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[MONIT-2774] Update Apache Spark to version 3.4

Guillermo Facundo Colunga requested to merge monit2774 into master

This merge request updates the Apache Spark version to 3.4.0, for this:

  • States that the value of kafka idempotence to be false. As of kafka-clients version 3.2.0 this flag takes the value true, while in our brokers (version 2.8) this flag is set to false. In order to be able to write to the cluster, it is therefore necessary to explicitly indicate that it takes the value false.
  • Modifies the GitLab continuous integration configuration file to find the artifact in the path that is generated with the new version.
  • Modifies the Apache Spark version value to 3.4.0.
  • Updates the versions of the various dependencies to be compatible with Apache Spark 3.4.0.

Related JIRA Ticket:

Edited by Guillermo Facundo Colunga

Merge request reports