This project is mirrored from
Pull mirroring updated .
- Mar 09, 2017
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Remove unnecessary imports in TriggerFlags (that caused some confusion) * -33 caused a T0-tests failure * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-34 Former-commit-id: 40b7e22d769f57b37fce32bf927b20900308b7f0
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* 2016 configuration for v6 tests (ATR-15874) * TriggerTest-00-07-66 2017-03-07 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Testing/TriggerTest.conf: update menu used for minbias test (ATR-15937) * TriggerTest-00-07-65 Former-commit-id: 3ee54f5967f455ba07f5d38f26b364de8c15d051
Teng Jian Khoo authored
'Fix checks of alternate jet scale in JetConstitFourMomTool constituent loop' (JetMomentTools-00-03-61) * Fix for JetConstitFourMomTool never looping over constituents * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-61 2017-03-06 Matt Klein <> * Root/JetForwardJvtTool.cxx * Add fJVT as decoration * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-60 Former-commit-id: 7740922120a0ed22deec39336b6e9a1bb3c4f448
Goetz Gaycken authored
Run the slow IDTIDE decorators only on selected events. This adresses part of ATLASRECTS-3948. (DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-67-01) * Run IDTIDE decorators only on selected events (ATLASRECTS-3948). Former-commit-id: a97b030ac419111e0dcef3fd78fe8a508fdeba4d
Goetz Gaycken authored
This is a workaround for a short coming in the GlobalChi2Fitter, which currently does not properly treat brem fits when starting from PrepRawData. This addresses ATLASRECTS-3949. (TrkAmbiguityProcessor-01-00-14-04) Former-commit-id: fb4c9ce2
Goetz Gaycken authored
This addresses part of ATLASRECTS-3949. (InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-44) Former-commit-id: 7823dea410e84bdb928ed51f5c9ccd326cc85242
Goetz Gaycken authored
The GlobalChi2Fitter does not seem to handle brem fits properly when fitting PrepRawData rather than ROTs. Therefore, brem fits are again performed via the code path which starts from ROTs which requires that the ROTs already contain the enhancements from the Pixel cluster NN. This is a temproary fix for ATLASRECTS-3949. (InDetRecExample-03-01-05-06) Former-commit-id: ba5bf93ae466d3b08f704d7bb87537b6975f92e9
Alan Poppleton authored
* src/FitParameters.cxx (reset): ATLASRECTS-2943: fix unitialised variable (from Stewart) * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-21-00 Former-commit-id: 98224f4d5cd5f4ee9304d70ad1243d7ae46510c9
- Mar 06, 2017
Peter Onyisi authored
* Configure bad LAr LB filter tool to ignore recoverable defects * Update LAr defect list * Tag AthenaMonitoring-02-03-08 2016-11-15 scott snyder <> * Tagging AthenaMonitoring-02-03-07. * Make IDQFilterTool::accept() const, to work with stricter tool handle constness rules. Add some override keywords. Former-commit-id: 484a89dbe1738d1471daf7f82f4d65a914f8a6c6
Kerstin Tackmann authored
* new MVA calibration (including PS for the crack) * see ATLASRECTS-3953 * tagging as egammaRec-07-01-71 Former-commit-id: 40b32907d50bf69dc210a91b908cf8953bc34164
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* disable MV2c10hp (re-enabled by mistake) * Tagged BTagging-00-07-91 2017-03-01 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> * run MV2c20 in trigger mode * Tagged BTagging-00-07-90 2017-02-15 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> * Removed info messages * Tagged BTagging-00-07-89 2017-02-14 Jonathan Shlomi <> * clean up of MVTM configuration * bug fix in MVTM when loading taggers mutiple times * tagged as BTagging-00-07-88 Former-commit-id: 8fa29ebe27e846f84594acae73eb63f844fae00f
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Former-commit-id: e911f073a16c3e1541afbb0da8bc3178934e05e0
Oleg Kuprash authored
* renaming histograms which had identical names * fixing warnings newRun -> newRunFlag() * TrigMinBiasMonitoring-00-01-39 Former-commit-id: a39060b0c2374710748981748962bf5412ea5cf9
Antonio Limosani authored
* Fix typo in full chain tests * RecPerfTests-00-08-72 2017-02-28 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT> * Add new pre/postExecs in fullchain and tier0 jobs and remove signal mc samples * RecPerfTests-00-08-71 Former-commit-id: 330a268879092dba65583615baa2a540f6c56b42
Alexander Naip Tuna authored
* move z/jpsi selection to only happen during non-cosmic runs * tagging MuonTrackMonitoring-04-02-24 Former-commit-id: 71569653
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
Added back 2015 bjet primary+support chains in MC_pp_v6 tight for MC16a (ATR-15924) (TriggerMenu-00-21-45) * Added back 2015 bjet primary+support chains in MC_pp_v6 tight for MC16a (ATR-15924) * TriggerMenu-00-21-45 2017-02-27 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <> * New e/gamma MVA calibration set by default for MC16a * TriggerMenu-00-21-44 2017-02-24 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <> * Revert v7 menu updates related to egamma temporarily (until MC16a rel build) * TriggerMenu-00-21-43 2017-02-24 Ryan White <> * v7 menu updates * track isolation WPs * Heg chains for rare Higgs ATR-15259 * Enable chains w/ TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-89 * TriggerMenu-00-21-42 2017-02-23 Javier Montejo Berlingen * Change in threshold for muon FTK FS chain: ATR-15879 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: e67bc9cb3b7e8d1da46be8a25f68d19bc54d8a2a
