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Commit 2acfdd9f authored by Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton
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Merge branch 'master-egammaSeed711' into 'master'

Create new 7x11 clusters in egamma for selecting which cells to write in the AODs

See merge request atlas/athena!24437
parents 0646e8a5 7bc422cf
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with 374 additions and 38 deletions
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class doEmCluster(CaloRecFlagsJobProperty):
class doCaloCluster(CaloRecFlagsJobProperty):
""" switch for combined calo cluster
......@@ -1338,8 +1338,7 @@ if ( rec.doAOD() or rec.doWriteAOD()) and not rec.readAOD() :
if DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_on() and rec.doAODCaloCells():
from CaloRec.CaloCellAODGetter import addClusterToCaloCellAOD
if rec.readESD() or jobproperties.CaloRecFlags.doEmCluster() :
from egammaRec.egammaRecFlags import jobproperties
if ( rec.readESD() or jobproperties.egammaRecFlags.Enabled ) and not rec.ScopingLevel()==4 and rec.doEgamma :
......@@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ atlas_add_component( egammaAlgs
LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaBaseComps EventKernel xAODCaloEvent xAODEgamma xAODTruth GaudiKernel
MCTruthClassifierLib CaloGeoHelpers CaloUtilsLib AthenaKernel StoreGateLib xAODTracking InDetReadoutGeometry
EgammaAnalysisInterfacesLib egammaRecEvent egammaUtils TrkToolInterfaces InDetRecToolInterfaces
FourMomUtils RecoToolInterfaces TrkTrack TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack InDetConversionFinderToolsLib TrkCaloExtension)
MCTruthClassifierLib CaloGeoHelpers CaloUtilsLib CaloRecLib AthenaKernel StoreGateLib
xAODTracking InDetReadoutGeometry EgammaAnalysisInterfacesLib egammaRecEvent egammaUtils
TrkToolInterfaces InDetRecToolInterfaces FourMomUtils RecoToolInterfaces TrkTrack
TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack InDetConversionFinderToolsLib TrkCaloExtension)
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
__doc__ = "ToolFactory to instantiate egammaLargeClusterMaker with default configuration"
__author__ = "Jovan Mitrevski"
from egammaTools.egammaToolsFactories import egammaLargeClusterMakerTool
from CaloRec import CaloRecConf
from egammaRec.Factories import AlgFactory, ToolFactory, FcnWrapper
from egammaRec import egammaKeys
from CaloClusterCorrection.CaloSwCorrections import make_CaloSwCorrections
def clusMakerTools():
return [egammaLargeClusterMakerTool()]
egammaLargeClusterMakerAlg = AlgFactory( CaloRecConf.CaloClusterMaker,
name = "egammaLargeClusterMaker",
SaveUncalibratedSignalState = False,
ClustersOutputName = egammaKeys.EgammaLargeClustersKey(),
ClusterMakerTools = FcnWrapper(clusMakerTools),
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
__doc__ = "Configure egammaLargeClusterMaker, which chooses cells to store in the AOD"
__author__ = "Jovan Mitrevski"
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from egammaTools.egammaLargeClusterMakerConfig import egammaLargeClusterMakerCfg
from CaloClusterCorrection.CaloSwCorrections import make_CaloSwCorrections
from CaloRec.CaloRecConf import CaloClusterMaker
def egammaLargeClusterMakerAlgCfg(flags, name = "egammaLargeClusterMaker", **kwargs):
acc = ComponentAccumulator
kwargs.setdefault("SaveUncalibratedSignalState", False)
kwargs.setdefault("ClustersOutputName", flags.Egamma.Keys.Output.EgammaLargeClusters)
if "ClusterMakerTools" not in kwargs:
toolAcc = egammaLargeClusterMakerCfg(flags)
kwargs["ClusterMakerTools"] = [ toolAcc.popPrivateTools() ]
kwargs.setdefault("ClusterCorrectionTools", make_CaloSwCorrections("ele7_11",
acc.addEventAlgo(CaloClusterMaker(name, **kwargs))
return acc
......@@ -127,25 +127,28 @@ StatusCode topoEgammaBuilder::execute(){
unsigned int author = xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorElectron;
