option - OBO Stewart Martin-Haugh * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-04 Former-commit-id: 026d8381c2cb96877b782f46efe8943a3e5587e8
Jochen Meyer authored
* attempt to fix memory leak (ATLASRECTS-3620) * Tagging as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-46 2016-11-15 Jochen Meyer * small tube radius also for BMG * Tagging as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-45 2016-11-13 Jochen Meyer * change default min value for angleError to 0.000001 and fix typo * Tagging as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-44 2016-11-11 Jochen Meyer * one station tracks do not have AEOTs -> do not issue WARNING if missing * Tagging as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-43 2016-11-01 Jochen Meyer * attempt to fix memory leak (ATLASRECTS-3622) * Tagging as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-42 Former-commit-id: 3d037bea82c9355d3bc2df413591d485d09d6858
Fernando Monticelli authored
* Updated L2 cuts with optimized selection * Tagging TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-75 2016-11-19 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-74. * endreq -> endmsg. 2016-11-18 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-73. * src/TrigEFPhotonHypo.cxx: Add missing using declaration. 2016-10-24 Ryan White <> * merged electron triggers * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-72 Former-commit-id: b183542a1e61c0c94299eb93f9354d742706bfa1
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
2016-11-22 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Fixed the package so that the MemoryTracker soft links would both be created in a more platform independent way than before, and that they would even be installed properly. * Removed the executable flag from all the source files. * Tagging as Hephaestus-00-06-34 2016-09-15 scott snyder <> * Tagging Hephaestus-00-06-33. * Coverity 111428. 2016-09-13 scott snyder <> * Tagging Hephaestus-00-06-32. * Fix compilation warning. 2016-08-26 scott snyder <> * Tagging Hephaestus-00-06-31. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 860af368012bc8b0bbad786c4a09acc78b519118
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* Fixing Random Genenrators for Bichsel model: ATLASRECTS-3738 * Tagging PixelDigitization-02-03-22. 2016-11-19 scott snyder <> * Tagging PixelDigitization-02-03-21. * endreq -> endmsg. 2016-11-17 John Chapman <> * python/ (PixelOverlayDigitizationTool): Specify output StorGate instance for RDOCollNameSPM. ATLASSIM-3026 * Tagged as PixelDigitization-02-03-20 2016-11-02 John Chapman <> * python/ (PixelOverlayDigitizationTool): Specify output StoreGate instance in RDOCollName and SDOCollName properties - necessary now that these are configuring WriteHandles. obo Tatyana Kharlamova. ATLASSIM-3026 * Taggged as PixelDigitization-02-03-19 Former-commit-id: 8b93a66d5f7fcf4ab11766d8bf5684ad0bfd07a4
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Delete large and obsolete files: effrej_l2_ef.C effrej_l2_ef.eps effrej_l2star.eps effrej_l2star_zoom.eps * Tagging TrigBjetHypo-02-02-02 Former-commit-id: 6d2ea6e0f0872e29143775ed87a0eb19800f86a4
Shaun Roe authored
* Fix Memory leak in the hit decorator, spotted by Goetz * tag as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-33 2016-11-21 Liza Mijovic * modified .xml files for hit efficiency plots 2016-11-20 Shaun Roe * fix naming convention warnings in nightly * tag as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-32 2016-11-19 Liza Mijovic * modified share/InDetPVMPlotDefCommon.xml: * * keep only common ITK+Run2 histograms * * improved histo ranges * added share/InDetPVMPlotDefRun2.xml with Run2 specific histograms * * not yet used/enabled in Run2 jobOptions, as not yet final 2016-11-18 Max Baugh * Made a few minor changes, eliminated some junk 2016-11-18 Shaun Roe * bug fix: 'back()' being called on empty 'prospects' container in IDPVMTool.cxx ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 999fedb9fbaacdc021d7efb2f79a02979e3bec56
Pavol Strizenec authored
