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- Dec 16, 2016
Graeme Stewart authored
Former-commit-id: c9e455f7
Scott Snyder authored
'Protect against null member list. Seen with STL containers in root 6.08. ATEAM-370' (RootUtils-00-01-10) * Tagging RootUtils-00-01-10. * src/pyroot/PyROOTInspector.cxx (recurse_pyinspect): Protect against null member list. Seen with STL containers in root 6.08. ATEAM-370 Former-commit-id: 83694c5a4b6c82780c5e252228a69cce24e7abdb
Savanna Shaw authored
* Initialise IsoType to reasonable value * TrigMuonEF-00-04-82 Former-commit-id: 4bd03ece2705a3cb2b4ccdeae4c4513afa8c03ea
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* MuonOverlayBase/IDC_MultiHitOverlayBase.icc - fix typo from MuonOverlayBase-00-03-06. ATLASSIM-3145 * MuonOverlayBase-00-04-01 2016-12-09 Tanya Kharlamova <> * MuonOverlayBase/IDC_MultiHitOverlayBase.* - migration to Read/Write DataHandles. ATLASSIM-3154 * MuonOverlayBase-00-04-00 Former-commit-id: 5f213fa5ca54d4bfc9c1289801191104f85304e1
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Taught xAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv how to make use of xAODMaker::TrackParticleCompressorTool (xAODTrackingAthenaPool-00-04-07) * xAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv now makes use of xAODMaker::TrackParticleCompressorTool for compressing some (configurable) properties of the track particles before writing them to disk. * Tagging as xAODTrackingAthenaPool-00-04-07 Former-commit-id: 06b2861b
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Updating xAODMaker::TrackParticleCompressorTool not to apply any compression by default (xAODTrackingCnv-00-01-20) * Updated TrackParticleCompressorTool.cxx to not apply any compression by default. So that any compression would have to be turned on explicitly in the jobOptions for now. * Tagging as xAODTrackingCnv-00-01-20 2016-12-13 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Added a tool that can be used to compress some float properties of track particles. The idea is to use this tool from the appropriate POOL converter(s) to save on the disk space used by track particles. * Updated the CMake configuration of the package a bit. Declaring an interface library for the headers of the package. * Tagging as xAODTrackingCnv-00-01-19 2016-11-22 scott snyder <> * Tagging xAODTrackingCnv-00-01-18. * Make ITrackCollectionCnvTool::convert and IRecTrackParticleContainerCnvTool::convert const. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 3eb110b5
Savanna Shaw authored
* Fix for memory leak * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-80 2016-12-12 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-79. * Avoid some divisions by FP constants. * Tagging TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-78. * clang warning: unused member. * Tagging TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-77. * Namespace fixes. * Tagging TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-76. * endreq -> endmsg. Former-commit-id: 0a0175489fd9362f21edf06c6cdf280009651411
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Added cut level 14 increasing the pt threshold to 500 MeV. Former-commit-id: 55137067
Noam Tal Hod authored
* 2017 FTK com menu for b-jet trigger (ATR-15656) * Affects only MC pp v7 abd v6 * TriggerMenu-00-20-93 2016-12-13 Noam Tal Hod * Adding the Global Sequential Calibration to jet and b-jet triggers for 2017 data - patch provided by John (ATR-13434) * Affects only MC/Physics_pp_v7 * TriggerMenu-00-20-92 2016-12-12 Nils Ruthmann * Fix for Higgsino electron triggers (ATR-15243) * TriggerMenu-00-20-91 2016-12-08 Daniele Zanzi * fix for L1Topo xml (ATR-15105) * affects HI and pp MC and Physics menu * requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-78 * TriggerMenu-00-20-90 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 575309bd92f760aa8b9398cd51692ab6c1dd72f2
Pavol Strizenec authored
fix for HVPathologies (different HV lines per channel were not accounted) (LArCondUtils-00-03-36-01) * fix for HVPathologies (different HV lines per channel were not accounted) * tag LArCondUtils-00-03-36-01 Former-commit-id: f1b3f04a
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Former-commit-id: e8c339b05c6831cfbf5cd04cf7ba74bd27d3a5f1
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
'Migrate more tests to v7 (bugfix), set up appropriate libunwind based on x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt' (TrigP1Test-00-07-66) * Migrate more tests to v7 (bugfix) * Set up appropriate libunwind based on $CMTCONFIG * TrigP1Test-00-07-66 * TrigP1Test-00-07-65 Former-commit-id: 26dbc60c0695e24625cc6f26af08a3f499495cc0
