Forked from
atlas / athena
146126 commits behind, 11058 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging AmdcAth-02-00-02. * src/AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc.cxx: Remove some obsolete/unneeded Gaudi includes.
Scott Snyder authored* Tagging AmdcAth-02-00-02. * src/AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc.cxx: Remove some obsolete/unneeded Gaudi includes.
Code owners
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AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc.cxx 86.78 KiB
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
#include "PathResolver/PathResolver.h"
#include "RDBAccessSvc/IRDBAccessSvc.h"
#include "RDBAccessSvc/IRDBRecord.h"
#include "RDBAccessSvc/IRDBRecordset.h"
#include "EventInfo/TagInfo.h"
#include "EventInfoMgt/ITagInfoMgr.h"
#include "GeoModelInterfaces/IGeoModelSvc.h"
#include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"
#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
#include "AmdcAth/AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc.h"
#include "AmdcStand/AmdcsimrecStand.h"
#include "AmdcCore/cppbigdump.h"
#include "AmdcCore/AmdcAlineStore.h"
#include "AmdcCore/AmdcBlineStore.h"
#include "AmdcCore/AmdcIlineStore.h"
#include "AmdcStand/controlaline.h"
#include "AmdcStand/setablines.h"
#include "AmdcStand/fgetamdcagdd.h"
#include "AmdcStand/amdcread.h"
#include "AmdcStand/bigamdcdump.h"
#include "AmdcStand/loadamdcagddfromstring.h"
/// Standard Constructor
AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc(const std::string& name,ISvcLocator* svc):
//*Set Default values
p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal = new AmdcAlineStore;
p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal = new AmdcBlineStore;
p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal = new AmdcIlineStore ;
p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal = new AmdcAlineStore;
p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal = new AmdcBlineStore;
p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal = new AmdcIlineStore ;
m_LocationOfTheFile = "" ;
m_AmdcString = "" ;
m_AgddString = "" ;
m_IsInitialized = false;
m_IsUsable = false;
p_Amdcsimrec = 0;
m_AmdcABlinesStamp = 1;
m_TagInfoXMLStamp = -1 ;
m_AGDD2GeoSwitchesStamp = -1 ;
//*Declare the properties
declareProperty("NameOfTheSource" , m_NameOfTheSource = "GEOMODEL" ) ;
declareProperty("NameOfTheAmdbFile" , m_NameOfTheFile = "" ) ;
declareProperty("OracleNodedetectorKey" , m_OracleNodedetectorKey = "" ) ;
declareProperty("OracleNodedetectorNode" , m_OracleNodedetectorNode = "" ) ;
declareProperty("CtrlDumpCo" , m_CtrlDumpCo = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("CtrlFileStrings" , m_CtrlFileStrings = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("CtrlFileOracle" , m_CtrlFileOracle = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("EmergencyOut" , m_EmergencyOut = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("ControlALine" , m_ControlALine = 111111 ) ;
declareProperty("ControlILine" , m_ControlILine = 111111 ) ;
declareProperty("TruncateALine" , m_TruncateALine = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("TruncatePLine" , m_TruncatePLine = 0 ) ;
declareProperty("HardSoftCheck" , m_HardSoftCheck = 0 );
declareProperty("XtomoCheck" , m_XtomoCheck = 0 );
// Alignment Corrections :
// AlignmentSource 2: Get them from Geomodel
// 3: Get them from Amdc string from Ascii file or from Oracle
// AlignmentCorr 0 : off
// 1: A
// 2: B
// 3: A&B
declareProperty( "AlignmentSource" , m_AlignmentSource = 3 ) ;
declareProperty( "AlignmentCorr" , m_AlignmentCorr = 1 ) ;
declareProperty( "SortAlignContainer" , m_SortAlignContainer = 0 );
declareProperty( "RmAlignCSC" , m_RmAlignCSC = 0 );
declareProperty( "ModifyALineContainer" , m_ModifyALineContainer = 2 );
declareProperty( "CompareInternalExternalALineContainer" , m_CompareInternalExternalALineContainer = 0 );
declareProperty( "UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal", m_UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal = 0 );
declareProperty( "DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool", m_DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool = 0 );
declareProperty( "PrintLevel", m_PrintLevel = 0 );
p_AtlasDetectorID = 0 ;
/// Standard Destructor
AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::~AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc() {
delete p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal ;
delete p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal ;
delete p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal ;
delete p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal ;
delete p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal ;
delete p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal ;
delete p_Amdcsimrec ;
// Service initialisation
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initialisation started " ) ;
StatusCode sc=AthService::initialize();
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Service::initialize() failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "================================" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=Proprieties are " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= NameOfTheSource " << m_NameOfTheSource ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= NameOfTheAmdbFile " << m_NameOfTheFile ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= OracleNodedetectorKey " << m_OracleNodedetectorKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= OracleNodedetectorNode " << m_OracleNodedetectorNode ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= CtrlDumpCo " << m_CtrlDumpCo ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= CtrlFileStrings " << m_CtrlFileStrings ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= CtrlFileOracle " << m_CtrlFileOracle ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= EmergencyOut " << m_EmergencyOut ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= ControlALine " << m_ControlALine ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= ControlILine " << m_ControlILine ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= TruncateALine " << m_TruncateALine ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= TruncatePLine " << m_TruncatePLine ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= AlignmentSource " << m_AlignmentSource ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= AlignmentCorr " << m_AlignmentCorr ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= HardSoftCheck " << m_HardSoftCheck ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= XtomoCheck " << m_XtomoCheck ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= SortAlignContainer " << m_SortAlignContainer ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= RmAlignCSC " << m_RmAlignCSC ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= ModifyALineContainer " << m_ModifyALineContainer ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= CompareInternalExternalALineContainer " << m_CompareInternalExternalALineContainer ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal " << m_UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "= DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool " << m_DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "================================" ) ;
//Set pointer on DetectorStore
sc = service("DetectorStore",p_detStore);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "DetectorStore service not found !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found DetectorStore ") ;
//Set pointer on AtlasDetectorID
/* sc = p_detStore->retrieve(p_AtlasDetectorID, "AtlasID" );
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Could not get AtlasDetectorID ") ;
return( StatusCode::FAILURE );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found AtlasDetectorID ") ;
//Set pointer on GeoModelSvc
if ( m_AlignmentSource == 2
|| m_NameOfTheSource=="POOL"
|| m_NameOfTheSource=="GEOMODEL" ) {
sc = service ("GeoModelSvc",p_IGeoModelSvc);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "GeoModelSvc service not found !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found GeoModelSvc ") ;
//Set pointer on Muondetector Manager
if ( m_UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal == 1 ) {
StatusCode sc = p_detStore->retrieve(p_MuonDetectorManager);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "p_MuonDetectorManager not found !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Found MuonDetectorManager ") ;
const DataHandle<TagInfo> tagInfoH;
std::string tagInfoKey = "";
sc = service("TagInfoMgr", p_ITagInfoMgr);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( " Unable to locate TagInfoMgr service" ) ;
tagInfoKey = p_ITagInfoMgr->tagInfoKey();
