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Commit 5468dc3e authored by Sebastien Ponce's avatar Sebastien Ponce
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Merge branch 'AM-issue-43' into 'master'

Align the helper classes used in DaVinci

See merge request lhcb/Rec!3282
parents 7725ca00 206d84a2
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# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# (c) Copyright 2022-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
from PyConf.Algorithms import SubstitutePIDAlg_Particles
import Functors as F
import re
from typing import List
class SubstitutePID:
......@@ -26,22 +27,22 @@ class SubstitutePID:
You can configure the mass hypothesis subsitution using the following syntax:
' Old_PID{{New_PID}} '
The '[]cc' syntax is not yet supported in the SubstitutePID tool, you have to
specify the substitution rule explicitly for each cc case.
The '[]CC' syntax is not yet supported in the SubstitutePID tool, you have to
specify the substitution rule explicitly for each CC case.
'[B+ -> K+ K+ K-{{pi-}}]cc' => ['B+ -> K+ K+ K-{{pi-}}', 'B- -> K- K- K+{{pi+}}']
'[B+ -> K+ K+ K-{{pi-}}]CC' => ['B+ -> K+ K+ K-{{pi-}}', 'B- -> K- K- K+{{pi+}}']
name (str): name of the substitution algorithm, will printed in the Gaudi.
substitutions (list): substitution rules, using the substitution syntax.
input (DataHandle): the input data handle (TES)
input_particles (DataHandle): the input_particles data handle (TES)
output_level (int, optional): standard Gaudi Algorithm OutputLevel.
# Create the tool
Subs_PhiG = SubstitutePID(
name = 'Subs_PhiG',
input = B_Data,
input_particles = B_Data,
substitutions = [
'B0{{B_s0}} -> ( K*(892)0{{phi(1020)}} -> K+ K- ) gamma'
......@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class SubstitutePID:
Subs_KstG = SubstitutePID(
name = 'Subs_KstG',
input = B_Data,
input_particles = B_Data,
substitutions = [
'B0 -> ( K*(892)0 -> K+ K-{{pi-}} ) gamma'
......@@ -57,15 +58,15 @@ class SubstitutePID:
# Get the energy of the substituted particle
allvariables['ENERGY'] = F.ENERGY
allvariables['PhiG_ENERGY'] = Subs_PhiG.get_info( F.ENERGY )
allvariables['KstG_ENERGY'] = Subs_KstG.get_info( F.ENERGY )
allvariables['PhiG_ENERGY'] = Subs_PhiG( F.ENERGY )
allvariables['KstG_ENERGY'] = Subs_KstG( F.ENERGY )
def __init__(self,
name: str,
input: DataHandle,
substitutions: list,
input_particles: DataHandle,
substitutions: List[str],
output_level: int = INFO):
# Check
if not substitutions:
raise ValueError("The 'substitutions' rules can't be empty.")
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ class SubstitutePID:
# Create gaudi algorithm
self.Algorithm = SubstitutePIDAlg_Particles(
......@@ -105,11 +106,12 @@ class SubstitutePID:
# Store the algorithm result
self.AllParticles = self.Algorithm.AllParticles
self.Particles = self.Algorithm.Particles
self.Relation = self.Algorithm.Relation
self.Relation = self.Algorithm.Relation # Particle -> PID Substituted Particle
def get_info(self, Functor: BoundFunctor):
def __call__(self, Functor: BoundFunctor):
Apply a specified functor to the result particle of substitution
Apply a specified functor to the resultant particle
obtained from substituting the PID.
Functor (BoundFunctor): the functor to be applied
......@@ -118,11 +120,11 @@ class SubstitutePID:
BoundFunctor: result functor
variables['SUBS_CHI2DOF'] = Subs.get_info(F.CHI2DOF)
variables['SUBS_CHI2DOF'] = Subs(F.CHI2DOF)
return F.MAP_INPUT(Functor, self.Relation)
def _get_subsitution_map(self, substitutions: list, output_level):
def _get_subsitution_map(self, substitutions: list, output_level: int):
if output_level in {DEBUG, VERBOSE, ALL}:
# (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# (c) Copyright 2022-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
import Functors as F
from PyConf.Algorithms import DecayTreeFitterAlg, DecayTreeFitterAlgWithPV
from DaVinciTools import SubstitutePID
from typing import List
class DecayTreeFitter:
......@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
name (str): name of the substitution algorithm, will printed in the Gaudi.
input (DataHandle): the input data handle (TES)
input_pvs (DataHandle or None, optional): location of primary vertices to which to constrain.
input_particles (DataHandle): TES location of the reconstructed particles.
input_pvs (DataHandle or None, optional): TES location of primary vertices to which to constrain.