* switching off dumper in LArRODMonTool * tag LArMonTools-02-00-55 2016-11-21 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> * improve OFC/digit bounds check * tag LArMonTools-02-00-54 2016-10-31 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> * coverity fixes (uninit class members) * tag LArMonTools-02-00-53 2016-10-26 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> * fix (one-time) memory leak * tag LArMonTools-02-00-52 11-10-2016 Emma Kuwertz * Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-51. 05-10-2016 Emma Kuwertz * renaming MNB histograms to show correct flagging policy. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: b54cd08b8fa70802c83016480b07ba666c19f3df
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Always convert PassBits to transient object * whether old or new, pain in the ass * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-32 2016-11-18 Ryan White <> * TrigPassBits to xAOD::TrigPassBits converted * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-31 2016-11-14 Ryan White <> * Attempt to fix Holder warning TopoCaloCluster_FS * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-30 2016-11-10 Ryan White <> * xAOD::TrigPassBits * Add Declan Miller's inefficiency analysis * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-29 2016-10-19 Ryan White <> * Add TRT probability plots * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-28 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: f193f3f182082eece33df01a7f0cbfdeb90c3f38
Jahred Adelman authored
* Remove old, deprecated files * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-11-93 2016-11-11 Stewart Martin-Haugh * Fix missing include * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-11-92 2016-11-07 Jahred Adelman * Remove some warning messages * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-11-91 2016-11-01 Jahred Adelman * Updates for Coverity, TrackFitter711.cxx and FTKMergerAlgo.cxx 2016-10-21 Jahred Adelman * Update BS_FTK preparation * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-11-90 Former-commit-id: d1ca39baa8d7a8517e1839e2bf683bdd96d374a0
Frank Winklmeier authored
* data/*.xml: Delete obsolete files * share/ Delete * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-73 Former-commit-id: 64102d371c827dd4f8f5f674c0a4a53aa7364cc2
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Adding jet moment tools fixes * Tagging JetRecConfig-00-00-09 2016-10-10 Johannes Elmsheuser <> * port latest config for JetRecConfig * Tagging JetRecConfig-00-00-07 * Tagging JetRecConfig-00-00-08 2016-08-12 Johannes Elmsheuser <> * Fix ATLJETMET-500: move print statements to logging * Tagging JetRecConfig-00-00-06 Former-commit-id: a36efc70
Teng Jian Khoo authored
'DetectorEta updates, JetMomentTool fixes, simplify modifier lists and temp R21 jet calibration' (JetRec-03-01-00) * Updates to compute DetectorEta correctly, linked to JetMomentTool changes * Simplifying modifier lists * Tagging JetRec-03-01-00 2016-11-08 Joe Taenzer <> * Modified Mass Drop Tagger (mMDT) grooming tool, class def * mMDT grooming tool, source code * Added link to JetModifiedMassDrop class * Added JetModifiedMassDrop class * Added SymmetryMeasure and RecursionChoice enums, for python config * Added JetSoftDrop class * Tagging JetRec-03-00-99 Former-commit-id: efb99cafe14bf8deb2885fceaf0a398ecb31cefd
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Rewrote constit fourmom tool to calculate detector eta * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-54 2016-11-17 Matt Klein <> * Root/JetVertexTaggerTool Downgraded WARNING to VERBOSE if no PV is found * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-53 2016-11-13 Matt Klein <> * util/ 2016-11-07 Johannes Elmsheuser <> * cmt/requirements fix typo in PFlowUtils dependency * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-52 2016-11-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Added an explicit include of "PFlowUtils/IWeightPFOTool.h" to JetWidthTool.h. Otherwise the component library was failing to build. * After making PFlowUtils a dual-use library (PFlowUtils-00-00-15), ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 6dfad0f366f0ca505f2b148f849bafc36fd7b290