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetTagInfoXML,this, tagInfoH, tagInfoKey) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Cannot register AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetTagInfoXML function for key " << tagInfoKey ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Registered AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetTagInfoXML callback for key: " << tagInfoKey ) ;
//Check geometry related proprieties
if ( m_NameOfTheSource!="ASCII"
&& m_NameOfTheSource!="GEOMODEL"
&& m_NameOfTheSource!="ORACLENODE"
&& m_NameOfTheSource!="POOL"
&& m_NameOfTheSource!="POOLHARD") {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Selected source " << m_NameOfTheSource << " unknown " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if ( m_AlignmentCorr != 0 && m_AlignmentCorr != 1 && m_AlignmentCorr != 2 && m_AlignmentCorr != 3 ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " AlignmentCorr is " << m_AlignmentCorr ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " while it should be 0, 1, 2 or 3 " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if ( m_AlignmentCorr != 0 ) {
if ( m_AlignmentSource != 2 && m_AlignmentSource != 3){
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " AlignmentSource is " << m_AlignmentSource ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " while it should be 2: Get them from Geomodel ") ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " or 3: Get them from Amdc string from Ascii file or from Oracle ") ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
//Strings come Ascii file
if (m_NameOfTheSource=="ASCII"){
if (m_AlignmentSource == 3 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Ascii file and A/B line stores as well<=" ) ;
m_IsInitialized = true ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Ascii file and A/B line stores from cool<=" ) ;
m_IsInitialized = false ;
m_IsUsable = false ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeAscii failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeAscii " ) ;
if (m_AlignmentSource == 2 ){
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool " ) ;
//Strings come from Geomodel and A/B line stores as well
if ( (m_NameOfTheSource=="POOL" || m_NameOfTheSource=="GEOMODEL" ) && m_AlignmentSource == 3 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Geomodel and A/B line stores as well<=" ) ;
if(p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized()) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized() true " ) ;
m_IsInitialized = true ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
sc = initializeFromGeomodel();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeFromGeomodel failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromGeomodel " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized() false " ) ;
m_IsInitialized = false ;
m_IsUsable = false ;
sc = regFcninitializeFromGeomodel();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("regFcninitializeFromGeomodel failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: regFcninitializeFromGeomodel " ) ;
//Strings come from Geomodel and A/B line stores from cool
if ( (m_NameOfTheSource=="POOL" || m_NameOfTheSource=="GEOMODEL" ) && m_AlignmentSource == 2 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Geomodel and A/B line stores from cool<=" ) ;
m_IsInitialized = false ;
m_IsUsable = false ;
if(p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized()) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized() true " ) ;
sc = initializeFromGeomodel();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeFromGeomodel failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromGeomodel " ) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_IGeoModelSvc->geoInitialized() false " ) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("regFcninitializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCool failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: regFcninitializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCool " ) ;
//Strings come from Oracle
if (m_NameOfTheSource=="POOLHARD" || m_NameOfTheSource=="ORACLENODE" ){
if (m_AlignmentSource == 3 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Oracle and A/B line stores as well<=" ) ;
m_IsInitialized = true ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>Strings come from Oracle and A/B line stores from cool<=" ) ;
m_IsInitialized = false ;
m_IsUsable = false ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeFromOracleNode failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromOracleNode " ) ;
if (m_AlignmentSource == 2 ){
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool " ) ;
//Set pointer on Muondetector Manager
if ( m_UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal == 1 ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=>A/B line in internal stores come from MuonDetectorManager<=" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initialisation ended " ) ;
if ( m_EmergencyOut == 1 ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
/// Service finalisation
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::finalize(){return StatusCode::SUCCESS;}
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvInterface ) {
if ( IID_IAmdcsimrecAthenaSvc == riid ) {
*ppvInterface = (AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc*)this;
return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
bool AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UsableSvc() {return m_IsUsable ;}
bool AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::InitializedSvc() {return m_IsInitialized;}
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> UpdatedSvc is called" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
Amdcsimrec* AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAmdcsimrec(){return p_Amdcsimrec;}
std::string AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetNameOfTheSource(){return m_NameOfTheSource;}
std::string AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetNameOfTheFile(){return m_NameOfTheFile;}
std::string AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetLocationOfTheFile(){return m_LocationOfTheFile;}
std::string AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAmdcString(){return m_AmdcString;}
std::string AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAgddString(){return m_AgddString;}
/// Service initialisation
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeAscii()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> initializeAscii is called" ) ;
StatusCode sc = SetLocation(m_NameOfTheFile,m_LocationOfTheFile);
if (sc.isFailure()){
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetLocation for " << m_NameOfTheFile << " failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetLocation " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "File to be read " << m_NameOfTheFile ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " found as " << m_LocationOfTheFile ) ;
//Initialize Muon Spectrometer Geometry
int SizeName = m_LocationOfTheFile.size();
char* FileName = new char[SizeName];
int Istate = 0;
for (int i= 0; i <SizeName; i++){FileName[i]=m_LocationOfTheFile[i];}
int IFLAG = 100 + m_PrintLevel ;
delete [] FileName ;
if (Istate == 0) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "amdcreadn failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: amdcreadn " ) ;
//Post Geometry Loading Sequence
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("PostGeometryLoadingSequence failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: PostGeometryLoadingSequence " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::regFcninitializeFromGeomodel()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> regFcninitializeFromGeomodel is called" ) ;
StatusCode sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
&IGeoModelSvc::align, &*p_IGeoModelSvc,
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback, this
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback, this,
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc, this
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelCallback(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> initializeFromGeomodelCallback is called" ) ;
StatusCode sc = initializeFromGeomodel();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeFromGeomodel failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromGeomodel" ) ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodel()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> initializeFromGeomodel is called" ) ;
std::string AtlasVersion = p_IGeoModelSvc->atlasVersion();
std::string MuonVersion = p_IGeoModelSvc->muonVersionOverride();
m_detectorKey = MuonVersion.empty() ? AtlasVersion : MuonVersion;
m_detectorNode = MuonVersion.empty() ? "ATLAS" : "MuonSpectrometer";
if ( MuonVersion == "CUSTOM"){
m_detectorKey = AtlasVersion ;
m_detectorNode = "ATLAS" ;
StatusCode sc = initializeFromOracle() ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "initializeFromOracle failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromOracle" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromOracleNode() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> initializeFromOracleNode is called" ) ;
