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🐛 homing procedure did not work when homing direction was NOT inverted

Gabriele De Blasi requested to merge wip-homing into sambuca-2.2

The issue was due to the missing check of MAX limit switch signals during the homing procedure.

The fix consists therefore to also check the maximum limit signals that are triggered when approaching limit switches and subsequently identify whether the triggered limits are the right ones. If they are not, a specific alarm is raised, interrupting the homing procedure and asking for a check on the wiring.


  • the max limit switches always correspond to the ones reached by moving in the positive axis direction (the relative bit in the setting $23 is set to 0)
  • the min limit switches always correspond to the ones reached by moving in the negative axis direction (the relative bit in the setting $23 is set to 1)

For more info about homing direction and how the target position is determined when trying to trigger a limit switch, see here.

Edited by Gabriele De Blasi

Merge request reports