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Remove extra loop from merge * Tagging JetRecTools-00-03-60 2016-11-18 TJ Khoo <> * Change cout to msg logging * Fix return values for constituent mods to be non-zero in case of error 2016-10-26 <> * Root/LinkDef.h: re-adding entries in the dict. * fix changlog. * Tagging JetRecTools-00-03-59 2016-10-26 <> * Root/LinkDef.h: adding entries in the dict. * Tagging JetRecTools-00-03-58 2016-10-13 Clement Camincher <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: c796da80
Teng Jian Khoo authored
JetCalibTools-00-04-73-00 * Branch tag for temporary R21 configuration 2016-11-18 TJ Khoo <> Trunk * Temporary switch to turn off setting of detector eta when done by constitfourmom tool in reco * Removed default constructor as not needed 2016-11-13 J. Bossio <> JetCalibTools-00-04-73 * Using CalibArea-00-04-73 * rel21 dedicated config (using OriginEventShape) * Intermediate GSC for p-flow jets * Mass combination for Large-R jets (w/ QCD uncorrelated and correlated weights) 2016-10-31 J. Bossio <> Trunk * Implementation of optional time-dependend insitu corrections ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: acb0e7a898b646ddab5860349c605ccccfa103b5
Jochen Meyer authored
* adding missing DB import in MuonCombinedFitTools * Tagging as MuonCombinedRecExample-01-09-25 2016-11-20 Jochen Meyer * do not use AEOTs for trigger or jobs running online * Tagging as MuonCombinedRecExample-01-09-24 2016-11-11 Jochen Meyer * cleaning up configuration * Tagging as MuonCombinedRecExample-01-09-23 2016-11-02 Yun Sang Chow * CaloMuonLikelihood histogram retrieval method change * Tagging as MuonCombinedRecExample-01-09-22 Former-commit-id: 05db9db1fa7cfbe3621a30a8d7c4b74571a2cf02
Jochen Meyer authored
* configuration changed to load nuisance parameters from database * Tagging as MuonAlignErrorTool-00-00-16 2016-11-02 Jochen Meyer <> * removing old nuisance parameter files * adding new nuisance parameter files (OBO Pierre-Francois Giraud) to be uploaded to conditions database * replacing implementation of Massimiliano Bellomo for region uncertainties by solution from Pierre-Francois Giraud * Tagging as MuonAlignErrorTool-00-00-15 Former-commit-id: 6eb58a02
William Axel Leight authored
* Fix for MuonCombinedInDetExtensionAlg (see ATLASRECTS-3710) * Tagging as MuonCombinedAlgs-00-00-16 Former-commit-id: 889eb585a5fb9a4a0b9eaaf4f16142e9cf06c952
William Axel Leight authored
* Fixed FPE in NCB segment building (ATLASRECTS-3703) * Tagging as CscSegmentMakers-01-00-21 Former-commit-id: 890988ba58cefee44a997f9c916b55c318d7e61e
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ - as Bichsel simulation is now the default for Pixels, set doBichselSimulation digitization flag to be True by default. ATLASRECTS-2776. Tagging Digitization-02-00-14-01 (Digitization-02-00-14-01) * python/ - as Bichsel simulation is now the default for Pixels set doBichselSimulation digitization flag to be True by default. ATLASRECTS-2776 * Tagging Digitization-02-00-14-01 2016-10-27 Noemi Calace <> * python/ hook for SiSmearedDigitizationTool * Tagging Digitization-02-00-14 2016-09-26 John Chapman <> * python/ - add new pileupDSID JobProperty, currently harcoded values for testing. ATLASSIM-3053 * python/ - write out digitizationFlags.pileupDSID. ATLASSIM-3053 * python/ - add code to fill digitizationFlags.pileupDSID JobProperty (commented out until AthFile fixed). ATLASSIM-3053 * Tagging Digitization-02-00-13 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d0aa69c941a380f18e3fab64b94c2a99dbf49b31
Moritz Backes authored
* Introducing run2Config flag (to switch between 2016-MC16a and 2017-MC16b/c conditions) - switching default to 2017 * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-32 2016-11-18 Moritz Backes * Introducing run2Config flag (to switch between 2016-MC16a and 2017-MC16b/c conditions) - fix to previous tag * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-31 2016-11-18 Moritz Backes * Introducing run2Config flag (to switch between 2016-MC16a and 2017-MC16b/c conditions) * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-30 2016-11-09 Nils Ruthmann * Introducing *_pp_v7 menus (ATR-15426) * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-29 Former-commit-id: b47b87fded17037b855aa0cf0b0bbc3776aae7d1