m_detectorKey = m_OracleNodedetectorKey ;
m_detectorNode = m_OracleNodedetectorNode ;
StatusCode sc = initializeFromOracle() ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "initializeFromOracle failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromOracle" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromOracle()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> initializeFromOracle is called" ) ;
IRDBAccessSvc* pIRDBAccessSvc;
StatusCode sc = service("RDBAccessSvc",pIRDBAccessSvc);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to get RDBAccessSvc." ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Keys are (key) " << m_detectorKey
<< " (node) " << m_detectorNode
) ;
const IRDBRecordset *recordsetAMDC = pIRDBAccessSvc->getRecordset("AMDC",m_detectorKey,m_detectorNode);
if (recordsetAMDC->size()==0){
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "recordsetAMDC->size() is 0" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const IRDBRecord *recordAMDC = (*recordsetAMDC)[0];
std::string AmdcString = recordAMDC->getString("DATA");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " AMDC::VNAME " << recordAMDC->getString("VNAME") ) ;
const IRDBRecordset *recordsetAGDD = pIRDBAccessSvc->getRecordset("AGDD",m_detectorKey,m_detectorNode);
if (recordsetAGDD->size()==0){
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " recordsetAGDD->size() is 0" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const IRDBRecord *recordAGDD = (*recordsetAGDD)[0];
std::string AgddString = recordAGDD->getString("DATA");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " AGDD::VNAME " << recordAGDD->getString("VNAME") ) ;
//Retrieve AGDD2GeoSwitches data
std::string agdd2geoVersion = pIRDBAccessSvc->getChildTag("AGDD2GeoSwitches",m_detectorKey,m_detectorNode);
if(!agdd2geoVersion.empty()) {
m_AGDD2GeoSwitchesStamp = m_AGDD2GeoSwitchesStamp + 1;
std::string TheKEYNAME;
const IRDBRecordset* pIRDBRecordset = pIRDBAccessSvc->getRecordset("AGDD2GeoSwitches",m_detectorKey,m_detectorNode);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<pIRDBRecordset->size(); i++) {
const IRDBRecord* record = (*pIRDBRecordset)[i];
TheKEYNAME = record->getString("KEYNAME");
TheKEYVALUE = record->getInt("KEYVALUE");
if ( TheKEYVALUE == 1 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Add to m_AGDD2GeoSwitches " << TheKEYNAME ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " agdd2geoVersion is empty " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " AGDD2GeoSwitches data collected " ) ;
if (m_CtrlFileOracle==1){
std::ofstream GeneratedFile;"Generated_amdb_simrec_Oracle");
GeneratedFile << AmdcString << std::endl;
GeneratedFile << AgddString << std::endl;
//Set Muon Spectrometer Geometry
sc = SetFromString(AmdcString,AgddString);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetFromString failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetFromString" ) ;
//Post Geometry Loading Sequence
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("PostGeometryLoadingSequence failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: PostGeometryLoadingSequence" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::PostGeometryLoadingSequence()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> PostGeometryLoadingSequence is called" ) ;
//Produce strings
StatusCode sc=ProduceString();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("ProduceString failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: ProduceString" ) ;
//Possibly modify A line
//Possibly modify I line
//Possibly truncate A line rotation parameters
if (m_TruncateALine == 1 ) truncatealine_();
//Possibly truncate P line rotation parameters
if (m_TruncatePLine == 1 ) truncatepline_();
//Delete p_Amdcsimrec and Set it
delete p_Amdcsimrec ;
p_Amdcsimrec = new AmdcsimrecStand;
//Set Internal Stores
sc = SetAliStoreInternal() ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("SetAliStoreInternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAliStoreInternal" ) ;
//Possibly Check Hard/Soft schemes
if (m_HardSoftCheck == 1 ) {
TestHardSoftStuff() ;
//Possibly Xtomo stuff
if (m_XtomoCheck == 1 ) {
TestXtomoStuff() ;
//Do Dumps
if (m_CtrlDumpCo==1){
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::ProduceString()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> ProduceString is called" ) ;
m_AmdcString = "";
int Namdc = 0;
if (Namdc!=0){
char* Camdc = new char[Namdc];
for (int i= 0; i <Namdc; i++){m_AmdcString[i]=Camdc[i];}
delete [] Camdc ;
m_AgddString = "";
int Nagdd = 0;
if (Nagdd!=0){
char* Cagdd = new char[Nagdd];
for (int i= 0; i <Nagdd; i++){m_AgddString[i]=Cagdd[i];}
delete [] Cagdd ;
if (m_CtrlFileStrings==1){
std::ofstream GeneratedFile;"Generated_amdb_simrec_String");
GeneratedFile << m_AmdcString << std::endl;
GeneratedFile << m_AgddString << std::endl;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetFromString(std::string AmdcString,std::string AgddString)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> SetFromString is called" ) ;
int NAmdc = AmdcString.size();
char* CAmdc = new char[NAmdc];
for (int i= 0; i <NAmdc; i++){CAmdc[i]=AmdcString[i];}
int NAgdd = AgddString.size();
char* CAgdd = new char[NAgdd];
for (int i= 0; i <NAgdd; i++){CAgdd[i]=AgddString[i];}
int IFLAG = 100 + m_PrintLevel ;
delete [] CAmdc ;
delete [] CAgdd ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAmdcAliStores(
int& AmdcABlinesStamp,
const AmdcAlineStore*& pAmdcAlineStore ,
const AmdcBlineStore*& pAmdcBlineStore ,
const AmdcIlineStore*& pAmdcIlineStore
pAmdcAlineStore = 0 ;
pAmdcBlineStore = 0 ;
pAmdcIlineStore = 0 ;
if ( m_AlignmentCorr != 0 ) {
if ( m_AlignmentSource == 2 ) {
pAmdcAlineStore = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal ;
pAmdcBlineStore = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal ;
pAmdcIlineStore = p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal ;
AmdcABlinesStamp = m_AmdcABlinesStamp ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
pAmdcAlineStore = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal ;
pAmdcBlineStore = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal ;
pAmdcIlineStore = p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal ;
AmdcABlinesStamp = m_AmdcABlinesStamp ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAliStoreInternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> SetAliStoreInternal is called" ) ;
if ( m_UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal == 0 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal == 0 " ) ;
int DB_Jadjust_Max = p_Amdcsimrec->NBadjust();
for (int DB_Jadjust=1 ; DB_Jadjust<=DB_Jadjust_Max ; DB_Jadjust++){
int DB_JTYP ;
int DB_JFF ;
int DB_JZZ ;
int DB_JOB ;
double Amdc_TraS ;
double Amdc_TraZ ;
double Amdc_TraT ;
double Amdc_RotS ;
double Amdc_RotZ ;
double Amdc_RotT ;
if ( m_ModifyALineContainer == 2)
Amdc_TraS ,
Amdc_TraZ ,
Amdc_TraT ,
Amdc_RotS ,
Amdc_RotZ ,
AmdcAline aAmdcAline;
aAmdcAline.Setjff ( DB_JFF );
aAmdcAline.Setjzz ( DB_JZZ );
aAmdcAline.Setjob ( DB_JOB );
aAmdcAline.Sets ( Amdc_TraS );
aAmdcAline.Setz ( Amdc_TraZ );
aAmdcAline.Sett ( Amdc_TraT );
aAmdcAline.SetrotS ( Amdc_RotS );
aAmdcAline.SetrotZ ( Amdc_RotZ );
aAmdcAline.SetrotT ( Amdc_RotT );
int StoreIt = 1 ;
if ( p_Amdcsimrec->StationName(DB_JTYP) == "CSS" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( p_Amdcsimrec->StationName(DB_JTYP) == "CSL" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( StoreIt == 1 ) {
if ( m_SortAlignContainer == 1 ) p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->Sort() ;
int DB_Jdeform_Max = p_Amdcsimrec->NBdeform();
for (int DB_Jdeform=1 ; DB_Jdeform<=DB_Jdeform_Max ; DB_Jdeform++){
int DB_JTYP ;
int DB_JFF ;
int DB_JZZ ;
int DB_JOB ;
double Amdc_bz ;
double Amdc_bp ;
double Amdc_bn ;
double Amdc_sp ;
double Amdc_sn ;
double Amdc_tw ;
double Amdc_pg ;
double Amdc_tr ;
double Amdc_eg ;
double Amdc_ep ;
double Amdc_en ;
AmdcBline aAmdcBline;
aAmdcBline.Setjff ( DB_JFF );
aAmdcBline.Setjzz ( DB_JZZ );
aAmdcBline.Setjob ( DB_JOB );
aAmdcBline.Setbz ( Amdc_bz );
aAmdcBline.Setbp ( Amdc_bp );
aAmdcBline.Setbn ( Amdc_bn );
aAmdcBline.Setsp ( Amdc_sp );
aAmdcBline.Setsn ( Amdc_sn );
aAmdcBline.Settw ( Amdc_tw );
aAmdcBline.Setpg ( Amdc_pg );
aAmdcBline.Settr ( Amdc_tr );
aAmdcBline.Seteg ( Amdc_eg );
aAmdcBline.Setep ( Amdc_ep );
aAmdcBline.Seten ( Amdc_en );
int StoreIt = 1 ;
if ( p_Amdcsimrec->StationName(DB_JTYP) == "CSS" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( p_Amdcsimrec->StationName(DB_JTYP) == "CSL" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( StoreIt == 1 ) {
int DB_Jdwnlay_Max = p_Amdcsimrec->NBdwnlay();
for (int DB_Jdwnlay=1 ; DB_Jdwnlay<=DB_Jdwnlay_Max ; DB_Jdwnlay++){
int DB_JTYP ;
int DB_JFF ;
int DB_JZZ ;
int DB_JOB ;
int DB_JLAY ;
double Amdc_TraS ;
double Amdc_TraZ ;
double Amdc_TraT ;
double Amdc_RotS ;
double Amdc_RotZ ;
double Amdc_RotT ;
AmdcIline aAmdcIline;
