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# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Helper functions to digest the reconstruction options dictionary
# and translate it into the python configuration objects used by
# jet reco code.
from JetRecConfig.JetDefinition import JetConstitSeq,JetConstitSource, xAODType, JetDefinition
# this is to define trigger specific JetModifiers (ex: ConstitFourMom_copy) :
from .TriggerJetMods import jetmoddict # noqa: F401
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger("TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Jet.JetRecoConfiguration")
def interpretJetCalibDefault(recoDict):
if recoDict['dataType'].endswith('tc'):
return 'subresjesgscIS' if recoDict['trkopt'] == 'ftf' else 'subjesIS'
elif recoDict['dataType'].endswith('pf'):
return 'subresjesgscIS'
recoKeys = ['recoAlg','dataType','calib','jetCalib','trkopt','trkpresel']
# Extract the jet reco dict from the chainDict
def extractRecoDict(chainParts):
# interpret the reco configuration only
# eventually should just be a subdict in the chainDict
recoDict = {}
for p in chainParts:
for k in recoKeys:
# Look for our key in the chain part
if k in p.keys():
# found the key, check for consistency with other chain parts of this chain
if k in recoDict.keys():
if p[k] != recoDict[k]:
raise RuntimeError('Inconsistent reco setting for %s' % k)
# copy this entry to the reco dictionary
recoDict[k] = p[k]
# set proper jetCalib key in default case
if recoDict['jetCalib'] == "default":
recoDict['jetCalib'] = interpretJetCalibDefault(recoDict)
return recoDict
# Translate the reco dict to a string for suffixing etc
def jetRecoDictToString(jetRecoDict):
strtemp = "{recoAlg}_{dataType}_{calib}_{jetCalib}"
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"] != "notrk":
strtemp += "_{trkopt}_{trkpresel}"
return strtemp.format(**jetRecoDict)
# Inverse of the above, essentially only for CF tests
def jetRecoDictFromString(jet_def_string):
# Translate the definition string into an approximation
# of the "recoParts" in the jet chainParts.
jetRecoDict = {}
# Insert values from string
# Python names are more descriptive. May want to sync
# these names with the SignatureDict, needs coordination with
# menu group when they start to implement this
trkopt = "notrk"
trkpresel = "nopresel"
if "_ftf" in jet_def_string:
jetalg, inputtype, clusterscale, jetcalib, trkopt = jet_def_string.split('_')
jetalg, inputtype, clusterscale, jetcalib = jet_def_string.split('_')
jetRecoDict = {
"recoAlg": jetalg,
"dataType": inputtype,
"calib": clusterscale,
"jetCalib": jetcalib,
"trkopt" : trkopt,
"trkpresel": trkpresel
return jetRecoDict
# Define the jet constituents to be interpreted by JetRecConfig
# When actually specifying the reco, clustersKey should be
# set, but default to None to allow certain checks, in particular
# grooming configuration
def defineJetConstit(jetRecoDict,clustersKey=None,pfoPrefix=None):
constitMods = []
# Get the details of the constituent definition:
# type, mods and the input container name
if "pf" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
if pfoPrefix is None:
raise RuntimeError("JetRecoConfiguration: Cannot define PF jets without pfo prefix!")
trkopt = jetRecoDict['trkopt']
from JetRecConfig.ConstModHelpers import constitModWithAlternateTrk
# Generate a new JetConstitModifier with track proterties setup according to trkopt
constitModWithAlternateTrk("CorrectPFO", trkopt)
constitMods = ["CorrectPFO"+trkopt]
# apply constituent pileup suppression
if "vs" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
if "cs" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
if "sk" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
# Generate a new JetConstitModifier with track proterties setup according to trkopt
constitModWithAlternateTrk("CHS", trkopt) #
constitMods += ["CHS"+trkopt]
inputPFO = pfoPrefix+"ParticleFlowObjects"
modstring = ''.join(constitMods[1:-1])
if modstring == '':
if not constitMods:
jetConstit = JetConstitSeq( "HLT_EMPFlow", xAODType.ParticleFlow, constitMods, inputname=inputPFO, outputname=pfoPrefix+"CHSParticleFlowObjects", label="EMPFlow")
jetConstit = JetConstitSeq( "HLT_EMPFlow"+modstring, xAODType.ParticleFlow, constitMods, inputname=inputPFO, outputname=pfoPrefix+modstring+"ParticleFlowObjects",label='EMPFlow'+(modstring if modstring!='CHS' else '') )
if "tc" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
# apply constituent pileup suppression
if "vs" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
if "cs" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
if "sk" in jetRecoDict["dataType"]:
# build a modifier identifier :
modstring = ''.join(constitMods)
# prepend the cluster calib state :
if jetRecoDict["calib"] == "em":
constitMods = ["EM"] + constitMods
elif jetRecoDict["calib"] == "lcw":
constitMods = ["LC"] + constitMods
jetConstit = JetConstitSeq( "HLT_"+constitMods[0]+"Topo",xAODType.CaloCluster, constitMods, inputname=clustersKey, outputname=clustersKey+modstring,label=constitMods[0]+'Topo'+modstring)
# declare our new JetConstitSeq in the standard dictionary
from JetRecConfig.StandardJetConstits import jetconstitdic
jetconstitdic.setdefault(, jetConstit)
return jetConstit
def interpretRecoAlg(recoAlg):
import re
jetalg, jetradius, jetextra = re.split(r'(\d+)',recoAlg)