xAOD::AmbiguityTool::AmbiguityType type= xAOD::AmbiguityTool::electron;
for (const auto& photonRec : *photonSuperRecs) {
//See if the same seed (0 element in the constituents) seed also a photon
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running AmbiguityTool for electron");
author = m_ambiguityTool->ambiguityResolve(electronRec->caloCluster(),
// get the hottest cell
const xAOD::CaloCluster *const elClus = electronRec->caloCluster();
const auto elEta0 = elClus->eta0();
const auto elPhi0 = elClus->phi0();
for (const auto& photonRec : *photonSuperRecs) {
const xAOD::CaloCluster *const phClus = photonRec->caloCluster();
//See if they have the same hottest cell
if (elEta0 == phClus->eta0() && elPhi0 == phClus->phi0()) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running AmbiguityTool for electron");
author = m_ambiguityTool->ambiguityResolve(elClus,
//Fill each electron
if (author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorElectron ||
author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorAmbiguous){
author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorAmbiguous){
if ( !getElectron(electronRec, electronContainer.ptr(), author,type) ){
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
......@@ -159,23 +162,29 @@ StatusCode topoEgammaBuilder::execute(){
unsigned int author = xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorPhoton;
xAOD::AmbiguityTool::AmbiguityType type= xAOD::AmbiguityTool::photon;
// get the hottest cell
const xAOD::CaloCluster *const phClus = photonRec->caloCluster();
const auto phEta0 = phClus->eta0();
const auto phPhi0 = phClus->phi0();
//See if the same seed (0 element in the constituents) seed also an electron
for (const auto& electronRec : *electronSuperRecs) {
if(caloClusterLinks(*(photonRec->caloCluster())).at(0) ==
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running AmbiguityTool for photon");
author = m_ambiguityTool->ambiguityResolve(electronRec->caloCluster(),
const xAOD::CaloCluster *const elClus = electronRec->caloCluster();
//See if they have the same hottest cell
if (phEta0 == elClus->eta0() && phPhi0 == elClus->phi0()) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running AmbiguityTool for photon");
author = m_ambiguityTool->ambiguityResolve(elClus,
//Fill each photon
if (author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorPhoton ||
author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorAmbiguous){
author == xAOD::EgammaParameters::AuthorAmbiguous){
if ( !getPhoton(photonRec, photonContainer.ptr(), author,type) ){
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
......@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ def createEgammaConfigFlags():
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Internal.PhotonSuperRecs", 'PhotonSuperRecCollection')
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Internal.ElectronSuperRecs", 'ElectronSuperRecCollection')
# These are the clusters that are used to determine which cells to write out to AOD
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Output.EgammaLargeClusters", 'egamma711Clusters')
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Output.EgammaLargeClustersSuppESD", '')
# don't define SuppAOD because the whole container is suppressed
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Output.ConversionVertices", 'GSFConversionVertices')
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Output.ConversionVerticesSuppESD", '-vxTrackAtVertex')
egcf.addFlag("Egamma.Keys.Output.ConversionVerticesSuppAOD", '-vxTrackAtVertex')
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class egammaKeysDict:
outputs = dict(
Conversion = [ 'xAOD::VertexContainer', 'GSFConversionVertices','-vxTrackAtVertex.' , ''],
Cluster = [ 'xAOD::CaloClusterContainer', 'egammaClusters', '','' ],
EgammaLargeClusters = [ 'xAOD::CaloClusterContainer', 'egamma711Clusters', '','' ], # not output to AOD