aAmdcIline.Setjff ( DB_JFF );
aAmdcIline.Setjzz ( DB_JZZ );
aAmdcIline.Setjob ( DB_JOB );
aAmdcIline.Setjlay ( DB_JLAY );
aAmdcIline.Sets ( Amdc_TraS );
aAmdcIline.Setz ( Amdc_TraZ );
aAmdcIline.Sett ( Amdc_TraT );
aAmdcIline.SetrotS ( Amdc_RotS );
aAmdcIline.SetrotZ ( Amdc_RotZ );
aAmdcIline.SetrotT ( Amdc_RotT );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " UseMuonDetectorManagerForInternal != 0 " ) ;
int LoadIer = 0 ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
LoadIer = 0 ;
sc = SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
LoadIer = 0 ;
sc = SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->Reset() ;
int SizeAInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeAInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcAline( Item ) ;
AmdcAline aAmdcAline;
aAmdcAline.SetStationType( pAmdcAlineInternal->GetStationType() );
aAmdcAline.Setjff ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjff () );
aAmdcAline.Setjzz ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjzz () );
aAmdcAline.Setjob ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjob () );
aAmdcAline.Sets ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Gets () );
aAmdcAline.Setz ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Getz () );
aAmdcAline.Sett ( pAmdcAlineInternal->Gett () );
aAmdcAline.SetrotS ( pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotS () );
aAmdcAline.SetrotZ ( pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotZ () );
aAmdcAline.SetrotT ( pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotT () );
p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->Reset() ;
int SizeBInternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeBInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBlineInternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcBline(Item);
AmdcBline aAmdcBline;
aAmdcBline.SetStationType( pAmdcBlineInternal->GetStationType() );
aAmdcBline.Setjff ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjff () );
aAmdcBline.Setjzz ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjzz () );
aAmdcBline.Setjob ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjob () );
aAmdcBline.Setbz ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbz () );
aAmdcBline.Setbp ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbp () );
aAmdcBline.Setbn ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbn () );
aAmdcBline.Setsp ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getsp () );
aAmdcBline.Setsn ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getsn () );
aAmdcBline.Settw ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Gettw () );
aAmdcBline.Setpg ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getpg () );
aAmdcBline.Settr ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Gettr () );
aAmdcBline.Seteg ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Geteg () );
aAmdcBline.Setep ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Getep () );
aAmdcBline.Seten ( pAmdcBlineInternal->Geten () );
p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal->Reset() ;
int SizeIInternal = p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeIInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcIline* pAmdcIlineInternal = p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcIlineForUpdate( Item ) ;
AmdcIline aAmdcIline;
aAmdcIline.SetStationType( pAmdcIlineInternal->GetStationType() );
aAmdcIline.Setjff ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Getjff () );
aAmdcIline.Setjzz ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Getjzz () );
aAmdcIline.Setjob ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Getjob () );
aAmdcIline.Setjlay ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Getjlay () );
aAmdcIline.Sets ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Gets () );
aAmdcIline.Setz ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Getz () );
aAmdcIline.Sett ( pAmdcIlineInternal->Gett () );
aAmdcIline.SetrotS ( pAmdcIlineInternal->GetrotS () );
aAmdcIline.SetrotZ ( pAmdcIlineInternal->GetrotZ () );
aAmdcIline.SetrotT ( pAmdcIlineInternal->GetrotT () );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcIlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::regFcninitializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCool()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> regFcninitializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCool is called" ) ;
StatusCode sc = p_detStore->retrieve(p_MuonDetectorManager);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "p_MuonDetectorManager not found !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done:p_MuonDetectorManager found " ) ;
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
&IGeoModelSvc::align, &*p_IGeoModelSvc,
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback, this
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback, this,
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc, this
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> initializeFromGeomodelSetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback is called " ) ;
StatusCode sc = initializeFromGeomodel();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("initializeFromGeomodel failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: initializeFromGeomodel" ) ;
sc = SetAmdcABlineFromCool();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " SetAmdcABlineFromCool failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcABlineFromCool" ) ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("----> regFcnSetAmdcABlineFromCool is called" ) ;
StatusCode sc = p_detStore->retrieve(p_MuonDetectorManager);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "p_MuonDetectorManager not found !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done:p_MuonDetectorManager found " ) ;
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback from IGeoModelSvc::align" ) ;
sc = p_detStore->regFcn(
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback, this,
&AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc, this
if (sc.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: Register callback on AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::UpdatedSvc from AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcABlineFromCoolCallback is called " ) ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcABlineFromCool();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " SetAmdcABlineFromCool failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcABlineFromCool" ) ;
m_IsUsable = true ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcABlineFromCool()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcABlineFromCool is called " ) ;
if ( m_DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool == 1 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "DontSetAmdcABlineFromCool == 1; SetAmdcABlineFromCool will not change the containers " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if ( m_AlignmentCorr == 1 || m_AlignmentCorr == 3 ){
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal" ) ;
if ( m_AlignmentCorr == 2 || m_AlignmentCorr == 3 ){
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal" ) ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcIlineStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " SetAmdcIlineStoreExternal failed " ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcIlineStoreExternal" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal is called " ) ;
int LoadIer = 0 ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (LoadIer==1){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal did not changed the store " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
m_AmdcABlinesStamp = m_AmdcABlinesStamp + 1 ;
if ( m_ModifyALineContainer == 1) {
// int SizeExternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
int SizeInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcAline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_External = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->getData(JTYP_Internal, JFF_Internal ,JZZ_Internal, JOB_Internal);
if ( Item_External != -1) {
double The_s = pAmdcAlineInternal->Gets () ;
double The_z = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getz () ;
double The_t = pAmdcAlineInternal->Gett () ;
double The_rotS = pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotS() ;
double The_rotZ = pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotZ() ;
double The_rotT = pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotT() ;
AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineExternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcAlineForUpdate( Item_External ) ;
pAmdcAlineExternal->Sets ( The_s );
pAmdcAlineExternal->Setz ( The_z );
pAmdcAlineExternal->Sett ( The_t );
pAmdcAlineExternal->SetrotS ( The_rotS );
pAmdcAlineExternal->SetrotZ ( The_rotZ );
pAmdcAlineExternal->SetrotT ( The_rotT );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
