This example package actually serves several purposes:
This example package actually serves several purposes:
*) It illustrates how to initialize and access the detector description and magnetic field.
*) It illustrates how to initialize and access the detector description and magnetic field.
@@ -15,5 +16,32 @@ The file can be edited to change some run options.
@@ -15,5 +16,32 @@ The file can be edited to change some run options.
After running the algorithm, to add the alignment data into your local conditions DB, do:
After running the algorithm, to add the alignment data into your local conditions DB, do:
run >
run >
This example package serves several purposes:
* It illustrates how to initialize and access the detector description and magnetic field.
* It checks that the expected number of detector elements are created.
* It generates a set of neutral alignment constants for the Tracker, which can be folded into the conditions database.
* It dumps a standalone GeoModel sqlite geometry database which could be used by external programs to display FASER without requiring any FASER software (only GeoModel)
To run the algorithm, in a run directory where Calypso has been installed (displayed below as the command-line prompt `run >`), do
run > ./
run > python python/GeoModelTest/
The file `` can be edited to change some run options.
After running the algorithm, to add the alignment data into your local conditions DB, do:
This package will translate Geant4 hits (HITS) into RawDataObject (RDO) data files.
This package will translate Geant4 hits (HITS) into RawDataObject (RDO) data files.
<<<<<<< HEAD
Because input data and alignment is needed, there are a few steps to prepare. From a run directory where calypso is installed, do:
Because input data and alignment is needed, there are a few steps to prepare. From a run directory where calypso is installed, do:
*) run > ./
*) run > ./
@@ -25,3 +26,41 @@ Now you can run digitization on the HITS file you generated with the command:
@@ -25,3 +26,41 @@ Now you can run digitization on the HITS file you generated with the command:
run > >& digi.log
run > >& digi.log
This will read your g4.HITS.root generate an RDO data file with digitized raw data objects.
This will read your g4.HITS.root generate an RDO data file with digitized raw data objects.
Because input data and alignment is needed, there are a few steps to prepare. From a run directory where calypso is installed (displayed in the command-line prompt as `run >` below), do:
run > ./
This sets up the runtime environment after building. The "." is mandatory.
run > >& runG4.log
This will create a HITS file.
run > python python/GeoModelTest/
This will generate a set of neutral alignment data
run >
This will merge the alignment data into the conditions DB.
All the above steps need only be done once after building calypso (but the last two steps must be repeated each time you do `make install`).
Now you can run digitization on the HITS file you generated with the command:
run > >& digi.log
This will read your `g4.HITS.root` and generate an RDO data file with digitized raw data objects.