TopoSeededCluster = [ 'xAOD::CaloClusterContainer', 'egammaTopoSeededClusters', '','-CellLink' ],
Electron = [ 'xAOD::ElectronContainer', 'Electrons', '',ShowerShapesSuppress+ElectronisemSupress ],
EgammaRec = [ 'egammaRecContainer', 'egammaRecCollection', '','' ],
......@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class egammaKeysDict:
outputs['CellLink'] = ['CaloClusterCellLinkContainer', outputs['Cluster'][1] + '_links', '','']
outputs['TopoSeededCellLink'] = ['CaloClusterCellLinkContainer', outputs['TopoSeededCluster'][1] + '_links', '','']
outputs['FwdClusterCellLink'] = ['CaloClusterCellLinkContainer', outputs['FwdCluster'][1] + '_links', '','']
outputs['EgammaLargeClustersCellLink'] = ['CaloClusterCellLinkContainer', outputs['EgammaLargeClusters'][1] + '_links', '','']
# Create methods to return the types and keys in inputs and outputs
......@@ -102,5 +102,16 @@ class topoEgammaGetter ( Configured ) :
return False
print self._topoEgammaBuilder
# the egammaLargeClusterMaker (Which chooses the cells to store in the AOD)
from egammaAlgs.egammaLargeClusterMakerAlg import egammaLargeClusterMakerAlg
self._egammaLargeClusterMaker = egammaLargeClusterMakerAlg()
except Exception:
mlog.error("could not get handle to egammaLargeClusterMaker")
import traceback
print traceback.format_exc()
return False
print self._egammaLargeClusterMaker
return True
......@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ def addAuxContainer(outputList, cType, cKey, auxOptionAll='',auxOptionAOD=''):
# List for of keys to be written to AOD.
# All egammaKeys.outputs but EgammaRec and TopoSeededCellLink
AOD_outputs = [i for i,j in egammaKeysDict.outputs.items()
if i not in ('EgammaRec','PhotonSuperRec','ElectronSuperRec',
'EgammaLargeClusters', 'EgammaLargeClustersCellLink')]
ESD_outputs = [i for i,j in egammaKeysDict.outputs.items()
if i not in ('EgammaRec','PhotonSuperRec','ElectronSuperRec',
......@@ -49,13 +54,30 @@ for i in AOD_outputs:
addContainer(egammaAODList, cType, cKey)
addContainer(egammaESDList, cType, cKey)
# Add aux containers for xAOD containers
if 'xAOD::' in cType:
addAuxContainer(egammaAODList, cType, cKey, auxOptionAll, auxOptionAOD)
for i in ESD_outputs:
cType, cKey, auxOptionAll, auxOptionAOD = egammaKeysDict.outputs[i]
# Skip truth if doTruth = False
if not rec.doTruth() and 'Truth' in cKey:
# Skip Trk::Tracks in xAOD
if egammaKeys.outputTrackType() in cType:
addContainer(egammaESDList, cType, cKey)
# Add aux containers for xAOD containers
if 'xAOD::' in cType:
addAuxContainer(egammaESDList, cType, cKey, auxOptionAll)
# Add the non xAOD kind of collection in the ESD
egammaESDList.append( getItem(egammaKeys.outputTrackType(), egammaKeys.outputTrackKey()) )
egammaESDList.append( getItem(egammaKeys.outputFwdClusterCellLinkType(), egammaKeys.outputFwdClusterCellLinkKey()) )
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ if not DetFlags.detdescr.ID_on():
#GSF also is seeded by the LarEMClusters for now. So we need these as well
if not (rec.readESD() or jobproperties.CaloRecFlags.doEmCluster()):
#if not (rec.readESD() or jobproperties.CaloRecFlags.doEmCluster()):
# jobproperties.egammaRecFlags.doBremFinding=False
#We can not run Forward without having the TopoClusters
if not (rec.readESD() or jobproperties.CaloRecFlags.doCaloTopoCluster()):
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
__doc__ = "Configure egammaLargeClusterMaker, which chooses cells to store in the AOD"
__author__ = "Jovan Mitrevski"
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from egammaTools.egammaToolsConf import egammaLargeClusterMaker
def egammaLargeClusterMakerCfg(flags, **kwargs):
acc = ComponentAccumulator
kwargs.setdefault("CellsName", flags.Egamma.Keys.Input.CaloCells)
kwargs.setdefault("InputClusterCollection", flags.Egamma.Keys.Output.CaloClusters)
return acc
......@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ EGammaAmbiguityTool = ToolFactory( ElectronPhotonSelectorToolsConf.EGammaAmbigui