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-78 * return after attaching empty collections if nSPs < 5 * Bugfix - see ATR-15618 2016-11-21 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-77. * Fix gcc6 misleading indentation warnings. * Tagging TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-76. * Add missing std:: qualifiers. * Tagging TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-75. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. * Tagging TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-74. * endreq -> endmsg. Fix other warnings. Former-commit-id: 97e292571d4c764b222ae2de3cc4caf3f9209882
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* HLTTestApps-20-18-06 * python/HLTTestApps/ replace PyCintex with cppyy * Fix ATR-15672 Former-commit-id: 0b389453
Susumu Oda authored
Add protection to src/TrackStateOnSurfaceDecorator.cxx to avoid segfault. ATLASRECTS-3745 (DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-67) * Add protection to src/TrackStateOnSurfaceDecorator.cxx to avoid segfault. ATLASRECTS-3745 * Tag DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-67 2016-09-26 Jake Searcy <> * Add diTau trak Slimming * tag DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-66 2016-09-26 Jake Searcy <> * Fix some coverity errors * tag DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-65 Former-commit-id: f3a18b41
Dmitry Emeliyanov authored
* fixed crash in Cosmic instance ATR-15618 * Tagging as TrigInDetPattRecoTools-00-01-17 Former-commit-id: ac50e6383e8205d67692aba4a4ec4f88adb0e82e
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Former-commit-id: 354a8b5e636913a6251598f55ba5b4b7cbd2f035
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Added a class (xAOD::FloatCompressor) that's supposed to help the POOL converters in zeroing out bits in float values when writing information to disk. * Added a unit test for the class as well. * Declared all unit tests of the package for CMake finally. * Put in an XML file for ATN to pick up on these tests. * Added a bunch of reference files for the unit tests. * Tagging as xAODCore-00-01-24 2016-11-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Made sure that ShallowAuxContainer could provide usable I/O information when reading the object in from disk. * This is apparently only needed/used by xAODChecker at the moment... * Tagging as xAODCore-00-01-23 2016-11-18 scott snyder <> * Tagging xAODCore-00-01-22. * xAODCore/tools/AuxPersVector.h: Remove use of obsolete symbol ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d97828723893f51ee848f6884976f1582206794e
Davide Gerbaudo authored
2016-12-05 Davide Gerbaudo <> * add DoIsoCut to ClusterSelect * add DoEtaCut to JetSelect and JetSort 2016-11-29 Davide Gerbaudo <> * revert 783757 (LateMuonTOBArray -> MuonTOBArray). This was requested in ATR-15105 on 2016-11-29. Tag as L1TopoAlgorithms-00-01-03 (on L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-69-branch); will be ported also to trunk. Former-commit-id: 859545d4c4a9ad8155e31fad0ee14a2c116fe9de
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* validated JetParticleShrinkingConeAssociation against default shrinking cone implementation * added JetParticleAssociationAlg to allow associations to be scheduled independent of JetRec and BTagging code * Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-54 Former-commit-id: 3b32f7e3f3e560f20a76f44056adbab75c6e1f3c
Daniele Zanzi authored
* fix for L1Topo xml (ATR-15105) * affects HI and pp MC and Physics menu * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-90 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-78 2016-12-08 Daniele Zanzi * fix for L1Topo xml (ATR-15105) * affects HI and pp MC and Physics menu * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-88 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-77 Former-commit-id: 0aeaaba1a8ef66301413650ebb4c40f6b1dfdd9c
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Fix default configuration for RNNIP (Dan Guest) * Tagged as BTagging-00-07-79 Former-commit-id: d20ebc5eef473852b2834825724c158ae7626e38
Peter Kluit authored
* fix FPE ATLASRECTS-3808 * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-19 2016-12-12 Jochen Meyer * commenting of left over debug cout * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-18 2016-12-11 Peter Kluit * fix ATLASRECTS-3808 * MeasurementType.h FitMeasurement.h * introduce new type Calorimeter scatterer and m_scatteringAngleOffSet * FitMeasurement.cxx propagates the information to the fit * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-17 Former-commit-id: b6ce4c27
Peter Kluit authored
* Fix for ATLASRECTS-3808 * reorder sequence of refine Eloss and add IDMS errors * add dumps to for Calorimeter scatterer * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-01-19 Former-commit-id: 00d93338
Christos Anastopoulos authored
* Tagging xAODEgamma-00-01-51. * Sync with Scott's branch 2016-12-07 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Tagging as xAODEgamma-00-01-50 2016-12-05 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Use compressed error cov matrix * Tagging as xAODEgamma-00-01-49 Former-commit-id: e2a7bf4ec1ebf48614e30ea3e269aa27be106825
Christos Anastopoulos authored