Defaults to None.
mass_constraints (list of str, optional): list of mass constraints to apply. Defaults to [].
substitutions (list): substitution rules, using the substitution syntax.
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
# Create the tool
DTF_PhiG = DecayTreeFitter(
name = 'DTF_PhiG',
input = B_Data,
input_particles = B_Data,
substitutions = [
'B0{{B_s0}} -> ( K*(892)0{{phi(1020)}} -> K+ K- ) gamma'
......@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
DTF_KstG = SubstitutePID(
name = 'DTF_KstG',
input = B_Data,
input_particles = B_Data,
substitutions = [
'B0 -> ( K*(892)0 -> K+ K-{{pi-}} ) gamma'
......@@ -65,29 +66,29 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
# Get the CHI2DOF of subtituted particle
allvariables['CHI2DOF'] = F.CHI2DOF
allvariables['PhiG_CHI2DOF'] = DTF_PhiG.get_info( F.CHI2DOF )
allvariables['KstG_CHI2DOF'] = DTF_KstG.get_info( F.CHI2DOF )
allvariables['PhiG_CHI2DOF'] = DTF_PhiG( F.CHI2DOF )
allvariables['KstG_CHI2DOF'] = DTF_KstG( F.CHI2DOF )
def __init__(self,
name: str,
input: DataHandle,
input_particles: DataHandle,
input_pvs: DataHandle = None,
mass_constraints: List[str] = [],
substitutions: List[str] = [],
# Config subsitution if needed
if substitutions:
self.SubstitutePID = SubstitutePID(
name='PIDSubstitution_' + name,
DTF_input = self.SubstitutePID.Particles
self.SubstitutePID = None
DTF_input = input
DTF_input = input_particles
# Config algorithm
if input_pvs:
......@@ -105,11 +106,12 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
self.Output = self.Algorithm.Output
self.OutputRelations = self.Algorithm.OutputRelations
self.OutputRelations = self.Algorithm.OutputRelations #Reco particle -> DTF particle
def get_info(self, Functor: BoundFunctor):
def __call__(self, Functor: BoundFunctor):
Apply a specified functor to the result particle of DTF
Apply a specified functor to the resultant particle
obtained from the decay tree fit.
Functor (BoundFunctor): the functor to be applied
......@@ -118,15 +120,19 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
BoundFunctor: result functor
variables['DTF_CHI2DOF'] = DTF.get_info(F.CHI2DOF)
variables['DTF_CHI2DOF'] = DTF(F.CHI2DOF)
if self.SubstitutePID is not None:
return self.SubstitutePID.get_info(
#The following maps the particle twice i.e. MAP_INPUT(MAP_INPUT(functor, P_2_DTFP), P_2_PIDSUBSTITUTEDP).
#Go from reco particle to PID substituted particle, then to DTF particle, then apply the functor
return self.SubstitutePID(
F.MAP_INPUT(Functor, self.OutputRelations))
return F.MAP_INPUT(Functor, self.OutputRelations)
def apply_functors(self, functors=[F.MASS], head='DTF_'):
def apply_functors(self,
functors: List[BoundFunctor] = [F.MASS],
head: str = 'DTF_'):
Helper function returning a dictionary of functors to apply to DecayTreeFitted chain
......@@ -135,20 +141,19 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
head: header string. The default is "DTF_" and so F.PT of a refitted B will be decoded to "B_DTF_PT"
Dictionary of names. By default it will return { 'DTF_Mass' : DTF.get_info(F.Mass) }
Dictionary of names. By default it will return { 'DTF_Mass' : DTF(F.Mass) }
>>> from DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
>>> DTF_pv = DecayTreeFitter(
>>> name='DTF_dimuons',
>>> input=dimuons,
>>> input_particles=dimuons,
>>> input_pvs=pvs,
>>> mass_constraints=["J/psi(1S)"])
>>> variables_jpsi.update(DTF_pv.apply_functors(functors=[F.PT,F.MASS], head='DTF_PV_'))
outdict = {}
for functor in functors:
outdict[head +] = self.get_info(functor)
outdict[head +] = self.__call__(functor)
return outdict
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