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FileMetaDataMarkUpTool.h 3.15 KiB
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-

  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

// $Id: FileMetaDataMarkUpTool.h 676522 2015-06-18 22:17:03Z cranshaw $

// System include(s):
#include <string>
#include <memory>

// Infrastructure include(s):
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
#include "AsgTools/AsgMetadataTool.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/IAthenaOutputTool.h"

// EDM include(s):
#include "xAODMetaData/FileMetaData.h"
#include "xAODMetaData/FileMetaDataAuxInfo.h"

namespace xAODMaker {

   /// Tool creating or propagating xAOD::FileMetaData information
   /// This Athena-only tool can be used to create xAOD::FileMetaData
   /// information out of the non-ROOT-readable metadata available in
   /// the input.
   /// Or, if the input file already has xAOD::FileMetaData payload,
   /// it is taken as is, and copied to the output.
   /// The class uses asg::AsgMetadataTool as a base class for convenience,
   /// but it's not a dual-use tool. (Hence the header is hidden from the
   /// outside world.)
   /// @author Attila Krasznahorkay <>
   /// $Revision: 676522 $
   /// $Date: 2015-06-19 00:17:03 +0200 (Fri, 19 Jun 2015) $
   class FileMetaDataMarkUpTool : public asg::AsgMetadataTool,
                                   public virtual ::IAthenaOutputTool {

      /// Declare the correct constructor for Athena
      ASG_TOOL_CLASS( FileMetaDataMarkUpTool, IAthenaOutputTool )

      /// Regular AsgTool constructor
      FileMetaDataMarkUpTool( const std::string& name =
                               "FileMetaDataMarkUpTool" );

      /// Required of all IAthenaOutputTools:
      /// Called by AthenaOutputStream::initialize() (via ToolSvc retrieve()).
      virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
      /// Called at the end of AthenaOutputStream::initialize().
      virtual StatusCode postInitialize() override;
      /// Called at the beginning of AthenaOutputStream::execute().
      virtual StatusCode preExecute() override;
      /// Called before actually streaming objects.
      virtual StatusCode preStream() override;
      /// Called at the end of AthenaOutputStream::execute().
      virtual StatusCode postExecute() override;
      /// Called at the beginning of AthenaOutputStream::finalize().
      virtual StatusCode preFinalize() override;
      /// Called at the end of AthenaOutputStream::finalize() (via release()).
      virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
      virtual StatusCode start() override;

      /// @name Functions called by the AsgMetadataTool base class
      /// @{

      /// Function collecting the metadata from a new input file
      virtual StatusCode beginInputFile() override;

      /// Function writing the collected metadata to the output
      virtual StatusCode metaDataStop() override;

      /// @}

      /// Key of the metadata object for the output file
      std::string m_outputKey;

   }; // class FileMetaDataMarkUpTool

} // namespace xAODMaker