* ATLASRECTS-3797 * Tagging egammaRec-07-01-62 2016-12-11 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Modify the print-out of the factories * to be a bit more convention friendly 2016-11-25 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Tagging egammaRec-07-01-61. * Making different level of suppresion in ESD / AOD etc * easier 2016-11-21 scott snyder <> * Tagging egammaRec-07-01-60. * Preparing for MCTruthClassifier interface change. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 6d66e815884ff68c647f41f2ab456a87484dfa97
Christos Anastopoulos authored
2016-12-11 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Trying to protect against ATLASRECTS-3751 * Still a warning will be printed * Tagging IsolationTool-00-15-18 2016-12-09 J.-B. de Vivie <> * Remove meaningless variables * Bug fix for calo extension (from Dongliang) * Tagging IsolationTool-00-15-17 2016-12-07 J.-B. de Vivie <> * Trying a new core subtraction for super cluster (default still eg57, std coreCone also kept if all are to be kept) * Tagging IsolationTool-00-15-16 2016-10-21 J.-B. de Vivie <> * Possibility to have different core size for Egamma and muons * Tagging IsolationTool-00-15-15 2016-08-29 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 433b51a89d925af3c97357d9bedd5a11fb9dc0f8
Shaun Roe authored
* Fix for * test with --AMI q431 --conditionsTag CONDBR2-BLKPA-2016-07-TEST --valid True --validationFlags doInDet --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile physval.root * tag as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-33-01 Former-commit-id: f0980eba
Antonio Limosani authored
* Add in fullchain and r2a tier0 * RecPerfTests-00-08-70 Former-commit-id: 04855973468f1942d6c4599151b716467fff90bd
Christos Anastopoulos authored
* use the cluster eta/phi as seed * try to avoid picking cells in the inner wheel edge * tagging egammaTools-01-02-23 2016-11-30 Christos Anastopoulos <> Former-commit-id: 4713901e6d6c079c9fe07aadf11f0c1e3a030d28
Michael James Fenton authored
* Automatic configuation for FTK isolation * TrigMuonHypo-00-02-48 Former-commit-id: 3cff2a2da97097a153dfa9d4e39d1ceafbba1322
John Derek Chapman authored
Remove the unchecked StatusCodes seen in ATLMCPROD-3981. Tagging McEventCollectionFilter-01-00-02-01 (McEventCollectionFilter-01-00-02-01) * Remove the unchecked StatusCodes seen in ATLMCPROD-3981 * Tagging McEventCollectionFilter-01-00-02-01 Former-commit-id: 644df64b
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* src/RpcOverlay.cxx, cmt/requirements, CMakeLists.txt - migration to Read/Write DataHandles. ATLASSIM-3154 * RpcOverlay-00-05-00 Former-commit-id: f9fbce87
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* src/TgcOverlay.cxx, cmt/requirements, CMakeLists.txt - migration to Read/Write DataHandles. ATLASSIM-3154 * TgcOverlay-00-05-00 Former-commit-id: 6410fb9a
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
*src/MdtOverlay.cxx, cmt/requirements, CMakeLists.txt - migration to Read/Write DataHandles. ATLASSIM-3154 * MdtOverlay-00-04-00 Former-commit-id: 260f701b
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* IDC_OverlayBase/IDC_OverlayCommon.icc, IDC_OverlayBase/IDC_OverlayCommon.h, IDC_OverlayBase/IDC_OverlayBase.icc, IDC_OverlayBase/IDC_OverlayBase.h -update overlay Container syntax to work with DataHandles for muon system. ATLASSIM-3154 * IDC_OverlayBase-00-07-01 Former-commit-id: c03df5206bd18d1e1aba41d0331150cdda7cb9ff
Jean-Baptiste De Vivie De Regie authored
* Adding the very forward density (might be removed again later) * tagging as IsolationAlgs-00-01-32 06-12-2016 Jean-Baptiste de Vivie * bug fix (wrong deletion of a pointer) * tagging as IsolationAlgs-00-01-31 26-10-2016 Jean-Baptiste de Vivie * Modification to split the AODFix into one component per collection (so 4 : el, ph, fwdel, mu) * tagging as IsolationAlgs-00-01-30 26-10-2016 Jean-Baptiste de Vivie * Minor modif for IsolationCorrections config that detects automatically if mc or data * tagging as IsolationAlgs-00-01-29 26-10-2016 Jean-Baptiste de Vivie * Changes for AODFix and fix for CMakeList * tagging as IsolationAlgs-00-01-28 21-10-2016 Jean-Baptiste de Vivie ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 70cb7fd3ed2c8d97c16daa24c7f09d3f8545781f
John Alison authored
* Move eta range from 2.8--> 3.2 for split jets. Simplifies non-tag jet counting in GSC chains. * Tagging TrigBjetHypo-02-02-03 Former-commit-id: cfc03ed11c5028dae6dc4e26edbf193d2ad2e993
Peter Onyisi authored
* Fix EOS relative names * Tag DataQualityCOnfigurations-00-09-01 2016-12-08 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT> * Give explicit hostnames for ssh copies, add EOS * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-09-00 Former-commit-id: 9ee77dd5
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Add egamma_Iso_Photons * Remove TauJets * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-96 Former-commit-id: ccd4908bc8aef3f7102391cbfcf05e0b6135d65b