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Commit 917d0aa6 authored by Marco Clemencic's avatar Marco Clemencic
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parent 32e96fb0
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package G4config
version v83r1
version v83r1p1
branches cmt doc
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
! Purpose : Configuration package for Geant4 build
!====================== G4config v83r1p1 2007-12-07 ==========================
! 2007-12-07 - Gloria CORTI
- Compile with Gaudi v19r5
!============================== G4config v83r1 ===============================
! 2007-09-27 - Gloria Corti
- Pick geant4.8.3.patch01 and compile it with Gaudi v19r4
package Geant4Sys
version v83r1
version v83r1p1
branches cmt doc
use G4config v83r1 Geant4
use G4config v83r1p1 Geant4
# =============================================================================
# =========== global libraries ================================================
PROJECT_NAME = "Geant4 Packages, version $(GEANT4VERS)"
PROJECT_NAME = "Geant4 Packages for LHCb build $(GEANT4VERS)"
@INCLUDE_PATH = $(Gaudi_release_area)/GAUDI/GAUDI_$(GAUDIVERS)/doc
FILE_PATTERNS = *.cc *.hh *.icc *.h *MainPage.h
# doxygen options shared with Gaudi
@INCLUDE = DoxyCommon.cfg
@INCLUDE = dottool.cfg
@INCLUDE = DoxyTags.cfg
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = */InstallArea/*
# Additional doxygen options common to all LHCb projects
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS += */html/* */CVS/*
@INCLUDE_PATH = $(Gaudi_release_area)/GAUDI/GAUDI_$(GAUDIVERS)/doc
HTML_HEADER = Doxyheader.html
@INCLUDE = DoxyCommon.cfg
HTML_HEADER = $(GEANT4SYSROOT)/doc/Doxyheader.html
FILE_PATTERNS += *Geant4Sys*requirements
FILE_PATTERNS += *.cc *.hh *.icc
@INCLUDE = DoxyTags.cfg
# Tagfile URLs broken by CREATE_SUBDIRS = YES option
# Needed due to large number of files generated
# Instead of STL tagfile
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><meta name="robots" content="noindex">
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<link href="doxygen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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<!-- Changed by: Marco Cattaneo, 5-Jun-2002 -->
<table border="0" width="100%" height="71" bgcolor="#99FF99">
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<td width="10%" rowspan="2" height="67"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" width="98" height="69"></a></td>
<td width="10%" rowspan="2" height="67"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" width="98" height="69"></a></td>
<td width="90%" height="40">
<center> $projectname</h1>
<h1 color="white">
<center> Reference manual for $projectname</h1>
<td width="90%" height="23">
<p align="right">Generated: $date
......@@ -3,22 +3,10 @@
* This is the code reference manual for the Geant4 classes.
* These pages have been generated directly from the code and reflect the exact
* state of the software for this version of the Geant4 packages. More
* These pages have been generated directly from the code and reflect the
* state of the software for this LHCb build of the Geant4 packages. More
* information is available from the
* <a href="">web pages</a>
* of the Geant4 project
* <a href="">web pages</a>
* of the LHCb build of the Geant4 project
* \sa
* \li \ref externaldocs "Related external libraries"
/** \page externaldocs Related external libraries
* \htmlonly <h3><center>(from LCGCMT version $(LCGCMTVERS))</h3></center>
<LI> <a href="$(CLHEPVERS)/html" target="_blank">CLHEP $(CLHEPVERS)</A> (foundation)
See also:
<a href="" target="_blank">Standard Template Library</A>
......@@ -3,6 +3,16 @@ Package : Geant4Sys
Package manager(s) : Gloria Corti, Hubert DeGaudenzi
Purpose : LHCb build using cmt of Geant4
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v83r1p1>2007-12-07 Geant4Sys v83r1p1</A></H1><PRE>
use Gaudi v19r5 and geant4 8.3.patch01
build also on amd64 and win32
Fix doxygen to pick up geant4 files extensions
!====================== G4config v83r1p1 2007-12-07 ==========================
! 2007-12-07 - Gloria CORTI
- Compile with Gaudi v19r5
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v83r1>2007-09-27 Geant4Sys v83r1</A></H1><PRE>
use Gaudi v19r4 and geant4 8.3.patch01
build also on amd64 and win32
project GEANT4
use GAUDI GAUDI_v19r4
use GAUDI GAUDI_v19r5
build_strategy with_installarea
setup_strategy root
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