if ( m_CompareInternalExternalALineContainer == 1) {
int SizeExternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
int SizeInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
std::cout << " AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcAlineStoreExternal Compare " << std::endl;
if ( SizeExternal != SizeInternal ){
std::cout << "=> SizeExternal != SizeInternal " << " " << SizeExternal << " " << SizeInternal << std::endl;
double MaxDiffGets = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetz = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGett = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetrotS = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetrotZ = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetrotT = 0. ;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcAline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_External = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->getData(JTYP_Internal, JFF_Internal ,JZZ_Internal, JOB_Internal);
if ( Item_External != -1){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineExternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcAline( Item_External ) ;
double DiffGets = pAmdcAlineExternal->Gets () - pAmdcAlineInternal->Gets () ;
double DiffGetz = pAmdcAlineExternal->Getz () - pAmdcAlineInternal->Getz () ;
double DiffGett = pAmdcAlineExternal->Gett () - pAmdcAlineInternal->Gett () ;
double DiffGetrotS = pAmdcAlineExternal->GetrotS () - pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotS () ;
double DiffGetrotZ = pAmdcAlineExternal->GetrotZ () - pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotZ () ;
double DiffGetrotT = pAmdcAlineExternal->GetrotT () - pAmdcAlineInternal->GetrotT () ;
std::cout << setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
<< std::setw(3) << pAmdcAlineExternal->GetStationType()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjff ()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjzz ()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjob ()
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << DiffGets
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << DiffGetz
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << DiffGett
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetrotS
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetrotZ
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetrotT
<< std::endl;
if ( fabs( DiffGets ) > MaxDiffGets ) MaxDiffGets = DiffGets ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetz ) > MaxDiffGetz ) MaxDiffGetz = DiffGetz ;
if ( fabs( DiffGett ) > MaxDiffGett ) MaxDiffGett = DiffGett ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetrotS ) > MaxDiffGetrotS ) MaxDiffGetrotS = DiffGetrotS ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetrotZ ) > MaxDiffGetrotZ ) MaxDiffGetrotZ = DiffGetrotZ ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetrotT ) > MaxDiffGetrotT ) MaxDiffGetrotT = DiffGetrotT ;
<< std::setw(3) << "Max"
<< std::setw(4) << "Diff"
<< std::setw(4) << " "
<< std::setw(4) << " "
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << MaxDiffGets
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << MaxDiffGetz
<< std::setw(13)<<std::setprecision(6) << MaxDiffGett
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetrotS
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetrotZ
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetrotT
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " In Internal and not in External" << std::endl;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineInternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcAline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_Internal = pAmdcAlineInternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_External = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->getData(JTYP_Internal, JFF_Internal ,JZZ_Internal, JOB_Internal);
if ( Item_External == -1) pAmdcAlineInternal->SuperPrint();
std::cout << " In External and not in Internal" << std::endl;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeExternal ; Item++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAlineExternal = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcAline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_External = pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_External = pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_External = pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_External = pAmdcAlineExternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_Internal = p_AmdcAlineStoreInternal->getData(JTYP_External, JFF_External ,JZZ_External, JOB_External);
if ( Item_Internal == -1) pAmdcAlineExternal->SuperPrint();
sc = LoadAlineStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "LoadAlineStoreExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: LoadAlineStoreExternal" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal is called " ) ;
int LoadIer = 0 ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (LoadIer==1){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal did not changed the store " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
m_AmdcABlinesStamp = m_AmdcABlinesStamp + 1 ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects()" << p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects() ) ;
if ( m_CompareInternalExternalALineContainer == 1) {
int SizeExternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
int SizeInternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->NberOfObjects();
std::cout << " AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcBlineStoreExternal Compare " << std::endl;
if ( SizeExternal != SizeInternal ){
std::cout << "=> SizeExternal != SizeInternal " << " " << SizeExternal << " " << SizeInternal << std::endl;
double MaxDiffGetbz = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetbp = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetbn = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetsp = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetsn = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGettw = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetpg = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGettr = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGeteg = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGetep = 0. ;
double MaxDiffGeten = 0. ;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBlineInternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcBline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_External = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->getData(JTYP_Internal, JFF_Internal ,JZZ_Internal, JOB_Internal);
if ( Item_External != -1){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBlineExternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcBline( Item_External ) ;
double DiffGetbz = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getbz () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbz () ;
double DiffGetbp = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getbp () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbp () ;
double DiffGetbn = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getbn () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getbn () ;
double DiffGetsp = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getsp () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getsp () ;
double DiffGetsn = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getsn () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getsn () ;
double DiffGettw = pAmdcBlineExternal->Gettw () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Gettw () ;
double DiffGetpg = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getpg () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getpg () ;
double DiffGettr = pAmdcBlineExternal->Gettr () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Gettr () ;
double DiffGeteg = pAmdcBlineExternal->Geteg () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Geteg () ;
double DiffGetep = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getep () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Getep () ;
double DiffGeten = pAmdcBlineExternal->Geten () - pAmdcBlineInternal->Geten () ;
std::cout << setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
<< std::setw(3) << pAmdcBlineExternal->GetStationType()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjff ()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjzz ()
<< std::setw(4) << pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjob ()
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetbz
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetbp
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetbn
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetsp
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetsn
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGettw
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetpg