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Fix UploadMenuKeys for v7 * TrigP1Test-00-07-64 2016-11-17 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * Migrate more tests to v7 (bugfix) * TrigP1Test-00-07-64 2016-11-16 Carlos Chavez <> * Adding HLT_HIV4 test using EB run data16_hip5TeV.00312649 * TrigP1Test-00-07-63 2016-11-16 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * Migrate more tests to v7 * Remove failing All_data_run_stop_run test from RTT * TrigP1Test-00-07-62 2016-11-14 Oleg Kuprash <> * starting the transition to v7 menu * adding ATN tests HLT_mcV7, HLT_physicsV7 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: ea87afad1c6f218094365ff37fb45ace8d377564
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-08 2016-11-18 Jonathan Shlomi * changed MV2Tag.cxx to handle general input variables * MV2Tag.cxx loads dictionary of default values from python config 2016-08-24 Emmanuel Le Guirriec * Fix JetVertexCharge missing include (ROOT 6.08): ATLASRECTS-3701 * Remove several unneeded TMVA includes * Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-07 2016-11-09 Andrea Sciandra <> * New version of SoftMuonTag tool (warnings fixed) * Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-06 Former-commit-id: 92c3537902ffe2e7587ccc6b7cd14fc871a52fd7
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Tagged as BTagging-00-07-76 2016-11-18 Jonathan Shlomi * MV2 python configuration loads a dictionary of default values for inputs. MV2 now takes general input variables as provided by MVTM 2016-11-08 Dan Guest * Add flag to write rnnip inputs to b-tagging object * Tagged as BTagging-00-07-75 2016-11-07 Emmanuel Le Guirriec * MV2c10mu in MVTM * Tagged as BTagging-00-07-74 2016-11-04 Dan Guest * Add ipmp inputs to MVTM * Tagged as BTagging-00-07-73 2016-11-01 Andrea SciandriDan Guest * new SoftMuonTag tool ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 3da504c47c7761413d00b7d90b1c7cb9ac2df4fe
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
Disable maxTRTTubeHitFraction. For 21.0.X: minTRTPrecisionFraction cut applied InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool (egammaTools-01-02-20) * Disable maxTRTTubeHitFraction. For 21.0.X: minTRTPrecisionFraction cut applied InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool * tagging egammaTools-01-02-20 2016-11-08 David Di Valentino <> * Fixing bug for clusters missing L2 * Making tag egammaTools-01-02-19 2016-11-05 David Di Valentino <> * Making tag egammaTools-01-02-18 2016-11-04 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Protection and messages for the Refine 2016-11-03 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Make sure the calculation are happening in a consistent frame * either compare using raw (Calo frame) or real (atlas frame) 2016-11-01 Christos Anastopoulos <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 6c8288382836ddce81fb129d3096ccd6f225cabb
Walter Lampl authored
* Add missing include * Add CMakelists.txt to branch * Branch tag FastChainPileup-00-00-25-02 Former-commit-id: e980e3c07c8a1e32701e64dd1a08033c51ef0bfa
Daniele Zanzi authored
* fix for #trk (ATR-15403) * requires tauRecTools-00-01-24 and xAODTau-00-02-14 * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-91 2016-11-15 Daniele Zanzi * addtion of FTK chains in monitoring list * fix for ATR-15403 * requires tauRecTools-00-01-23 and xAODTau-00-02-13 * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-90 Former-commit-id: 7b0bbf612301c078b5980a4eca4f66488dff530a
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetValidationWeb-00-00-26 * share/TIDAWeb/build/releases.php: fix typo 2016-11-09 Julie Hart Kirk <> * TrigInDetValidationWeb-00-00-25 * fix typo in index.php * update list of slices and releases Former-commit-id: 97e082121ec3dc35d91ce69e200af79c4e8f7cb2