EMFourMomBuilder = ToolFactory( egammaToolsConf.EMFourMomBuilder)
egammaLargeClusterMakerTool = ToolFactory( egammaToolsConf.egammaLargeClusterMaker,
name = "egammaLCMakerTool",
InputClusterCollection = egammaKeys.ClusterKey(),
CellsName = egammaKeys.caloCellKey()
# Electron Selectors
from EMPIDBuilderBase import EMPIDBuilderElectronBase
ElectronPIDBuilder = ToolFactory( EMPIDBuilderElectronBase, name = "ElectronPIDBuilder")
......@@ -97,8 +97,11 @@ class EMClusterTool : public AthAlgTool, virtual public IEMClusterTool {
"OutputClusterContainerName", "",
"Name of the output cluster container"};
/** @brief Key of the output cluster container cell links: name taken from containter name **/
SG::WriteHandleKey<CaloClusterCellLinkContainer> m_outputClusterContainerCellLinkKey;
/** @brief Key of the output cluster container cell links:
name taken from containter name; only dummy configurable **/
SG::WriteHandleKey<CaloClusterCellLinkContainer> m_outputClusterContainerCellLinkKey {this,
"DoNotSet_OutputClusterContainerLinks", "",
"Key of the output cluster container cell links; Do not set! Name taken from associated container"};
/** @brief Key of the output cluster container for topo-seeded clusters **/
SG::WriteHandleKey<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> m_outputTopoSeededClusterContainerKey {this,
......@@ -106,8 +109,10 @@ class EMClusterTool : public AthAlgTool, virtual public IEMClusterTool {
"Name of the output cluster container for topo-seeded clusters (can be the same as the other clusters)"};
/** @brief Key of the output cluster container cell links for topo-seeded clusters:
* name taken from containter name */
SG::WriteHandleKey<CaloClusterCellLinkContainer> m_outputTopoSeededClusterContainerCellLinkKey;
* name taken from containter name; only dummy configurable */
SG::WriteHandleKey<CaloClusterCellLinkContainer> m_outputTopoSeededClusterContainerCellLinkKey {this,
"DoNotSet_OutputTopoSeededClusterContainerLinks", "",
"Key of the output cluster container cell links for topo-seeded clusters; Do not set! Name taken from associated container"};
/** Handle to the MVA calibration service **/
ServiceHandle<IegammaMVASvc> m_MVACalibSvc {this,
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "../egammaOQFlagsBuilder.h"
#include "../EMPIDBuilder.h"
#include "../egammaSwTool.h"
#include "../egammaLargeClusterMaker.h"
DECLARE_COMPONENT( EMConversionBuilder )
......@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( EMTrackMatchBuilder )
DECLARE_COMPONENT( egammaOQFlagsBuilder )
DECLARE_COMPONENT( egammaLargeClusterMaker )
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "egammaLargeClusterMaker.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterCellLink.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloCluster.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterAuxContainer.h"
#include "CaloUtils/CaloClusterStoreHelper.h"
//#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterKineHelper.h"
#include "StoreGate/ReadHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/WriteHandle.h"
#include "CaloUtils/CaloLayerCalculator.h"
#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
// =============================================================
egammaLargeClusterMaker::egammaLargeClusterMaker(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: AthAlgTool(type, name, parent)
// declare interface
// =============================================================
StatusCode egammaLargeClusterMaker::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Initializing " << name() << "...");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Initialization successful");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// =========================================================================
StatusCode egammaLargeClusterMaker::execute(const EventContext& ctx,