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGettr
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGeteg
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGetep
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< DiffGeten
<< std::endl;
if ( fabs( DiffGetbz) > MaxDiffGetbz ) MaxDiffGetbz = DiffGetbz ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetbp) > MaxDiffGetbp ) MaxDiffGetbp = DiffGetbp ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetbn) > MaxDiffGetbn ) MaxDiffGetbn = DiffGetbn ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetsp) > MaxDiffGetsp ) MaxDiffGetsp = DiffGetsp ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetsn) > MaxDiffGetsn ) MaxDiffGetsn = DiffGetsn ;
if ( fabs( DiffGettw) > MaxDiffGettw ) MaxDiffGettw = DiffGettw ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetpg) > MaxDiffGetpg ) MaxDiffGetpg = DiffGetpg ;
if ( fabs( DiffGettr) > MaxDiffGettr ) MaxDiffGettr = DiffGettr ;
if ( fabs( DiffGeteg) > MaxDiffGeteg ) MaxDiffGeteg = DiffGeteg ;
if ( fabs( DiffGetep) > MaxDiffGetep ) MaxDiffGetep = DiffGetep ;
if ( fabs( DiffGeten) > MaxDiffGeten ) MaxDiffGeten = DiffGeten ;
<< std::setw(3) << "Max"
<< std::setw(4) << "Diff"
<< std::setw(4) << " "
<< std::setw(4) << " "
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetbz
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetbp
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetbn
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetsp
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetsn
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGettw
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetpg
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGettr
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGeteg
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGetep
<< std::setw(16)<<std::setprecision(12)<< MaxDiffGeten
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " In Internal and not in External" << std::endl;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeInternal ; Item++){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBlineInternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->GetAmdcBline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_Internal = pAmdcBlineInternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_External = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->getData(JTYP_Internal, JFF_Internal ,JZZ_Internal, JOB_Internal);
if ( Item_External == -1) pAmdcBlineInternal->SuperPrint();
std::cout << " In External and not in Internal" << std::endl;
for (int Item=0 ; Item<SizeExternal ; Item++){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBlineExternal = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcBline( Item ) ;
int JTYP_External = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjtyp() ;
int JFF_External = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjff() ;
int JZZ_External = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjzz() ;
int JOB_External = pAmdcBlineExternal->Getjob() ;
int Item_Internal = p_AmdcBlineStoreInternal->getData(JTYP_External, JFF_External ,JZZ_External, JOB_External);
if ( Item_Internal == -1) pAmdcBlineExternal->SuperPrint();
sc = LoadBlineStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "LoadBlineStoreExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: LoadBlineStoreExternal" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcIlineStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcIlineStoreExternal is called " ) ;
int LoadIer = 0 ;
StatusCode sc = SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal(p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal,LoadIer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (LoadIer==1){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal did not changed the store " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal" ) ;
m_AmdcABlinesStamp = m_AmdcABlinesStamp + 1 ;
sc = LoadCscInternalAlignmentStoreExternal();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "LoadCscInternalAlignmentStoreExternal failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: LoadCscInternalAlignmentStoreExternal" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal(AmdcAlineStore* pAmdcAlineStore,int& LoadIer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcAlineStoreFromExternal is called " ) ;
LoadIer = 0 ;
const ALineMapContainer* pALineMapContainer = 0;
StatusCode sc = GetALineMapContainer(pALineMapContainer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "GetALineMapContainer failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (pALineMapContainer==0){
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "GetALineMapContainer returns null pointer " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: GetALineMapContainer" ) ;
pAmdcAlineStore->Reset() ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
float s ;
float z ;
float t ;
float rotS ;
float rotZ ;
float rotT ;
ALineMapContainer::const_iterator ialineF = pALineMapContainer->begin();
ALineMapContainer::const_iterator ialineL = pALineMapContainer->end();
for (ALineMapContainer::const_iterator ialine = ialineF; ialine != ialineL; ++ialine){
ALinePar* al = ialine->second;
al->getAmdbId(StationType, jff, jzz, job);
al->getParameters(s, z, t, rotS, rotZ, rotT);
double double_s = static_cast<double>( s ) ;
double double_z = static_cast<double>( z ) ;
double double_t = static_cast<double>( t ) ;
double double_rotS = static_cast<double>( rotS ) ;
double double_rotZ = static_cast<double>( rotZ ) ;
double double_rotT = static_cast<double>( rotT ) ;
if ( m_ModifyALineContainer == 2)
double_s ,
double_z ,
double_t ,
double_rotS ,
double_rotZ ,
std::string TheStationType = StationType.substr(0,3);
AmdcAline aAmdcAline;
aAmdcAline.Setjff (jff);
aAmdcAline.Setjzz (jzz);
aAmdcAline.Setjob (job);
aAmdcAline.Sets ( double_s );
aAmdcAline.Setz ( double_z );
aAmdcAline.Sett ( double_t );
aAmdcAline.SetrotS ( double_rotS );
aAmdcAline.SetrotZ ( double_rotZ );
aAmdcAline.SetrotT ( double_rotT );
int StoreIt = 1 ;
if ( TheStationType == "CSS" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( TheStationType == "CSL" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( StoreIt == 1 ) {
if ( m_SortAlignContainer == 1 ) pAmdcAlineStore->Sort() ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " pAmdcAlineStore->NberOfObjects()" << pAmdcAlineStore->NberOfObjects() ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal(AmdcBlineStore* pAmdcBlineStore,int& LoadIer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal is called " ) ;
LoadIer = 0 ;
const BLineMapContainer* pBLineMapContainer = 0;
StatusCode sc = GetBLineMapContainer(pBLineMapContainer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "GetBLineMapContainer failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (pBLineMapContainer==0){
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "GetBLineMapContainer returns null pointer " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: GetBLineMapContainer" ) ;
pAmdcBlineStore->Reset() ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
float bz; // tube bow in plane
float bp; // tube bow out of plane
float bn; // tube bow out of plane
float sp; // cross plate sag out of plane
float sn; // cross plate sag out of plane
float tw; // twist
float pg; // parallelogram
float tr; // trapezoid
float eg; // global expansion
float ep; // local expansion
float en; // local expansion
BLineMapContainer::const_iterator iblineF = pBLineMapContainer->begin();
BLineMapContainer::const_iterator iblineL = pBLineMapContainer->end();
for (BLineMapContainer::const_iterator ibline = iblineF; ibline != iblineL; ++ibline){
BLinePar* bl = ibline->second;
bl->getAmdbId(StationType, jff, jzz, job);
bl->getParameters(bz, bp, bn, sp, sn, tw,
pg, tr, eg, ep, en);
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=============================SetAmdcBlineStoreFromExternal " ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " StationType " << StationType ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " jff " << jff ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " jzz " << jzz ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " job " << job ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " bz " << bz ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " bp " << bp ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " bn " << bn ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " sp " << sp ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " sn " << sn ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " tw " << tw ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " pg " << pg ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " tr " << tr ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " eg " << eg ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " ep " << ep ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " en " << en ) ;
double double_bz = static_cast<double>( bz ) ;
double double_bp = static_cast<double>( bp ) ;