Antonio Limosani authored
* Tagging AthenaMP-01-04-11-07 * Report IO rate as integer 2017-02-27 Antonio Limosani <> * Tagging AthenaMP-01-04-11-06 * Change from storing change in IO values to absolute values Former-commit-id: 94f5249b
Hass Abouzeid authored
* Updating MV2c10 cut to 77% working point (PerfDPD_TtbarMuon) * Tagging PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-21 2017-02-23 James Catmore <> * Updating DAOD_IDPIXLUMI for ATLASRECTS-3675 * Tagging PrimaryDPDMaker-01-00-20 Former-commit-id: d3d3d364
Kerstin Tackmann authored
* KeepParameters=True for GSFBuildInDetTrkSlimmingTool * ATLASRECTS-3951 * Tagging egammaTools-01-02-38 Former-commit-id: 483977aa6c7d7f0bd4a2867fdd3e34e2d4d08c3b
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Tagging as METUtilities-00-03-21 2016-01-20 TJ Khoo <> Former-commit-id: 6604bfacd13d23048b93f8565e1990d40c49f8a7
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Correct a misconfiguration of MET_EMTopo * Fixing track and cPFO cleaning * JO things for debugging * Tagging as METReconstruction-00-03-32 2017-02-19 Teng Jian Khoo <> * Control jet assoc cPFO cleaning with flag as for other associators * Tagging as METReconstruction-00-03-31 Former-commit-id: 3078a24fad530a031e18abf684ce0fa4659d6f3c
Alex Kastanas authored
* Improved performance of the broken clusters tagging * Fix for intialisation ordering warnings during compilation * Tagging as InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-44-01 Former-commit-id: 4154c3513aca8c4589aa7525d1d5876db60647ea
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
Fix truth dark hadron clustering for truth dark jet building - ATLJETMET-718 (ParticleJetTools-00-03-54-01) * Fix truth dark hadron clustering for truth dark jet building ATLJETMET-718 * Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-54-01 Former-commit-id: 31a8a574efafc1a00fda2a1dad7bc4400b6a344a
Guillermo Nicolas Hamity authored
* Tagging TauDQA-00-02-05-01. * Fix compilation warnings. Former-commit-id: 74aee04b17eb141615a30c7ca632b4f56ac36dc5
Michael Ughetto authored
* fix calcDL1LLR sanity checks * Tagging as xAODBTagging-00-00-36 2017-02-15 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> * remove JetFitterCombNN helper methods * Tagging as xAODBTagging-00-00-35 2017-02-09 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> * fix bug in calcDL1LLR * Tagging as xAODBTagging-00-00-34 2017-02-08 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> * delete static variables (SV0, JetFitterCOMBNN, MV1) * New helper methods pu, pb, pc, calcDL1LLR * Tagging as xAODBTagging-00-00-33 2016-05-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Cleaned up the CMakeLists.txt file of the package a bit. * Removed the usage of "SGTools/CLASS_DEF.h" from the code, to make the standalone build of it with CMake easier to set up. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 51d94551
Emma Torro Pastor authored
* Modifying L1_BPH-7M15-2MU4_BPH-0DR24-2MU4-B definition (ATR-15850) * Affects LVL1 pp v6/v7 * Associated with TriggerMenu-00-21-36 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-91 Former-commit-id: 4179c1704f04cb3a7ef94b03b96cd9b9cd5d4b9f
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Remove hack in asetup_wrapper, fix PATH * HLTUtils-01-04-01 Former-commit-id: 38eaafae
William Axel Leight authored
* Removed extra dependencies introduced for debugging * Tagging as TrkDriftCircleMath-00-07-40 2017-02-20 Will Leight * Fix to MdtTrackingGeometry so that BMG/BME are not treated the same as EI/BI for tube assignment * Fixes the ATLASRECTS-3917 bug * Tagging as TrkDriftCircleMath-00-07-39 Former-commit-id: 234dee8a
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
* Tagging TrigJetMonitoring-00-05-35. * adjusting Monitoring configuration. * Changes required for ATR-15793 Former-commit-id: d764d78b95cd151e7e794d3d64676ccf86dc4727
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* AutoClear StdContainers * ATR-15886 * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-88 2017-02-16 Ryan White * Coverity fixes * Add trk eta to calo eta preselection * Add L2FexConfig_Clean to enable cuts * Fix monitoring in L2ElectronFex * reserve * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-87 2017-02-16 Moritz Backes * Changing LH CONF file names * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-86 2017-02-15 Ryan White <> * reserve * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-84 Former-commit-id: 53189b2db3d1774801b317dfc469b25cee51c519
Semen Turchikhin authored
