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scott snyder authored
Hid2RESrcID depends on the old, thread-unsafe LArCablingLegacyService. We can't get rid of it completely, because it's required by interfaces still used by TrigT2CaloCommon. Refactor so that it won't affect the thread-safety of the rest of this package. Split out the part of Hid2RESrcID required by FullEventAssembler into a separate base class RodRobIdMap. Split the remaining interfaces of Hid2RESrcID into thread-safe and thread-unsafe versions. Only the thread-safe functionality will be needed from this package; the thread-unsafe versions are needed only by TrigT2CaloCommon.
scott snyder authoredHid2RESrcID depends on the old, thread-unsafe LArCablingLegacyService. We can't get rid of it completely, because it's required by interfaces still used by TrigT2CaloCommon. Refactor so that it won't affect the thread-safety of the rest of this package. Split out the part of Hid2RESrcID required by FullEventAssembler into a separate base class RodRobIdMap. Split the remaining interfaces of Hid2RESrcID into thread-safe and thread-unsafe versions. Only the thread-safe functionality will be needed from this package; the thread-unsafe versions are needed only by TrigT2CaloCommon.
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Hid2RESrcID.cxx 4.12 KiB
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "LArByteStream/Hid2RESrcID.h"
#include "LArRecConditions/LArFebRodMapping.h"
#include "CaloIdentifier/LArID_Exception.h"
#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "eformat/SourceIdentifier.h"
using eformat::helper::SourceIdentifier;
// implementation of LArOnlineID to RESrcID conversion.
// FIXME: need to check the convention for posNeg vs left-right.
// DET id assumes left-right
// FEB_ID assumes pos-neg.
// I have assumed here, left for pn=0 (negative?)
// right for pn=1 (positive?)
// using ByteStream::Nat8;
StatusCode Hid2RESrcID::initialize ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE ()
ServiceHandle<IToolSvc> toolSvc ("ToolSvc", "Hid2RESrcID");
ATH_CHECK( toolSvc.retrieve() );
ATH_CHECK( toolSvc->retrieveTool("LArCablingLegacyService",m_cablingSvc) );
const std::vector<HWIdentifier>& roms = m_cablingSvc->getLArRoModIDvec();
ATH_CHECK( initialize (roms) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode Hid2RESrcID::initialize (const LArFebRodMapping& rodMapping)
ATH_CHECK( initialize (rodMapping.getLArRoModIDvec()) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode Hid2RESrcID::initialize (const std::vector<HWIdentifier>& roms)
// retrieve onlineHelper
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> detStore ("DetectorStore", "Hid2RESrcID");
ATH_CHECK( detStore.retrieve() );
ATH_CHECK( detStore->retrieve(m_onlineHelper, "LArOnlineID") );
// make internal maps
eformat::SubDetector detid ;
for (const HWIdentifier& mId : roms)
detid = (eformat::SubDetector) m_readoutModuleSvc.subDet(mId);
uint8_t m = m_readoutModuleSvc.rodFragId(mId);
SourceIdentifier sid = SourceIdentifier(detid,m);
uint32_t rod_id = sid.code();
assert( m_coll2ROD.count(mId) == 0 );
m_coll2ROD[ mId ]=rod_id;
m_initialized = true ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getRodIDFromROM(const COLLECTION_ID& id) const
{ // this method returns a RESrcID for the ROD, for a given COLLECTION_ID
COLL_MAP::const_iterator it = m_coll2ROD.find( id );
if(it == m_coll2ROD.end()){
std::cout <<" H2d2RESrcID invalid COLL ID in hex "<<std::hex<<id.get_compact()<<std::dec<<std::endl;
return (*it).second ;
// Legacy unsafe version, relying on old cabling service.
// Currently still used by TrigT2CaloCommon.
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getRodID ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (const HWIdentifier& hid) const
{ // this method returns a RESrcID for the ROD, for a given LArOnlineID
// channel number is ignored.
HWIdentifier febId = m_onlineHelper->feb_Id(hid) ;
//LArFEB_ID febId = m_cablingSvc->createFEB_ID(hid);
HWIdentifier romId = m_cablingSvc->getReadoutModuleID(febId);
return getRodIDFromROM(romId);
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getRodID(const LArFebRodMapping& rodMapping,
const HWIdentifier& hid) const
{ // this method returns a RESrcID for the ROD, for a given LArOnlineID
// channel number is ignored.
HWIdentifier febId = m_onlineHelper->feb_Id(hid) ;
HWIdentifier romId = rodMapping.getReadoutModuleID(febId);
return getRodIDFromROM(romId);
/** mapping SrcID from ROD to ROB
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getRobID( uint32_t rod_id) const
return m_rodRobIdMap.getRobID (rod_id);
/** mapping SrcID from ROB to ROS
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getRosID( uint32_t rob_id) const
// Change Module Type to ROS, moduleid = 0
SourceIdentifier id = SourceIdentifier(rob_id);
SourceIdentifier id2 = SourceIdentifier(id.subdetector_id(), 0);
return id2.code();
/** mapping SrcID from ROS to Det
uint32_t Hid2RESrcID::getDetID ( uint32_t ros_id) const
// ROS to DET
SourceIdentifier id = SourceIdentifier(ros_id);
SourceIdentifier id2 = SourceIdentifier(id.subdetector_id(), 0);
return id2.code();