return jetalg, int(jetradius), jetextra
# Arbitrary min pt for fastjet, set to be low enough for MHT(?)
# Could/should adjust higher for large-R
def defineJets(jetRecoDict,clustersKey=None,prefix='',pfoPrefix=None):
minpt = {
4: 7000,
10: 50000,
jetalg, jetradius, jetextra = interpretRecoAlg(jetRecoDict["recoAlg"])
actualradius = float(jetradius)/10
jetConstit = defineJetConstit(jetRecoDict,clustersKey,pfoPrefix)
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"] != "notrk":
suffix += "_{}".format(jetRecoDict["trkopt"])
jetDef = JetDefinition( "AntiKt", actualradius, jetConstit, ptmin=minpt[jetradius], prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
return jetDef
def defineReclusteredJets(jetRecoDict,smallRjets):
rcJetConstit = JetConstitSource("RCJet", xAODType.Jet, smallRjets, label='JetRC')
rcJetDef = JetDefinition( "AntiKt", 1.0, rcJetConstit)
return rcJetDef
def defineGroomedJets(jetRecoDict,ungroomedDef):#,ungroomedJetsName):
from JetRecConfig.JetGrooming import JetTrimming, JetSoftDrop
groomAlg = jetRecoDict["recoAlg"][3:] if 'sd' in jetRecoDict["recoAlg"] else jetRecoDict["recoAlg"][-1]
groomDef = {
"t" :JetTrimming(ungroomedDef,smallR=0.2,ptfrac=0.04),
return groomDef
# Generation of modifier lists. So far only calib, but can add track, substructure mods
# Make generating the list a bit more comprehensible
def getModSpec(modname,modspec=''):
return (jetmoddict[modname],str(modspec))
def defineTrackMods(trkopt):
trkmods = [
return trkmods
# Translate calib specification into something understood by
# the calibration config helper
def defineCalibFilterMods(jetRecoDict,dataSource,rhoKey="auto"):
# Minimum modifier set for calibration w/o track GSC
# Should eventually build in more mods, depend on track info etc
jetalg = jetRecoDict["recoAlg"]
if jetRecoDict["jetCalib"] == "nojcalib" or jetalg=="a10r":
calibMods = []
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"]=="notrk" and "gsc" in jetRecoDict["jetCalib"]:
raise ValueError("Track GSC requested but no track source provided!")
if jetRecoDict["trkopt"]=="notrk" and "subres" in jetRecoDict["jetCalib"]:
raise ValueError("Pileup residual calibration requested but no track source provided!")
if jetRecoDict["dataType"].endswith("tc"):
calibContext,calibSeq = {
("a4","subjes"): ("TrigRun2","JetArea_EtaJES_GSC"), # Calo GSC only
("a4","subjesIS"): ("TrigRun2","JetArea_EtaJES_GSC"), # Calo GSC only
("a4","subjesgscIS"): ("TrigRun2GSC","JetArea_EtaJES_GSC"), # Calo+Trk GSC
("a4","subresjesgscIS"): ("TrigRun2GSC","JetArea_Residual_EtaJES_GSC"), # pu residual + calo+trk GSC
("a10","subjes"): ("TrigUngroomed","JetArea_EtaJES"),
("a10t","jes"): ("TrigTrimmed","EtaJES_JMS"),
pvname = ""
gscDepth = "EM3"
if "gsc" in jetRecoDict["jetCalib"]:
gscDepth = "trackWIDTH"
pvname = "HLT_IDVertex_FS"
elif jetRecoDict["dataType"].endswith("pf"):
gscDepth = "auto"
if 'sd' in jetRecoDict["recoAlg"]:
calibContext = "TrigSoftDrop"
calibSeq = "EtaJES_JMS"
calibContext,calibSeq = {
("a4","subjesgscIS"): ("TrigLS2","JetArea_EtaJES_GSC"), # w/o pu residual + calo+trk GSC
("a4","subresjesgscIS"): ("TrigLS2","JetArea_Residual_EtaJES_GSC"), # pu residual + calo+trk GSC
pvname = "HLT_IDVertex_FS"
if jetRecoDict["jetCalib"].endswith("IS") and (dataSource=="data"):
calibSeq += "_Insitu"
calibSpec = ":".join( [calibContext, dataSource, calibSeq, rhoKey, pvname, gscDepth] )
if jetalg=="a4":
calibMods = ["ConstitFourMom_copy",
"CaloEnergies", # Needed for GSC
calibMods = ["ConstitFourMom_copy",
filtercut = {"a4":7000, "a10":50000, "a10r": 50000, "a10t":50000, "a10sd":50000}[jetalg]
return calibMods + ["Filter:"+str(filtercut)]