* Switch the Bc modes off by defauls in EFBMuMuXFex * (to fix TauMuMuX triggers, ATR-15699) * TrigBphysHypo-00-05-22 2017-02-12 Olya Igonkina * adding possibility to change mass for MultiTrkFex * TrigBphysHypo-00-05-21 2017-02-05 Semen Turchikhin * Protection against missed perigee paramenters (ATR-15682) * TrigBphysHypo-00-05-20 2017-01-31 Semen Turchikhin * Fix monitoring histograms for BcMuMuDs classes * clean-up huge commented-out pieces in TrigEFBMuMuXFex * Remove legacy algorithms (were "_nocompile" before) 2016-12-21 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigBphysHypo-00-05-19. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 46401a7dfc59bae5426abea8892902ef61b98518
Francisco Javier Sanchez Martinez authored
* ALL: changes needed to Correct failures for athena 21.0.x * Force trigger processing flag to false for EVNT files Check for RUN1 files and flag them accordingly Disable trigger processing for MC files with no trigger inside Force loading of trigger /TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey into detStore * python/ Get SMK and L1 and HLT prescale keys from detStore if not loaded from in-file metadata Modify getting trigger chain details for HLT Get chain counters from detector Store if not provided by TriggerDecisionTool * Tag EventIndexProducer-00-02-13 2017-01-15 Javier Sanchez <> * ALL: changes needed to correct failures for athena 21.0.x * python/ modify getting trigger chain details for HLT * modify TriggerDecisionTool instantiate to use TrigConf::TrigConfigSvc which was the default for previous version of TriggerDecision package 2016-10-14 Javier Sanchez <> * Fix TrigDecisionTool configuration. Modify detection of HLT trigger on xAOD files * Tag EventIndexProducer-00-02-12 Former-commit-id: 9b42304e
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* share/ updated to use TileDitisFlt container in the case of simulation in TileDQFragMonTool to avoid warning (jira ticket ATLASRECTS-3937) * TileTMDBRawChannelMonTool: fixed coverity issue * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-08-05 2017-02-06 Siarhei Harkusha <> * share/ update to automatically set up run parameters in online monitoring for Tile partition * share/ added new flags: TilePhysRun (default: True), TileBiGainRun (default: False); switched off the following flags in the case of calibration runs: doClusters, doTowers, doTileMuId, doTileL2Mu, doTileMuonFit * share/ udpated to monitor both gains cells separately in the case of bi gain runs * share/ udpated to reconstruct cells for both gains separately in the case of bi gain runs * TileCellMonTool: added property SkipNotPhysicsEvents to control skipping not physics events in online monitoring * TileTMDBDigitsMonTool: updated to properly book histograms, because in rare cases some histogroms are not booked, because no Tile TMDB raw channels (or not all of them) are available during booking the histograms * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-08-04 Former-commit-id: 7b6434b1
Teng Jian Khoo authored
'restore implementation for getEmptyVertexFraction method to avoid linking failures' (JetMomentTools-00-03-59) * Restore getEmptyJetVertexFraction implementation * Tagging JetMomentTools-00-03-59 Former-commit-id: 020c3a3221bdb57aebb4d2d02e38360a0b17dc93
Susumu Oda authored
* Add m_fea.clear() to finalize() of src/SCTRawContByteStreamService.cxx to fix ATLASRECTS-3928 (Memory leak in FullEventAssembler (SCT)) * Tag as SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-72 2016-12-02 Susumu Oda <> * Remove SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv/ISCTRawContByteStreamTool.h, src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.h, src/SCTRawContByteStreamTool.cxx These tools were replaced by services. * Tag as SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-71 Former-commit-id: d9a5379b
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Use trkEtaAtCalo from extrapolate value * Previously taken as trk eta, not extrapolated value! * xAODTrigEgamma-00-00-24 Former-commit-id: dd56989ee1e6469e8e5037baa5adbc348e35162c
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Add LumiTool to PidBuilder * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-81 Former-commit-id: 8a7e154adacd17b51cbc421f03fad06ea5e5e162
Umesh Dharmaji Worlikar authored
* python/ - Added properties for cpu and walltime for transformSetup, inFileValidation and outFileValidation. * python/trfReports - Added time reporting key-value pairs for transformSetup, inFileValidation and outFileValidation. * python/trfUtils - Added utility methods calcCpuTime and CalcWallTime. * Tagging PyJobTransforms-03-00-34 [ATLASJT-291] Former-commit-id: ecb568dbd078b855d6a005861339a3c089c43cdb
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* removed MV1cTag * tagged as JetTagTools-01-01-27 2017-02-13 Daniel Guest <> * Updated lwtnn to version 2.0 * Add track charge and track dEta to RNNIP variables * Tagged as JetTagTools-01-01-26 Former-commit-id: 098fde26e532fb2d1d4a0f0b9d68380faa41c498
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* JetFitterCombNN removed from validation * Tagging JetTagDQA-00-00-26 Former-commit-id: 466247935fa6a082accca3737acb49f785668f3c