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atlas / athena
137674 commits behind, 10622 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Martin Rybar authored
- fixing eta cuts on Event Shape to calculate properly the FCal Et - Modification of FCal Et thresholds as requested (ATLHI-204) Former-commit-id: d89794aefbeb0f3c47008f864f91e6e14002b98a
Martin Rybar authored- fixing eta cuts on Event Shape to calculate properly the FCal Et - Modification of FCal Et thresholds as requested (ATLHI-204) Former-commit-id: d89794aefbeb0f3c47008f864f91e6e14002b98a
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UltraCentralHypo.cxx 2.60 KiB
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include <xAODHIEvent/HIEventShape.h>
#include <xAODHIEvent/HIEventShapeContainer.h>
#include "UltraCentralHypo.h"
UltraCentralHypo::UltraCentralHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
: HLT::HypoAlgo(name, pSvcLocator)
declareMonitoredVariable("FCalTotalEt" , m_Tot_Et , 0.);
declareMonitoredVariable("FCalTotalEtPassing" , m_Tot_Et_passing , -1.);
declareProperty("FcalEtUpperBound", m_FcalEt_max=1.e10, "Upper bound of passing values, negative means +inf.");
declareProperty("FcalEtLowerBound", m_FcalEt_min=-1.e10, "Lower bound of passing values, negative means -inf.");
declareProperty("EtaMin", m_Eta_min=-3.25, "Lower bound of slice taken into calculation");
declareProperty("EtaMax", m_Eta_max=3.25, "Upper bound of slice taken into calculation");
declareProperty("isFgap", m_isFgap=true, "Eta cuts for FGap or UCC chains");
HLT::ErrorCode UltraCentralHypo::hltInitialize() { return HLT::OK; }
UltraCentralHypo::~UltraCentralHypo() {
HLT::ErrorCode UltraCentralHypo::hltFinalize( ) { return HLT::OK; }
HLT::ErrorCode UltraCentralHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass) {
pass = false;
m_Tot_Et = 0; // this must be 0 because our loop starts from it
m_Tot_Et_passing = -1e6; // this will only get assigned when we pass
const xAOD::HIEventShapeContainer* evtShape;
if(getFeature(outputTE, evtShape) == HLT::OK && evtShape != 0){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Got HIEventShapeContainer object successfully");
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("The HIEventShapeContainer object is inaccessible");
return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_CHAIN, HLT::Reason::MISSING_FEATURE);
// */
//Determine FCal ET
int size=evtShape->size();
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
const xAOD::HIEventShape *sh=evtShape->at(i);
const float Et = sh->et();
const float etaMin = sh->etaMin();
const float etaMax = sh->etaMax();
//ATH_MSG_DEBUG("ET " << Et << " etaMin " << etaMin << " etaMax " << etaMax);
if(Et==0) continue;
//For Fgap chains
if (m_isFgap){
if ( etaMin < m_Eta_min ) continue;
if ( etaMax > m_Eta_max ) continue;
//For UCC chains
if ( fabs(etaMin) < m_Eta_min ) continue;
//float eta=(sh->etaMin()+sh->etaMax())/2.0;
//if(fabs(eta)<3.2) continue;//FCal Only
// now cutting
if ( m_FcalEt_min <= m_Tot_Et and m_Tot_Et < m_FcalEt_max ) {
pass = true;
m_Tot_Et_passing = m_Tot_Et;
return HLT::OK;