double double_bn = static_cast<double>( bn ) ;
double double_sp = static_cast<double>( sp ) ;
double double_sn = static_cast<double>( sn ) ;
double double_tw = static_cast<double>( tw ) ;
double double_pg = static_cast<double>( pg ) ;
double double_tr = static_cast<double>( tr ) ;
double double_eg = static_cast<double>( eg ) ;
double double_ep = static_cast<double>( ep ) ;
double double_en = static_cast<double>( en ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_bz " << double_bz ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_bp " << double_bp ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_bn " << double_bn ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_sp " << double_sp ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_sn " << double_sn ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_tw " << double_tw ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_pg " << double_pg ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_tr " << double_tr ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_eg " << double_eg ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_ep " << double_ep ) ;
// ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " double_en " << double_en ) ;
std::string TheStationType = StationType.substr(0,3);
AmdcBline aAmdcBline;
aAmdcBline.Setjff (jff);
aAmdcBline.Setjzz (jzz);
aAmdcBline.Setjob (job);
aAmdcBline.Setbz ( double_bz );
aAmdcBline.Setbp ( double_bp );
aAmdcBline.Setbn ( double_bn );
aAmdcBline.Setsp ( double_sp );
aAmdcBline.Setsn ( double_sn );
aAmdcBline.Settw ( double_tw );
aAmdcBline.Setpg ( double_pg );
aAmdcBline.Settr ( double_tr );
aAmdcBline.Seteg ( double_eg );
aAmdcBline.Setep ( double_ep );
aAmdcBline.Seten ( double_en );
int StoreIt = 1 ;
if ( TheStationType == "CSS" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( TheStationType == "CSL" && m_RmAlignCSC == 1 ) StoreIt = 0 ;
if ( StoreIt == 1 ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " pAmdcBlineStore->NberOfObjects()" << pAmdcBlineStore->NberOfObjects() ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal(AmdcIlineStore* pAmdcIlineStore,int& LoadIer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetAmdcIlineStoreFromExternal is called " ) ;
LoadIer = 0 ;
const CscInternalAlignmentMapContainer* pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer = 0;
StatusCode sc = GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer(pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer) ;
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer failed" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer==0){
LoadIer = 1 ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer returns null pointer " ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "=> will not change the container " ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Done: GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer" ) ;
pAmdcIlineStore->Reset() ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
int jlay ;
float s ;
float z ;
float t ;
float rotS ;
float rotZ ;
float rotT ;
CscInternalAlignmentMapContainer::const_iterator iCscInternalAlignmentF = pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer->begin();
CscInternalAlignmentMapContainer::const_iterator iCscInternalAlignmentL = pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer->end();
for (CscInternalAlignmentMapContainer::const_iterator iCscInternalAlignment = iCscInternalAlignmentF; iCscInternalAlignment != iCscInternalAlignmentL; ++iCscInternalAlignment){
CscInternalAlignmentPar* al = iCscInternalAlignment->second;
al->getAmdbId(StationType, jff, jzz, job,jlay);
al->getParameters(s, z, t, rotS, rotZ, rotT);
double double_s = static_cast<double>( s ) ;
double double_z = static_cast<double>( z ) ;
double double_t = static_cast<double>( t ) ;
double double_rotS = static_cast<double>( rotS ) ;
double double_rotZ = static_cast<double>( rotZ ) ;
double double_rotT = static_cast<double>( rotT ) ;
std::string TheStationType = StationType.substr(0,3);
AmdcIline aAmdcIline;
aAmdcIline.Setjff (jff );
aAmdcIline.Setjzz (jzz );
aAmdcIline.Setjob (job );
aAmdcIline.Setjlay (jlay );
aAmdcIline.Sets ( double_s );
aAmdcIline.Setz ( double_z );
aAmdcIline.Sett ( double_t );
aAmdcIline.SetrotS ( double_rotS );
aAmdcIline.SetrotZ ( double_rotZ );
aAmdcIline.SetrotT ( double_rotT );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " AmdcIlineStore->NberOfObjects()" << pAmdcIlineStore->NberOfObjects() ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetALineMapContainer(const ALineMapContainer*& pALineMapContainer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> GetALineMapContainer is called " ) ;
pALineMapContainer = p_MuonDetectorManager->ALineContainer() ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetBLineMapContainer(const BLineMapContainer*& pBLineMapContainer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> GetBLineMapContainer is called " ) ;
pBLineMapContainer = p_MuonDetectorManager->BLineContainer() ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer(const CscInternalAlignmentMapContainer*& pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> GetCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer is called " ) ;
pCscInternalAlignmentMapContainer = p_MuonDetectorManager->CscInternalAlignmentContainer() ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::CheckALineMapContainer(const ALineMapContainer*& pALineMapContainer)
if (pALineMapContainer){
std::string StationType1 ;
int jff1 ;
int jzz1 ;
int job1 ;
float s1 ;
float z1 ;
float t1 ;
float rotS1 ;
float rotZ1 ;
float rotT1 ;
std::string StationType2 ;
int jff2 ;
int jzz2 ;
int job2 ;
float s2 ;
float z2 ;
float t2 ;
float rotS2 ;
float rotZ2 ;
float rotT2 ;
ALineMapContainer::const_iterator line1F = pALineMapContainer->begin();
ALineMapContainer::const_iterator line1L = pALineMapContainer->end();
ALineMapContainer::const_iterator line2F = pALineMapContainer->begin();
for (ALineMapContainer::const_iterator line1 = line1F; line1 != line1L; ++line1){
ALinePar* a1 = line1->second;
a1->getAmdbId(StationType1, jff1, jzz1, job1);
for (ALineMapContainer::const_iterator line2 = line2F; line2 != line1; ++line2){
ALinePar* a2 = line2->second;
a2->getAmdbId(StationType2, jff2, jzz2, job2);
if ( StationType1 == StationType2
&& jff1 == jff2
&& jzz1 == jzz2
&& job1 == job2 ){
<< " StationType " << StationType1
<< " jff " << jff1
<< " jzz " << jzz1
<< " job " << job1
) ;
<< " " << line1->first
<< " " << p_AtlasDetectorID->print_to_string(line1->first)
) ;
<< " " << line2->first
<< " " << p_AtlasDetectorID->print_to_string(line2->first)
) ; */
a1->getParameters(s1, z1, t1, rotS1, rotZ1, rotT1);
a2->getParameters(s2, z2, t2, rotS2, rotZ2, rotT2);
<< " " << s1
<< " " << z1
<< " " << t1
<< " " << rotS1
<< " " << rotZ1
<< " " << rotT1
) ;
<< " " << s2
<< " " << z2
<< " " << t2
<< " " << rotS2
<< " " << rotZ2
<< " " << rotT2
) ;
void AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::CheckBLineMapContainer(const BLineMapContainer*& pBLineMapContainer)
if (pBLineMapContainer){
std::string StationType1 ;
int jff1 ;
int jzz1 ;
int job1 ;
float bz1;
float bp1;
float bn1;
float sp1;
float sn1;
float tw1;
float pg1;
float tr1;
float eg1;
float ep1;
float en1;
std::string StationType2 ;
int jff2 ;
int jzz2 ;
int job2 ;
float bz2;
float bp2;
float bn2;
float sp2;
float sn2;
float tw2;
float pg2;
float tr2;
float eg2;
float ep2;
float en2;
BLineMapContainer::const_iterator line1F = pBLineMapContainer->begin();
BLineMapContainer::const_iterator line1L = pBLineMapContainer->end();
BLineMapContainer::const_iterator line2F = pBLineMapContainer->begin();
for (BLineMapContainer::const_iterator line1 = line1F; line1 != line1L; ++line1){
BLinePar* b1 = line1->second;
b1->getAmdbId(StationType1, jff1, jzz1, job1);
for (BLineMapContainer::const_iterator line2 = line2F; line2 != line1; ++line2){
BLinePar* b2 = line2->second;
b2->getAmdbId(StationType2, jff2, jzz2, job2);
if ( StationType1 == StationType2
&& jff1 == jff2
&& jzz1 == jzz2
&& job1 == job2 ){
<< " StationType " << StationType1
<< " jff " << jff1
<< " jzz " << jzz1
<< " job " << job1
) ;
<< " " << line1->first
<< " " << p_AtlasDetectorID->print_to_string(line1->first)
) ;
<< " " << line2->first
<< " " << p_AtlasDetectorID->print_to_string(line2->first)
) ; */
b1->getParameters(bz1, bp1, bn1, sp1, sn1, tw1,
pg1, tr1, eg1, ep1, en1);
b2->getParameters(bz2, bp2, bn2, sp2, sn2, tw2,
pg2, tr2, eg2, ep2, en2);
<< " " << bz1
<< " " << bp1
<< " " << bn1
<< " " << sp1
<< " " << sn1
<< " " << tw1
<< " " << pg1
<< " " << tr1
<< " " << eg1
<< " " << ep1
<< " " << en1
) ;
<< " " << bz2
<< " " << bp2
<< " " << bn2
<< " " << sp2
<< " " << sn2
<< " " << tw2
<< " " << pg2
<< " " << tr2
<< " " << eg2
<< " " << ep2
<< " " << en2
) ;
void AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::TestHardSoftStuff(){ p_Amdcsimrec->TestHardSoftStuff(); }
void AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::TestXtomoStuff(){ p_Amdcsimrec->TestXtomoStuff(); }
int AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetTagInfoXMLStamp() { return m_TagInfoXMLStamp ;}
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetTagInfoXML() { return m_TagInfoXML;}
int AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAGDD2GeoSwitchesStamp() { return m_AGDD2GeoSwitchesStamp ;}
std::vector<std::string> AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::GetAGDD2GeoSwitches() {return m_AGDD2GeoSwitches;}
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetTagInfoXML(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetTagInfoXML is called " ) ;
const TagInfo* pTagInfo = 0;
StatusCode sc = p_detStore->retrieve(pTagInfo);
if (sc.isFailure()){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Retrieve pTagInfo failed " ) ;
TagInfo::NameTagPairVec aNameTagPairVec;
m_TagInfoXMLStamp = m_TagInfoXMLStamp + 1;
for (unsigned int Item = 0; Item < aNameTagPairVec.size(); Item++) {
std::string aNameTagPairVecFirst = aNameTagPairVec[Item].first;
std::string aNameTagPairVecSecond = aNameTagPairVec[Item].second;
std::pair<std::string,std::string> aPair(aNameTagPairVecFirst,aNameTagPairVecSecond);
<< " One gets "
<< m_TagInfoXML.size()
<< " items from TagInfo "
) ;
for (unsigned int Item = 0; Item < m_TagInfoXML.size(); Item++) {
std::string aNameTagPairVecFirst = m_TagInfoXML[Item].first;
std::string aNameTagPairVecSecond = m_TagInfoXML[Item].second;
<< " " << aNameTagPairVecFirst
<< " " << aNameTagPairVecSecond
) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::SetLocation(std::string NameFile, std::string& FileLocation)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> SetLocation is called " ) ;
if (""==NameFile) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "NameFile not set !" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
FileLocation = PathResolver::find_file (NameFile, "DATAPATH");
if (FileLocation == ""){
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Cannot locate " << NameFile << " from ${DATAPATH}" ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::LoadAlineStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> LoadAlineStoreExternal is called " ) ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
char STANAME[3];
int ierr ;
double DataAline[6];
double s ;
double z ;
double t ;
double rotS ;
double rotZ ;
double rotT ;
jff = 0 ;
jzz = 0 ;
job = 0 ;
ierr = 0 ;
STANAME[0] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[1] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[2] = 'Z' ;
stasetalines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, DataAline, ierr);
int TheSize = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Index= 0 ; Index <TheSize ; Index++){
const AmdcAline* pAmdcAline = p_AmdcAlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcAline(Index);
StationType = pAmdcAline->GetStationType();
jff = pAmdcAline->Getjff ();
jzz = pAmdcAline->Getjzz ();
job = pAmdcAline->Getjob ();
s = pAmdcAline->Gets () ;
z = pAmdcAline->Getz () ;
t = pAmdcAline->Gett () ;
rotS = pAmdcAline->GetrotS () ;
rotZ = pAmdcAline->GetrotZ () ;
rotT = pAmdcAline->GetrotT () ;
DataAline[0] = s ;
DataAline[1] = z ;
DataAline[2] = t ;
DataAline[3] = rotS ;
DataAline[4] = rotZ ;
DataAline[5] = rotT ;
stasetalines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, DataAline, ierr);
if ( ierr != 0 ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "stasetalines_ failed on " ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " StationType " << StationType ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jff " << jff ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jzz " << jzz ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " job " << job ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " s " << s ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " z " << z ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " t " << t ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotS " << rotS ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotZ " << rotZ ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotT " << rotT ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::LoadBlineStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> LoadBlineStoreExternal is called " ) ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
char STANAME[3];
int ierr ;
double DataBline[11];
double bz ;
double bp ;
double bn ;
double sp ;
double sn ;
double tw ;
double pg ;
double tr ;
double eg ;
double ep ;
double en ;
jff = 0 ;
jzz = 0 ;
job = 0 ;
ierr = 0 ;
STANAME[0] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[1] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[2] = 'Z' ;
stasetblines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, DataBline, ierr);
int TheSize = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Index= 0 ; Index <TheSize ; Index++){
const AmdcBline* pAmdcBline = p_AmdcBlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcBline(Index);
StationType = pAmdcBline->GetStationType();
jff = pAmdcBline->Getjff ();
jzz = pAmdcBline->Getjzz ();
job = pAmdcBline->Getjob ();
bz = pAmdcBline->Getbz();
bp = pAmdcBline->Getbp();
bn = pAmdcBline->Getbn();
sp = pAmdcBline->Getsp();
sn = pAmdcBline->Getsn();
tw = pAmdcBline->Gettw();
pg = pAmdcBline->Getpg();
tr = pAmdcBline->Gettr();
eg = pAmdcBline->Geteg();
ep = pAmdcBline->Getep();
en = pAmdcBline->Geten();
DataBline[ 0] = bz;
DataBline[ 1] = bp;
DataBline[ 2] = bn;
DataBline[ 3] = sp;
DataBline[ 4] = sn;
DataBline[ 5] = tw;
DataBline[ 6] = pg;
DataBline[ 7] = tr;
DataBline[ 8] = eg;
DataBline[ 9] = ep;
DataBline[10] = en;
stasetblines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, DataBline, ierr);
if ( ierr != 0 ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " stasetblines_ failed on " ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " StationType " << StationType ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jff " << jff ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jzz " << jzz ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " job " << job ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " bz " << bz ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " bp " << bp ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " bn " << bn ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " sp " << sp ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " sn " << sn ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " tw " << tw ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " pg " << pg ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " tr " << tr ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " eg " << eg ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " ep " << ep ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " en " << en ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode AmdcsimrecAthenaSvc::LoadCscInternalAlignmentStoreExternal()
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "----> LoadCscInternalAlignmentStoreExternal is called " ) ;
std::string StationType ;
int jff ;
int jzz ;
int job ;
int jlay ;
char STANAME[3];
int ierr ;
double DataIline[6];
double s ;
double z ;
double t ;
double rotS ;
double rotZ ;
double rotT ;
jff = 0 ;
jzz = 0 ;
job = 0 ;
jlay = 0 ;
ierr = 0 ;
STANAME[0] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[1] = 'Z' ;
STANAME[2] = 'Z' ;
stasetilines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, jlay, DataIline, ierr);
int TheSize = p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal->NberOfObjects();
for (int Index= 0 ; Index <TheSize ; Index++){
const AmdcIline* pAmdcIline = p_AmdcIlineStoreExternal->GetAmdcIline(Index);
StationType = pAmdcIline->GetStationType();
jff = pAmdcIline->Getjff ();
jzz = pAmdcIline->Getjzz ();
job = pAmdcIline->Getjob ();
jlay = pAmdcIline->Getjlay ();
s = pAmdcIline->Gets () ;
z = pAmdcIline->Getz () ;
t = pAmdcIline->Gett () ;
rotS = pAmdcIline->GetrotS () ;
rotZ = pAmdcIline->GetrotZ () ;
rotT = pAmdcIline->GetrotT () ;
DataIline[0] = s ;
DataIline[1] = z ;
DataIline[2] = t ;
DataIline[3] = rotS ;
DataIline[4] = rotZ ;
DataIline[5] = rotT ;
stasetilines_(STANAME, jff, jzz, job, jlay, DataIline, ierr);
if ( ierr != 0 ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "stasetilines_ failed on " ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " StationType " << StationType ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jff " << jff ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jzz " << jzz ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " job " << job ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " jlay " << jlay ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " s " << s ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " z " << z ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " t " << t ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotS " << rotS ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotZ " << rotZ ) ;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( " rotT " << rotT ) ;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;