xAOD::CaloClusterContainer* collection) const {
if (!collection) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("A null collection was passed, which should never happen");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> inputClusters(m_inputClusterCollection, ctx);
// retrieve the cell containers
SG::ReadHandle<CaloCellContainer> cellcoll(m_cellsKey, ctx);
// The main loop over clusters
for (auto cluster : *inputClusters) {
// find the center of the cluster, copying the logic of egammaMiddleShape.cxx
// check if cluster is in barrel or in the end-cap
if(!cluster->inBarrel() && !cluster->inEndcap() ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Cluster is neither in Barrel nor in Endcap; skipping ");
// check if cluster is in barrel or end-cap
bool in_barrel = m_egammaEnergyPositionAllSamples->inBarrel(*cluster,2);
CaloSampling::CaloSample sam=CaloSampling::EMB2;
if (in_barrel) {
} else {
// granularity in (eta,phi) in the pre sampler
// CaloCellList needs both enums: subCalo and CaloSample
auto eta = cluster->etaSample(sam);
auto phi= cluster->phiSample(sam);
if ((eta==0. && phi==0.) || fabs(eta)>100) {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
const CaloDetDescrManager* dd_man = CaloDetDescrManager::instance();
// Should get overritten
bool barrel=false;
CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO subcalo=CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
int sampling_or_module=0;
dd_man->decode_sample(subcalo, barrel, sampling_or_module,
(CaloCell_ID::CaloSample) sam);
// Get the corresponding grannularities : needs to know where you are
// the easiest is to look for the CaloDetDescrElement
const CaloDetDescrElement* dde =
dd_man->get_element(CaloCell_ID::LAREM, 0,barrel,eta,phi);
// if object does not exist then return
if (!dde) {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// local granularity
auto deta = dde->deta();
auto dphi = dde->dphi();
// search the hottest cell around the (eta,phi)
// (eta,phi) are defined as etaSample() and phiSample
// around this position a hot cell is searched for in a window
// (m_neta*m_deta,m_nphi*m_dphi), by default (m_neta,m_nphi)=(7,7)
CaloLayerCalculator calc;
StatusCode sc = calc.fill(cellcoll.ptr(),cluster->etaSample(sam),cluster->phiSample(sam),
m_neta*deta,m_nphi*dphi, (CaloSampling::CaloSample) sam);
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("CaloLayerCalculator failed fill ");
double etamax = calc.etarmax();
double phimax = calc.phirmax();
// create the new cluster
xAOD::CaloCluster *newCluster =
CaloClusterStoreHelper::makeCluster(collection, cellcoll.ptr());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@class egammaLargeClusterMaker
This tool takes the EM CaloCluster used by egamma objects
and builds large 7x11 clusters around
@author J. Mitrevski
@author C. Anastopoulos
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterFwd.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
#include "egammaInterfaces/IegammaEnergyPositionAllSamples.h"
#include "CaloRec/CaloClusterCollectionProcessor.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
class CaloCellContainer;
class CaloClusterCellLink;
class egammaLargeClusterMaker : public AthAlgTool, virtual public CaloClusterCollectionProcessor {
/** @bried constructor */
egammaLargeClusterMaker (const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent);
using CaloClusterCollectionProcessor::execute;
/** @brief initialize method */
virtual StatusCode initialize() override final;
/** @brief execute on container */
virtual StatusCode execute(const EventContext& ctx, xAOD::CaloClusterContainer* collection) const override final;
/** @brief tool to calculate sum of energy in all samples */
ToolHandle<IegammaEnergyPositionAllSamples> m_egammaEnergyPositionAllSamples {this,
/** @brief The name of the cluster container for electrons and photons */
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> m_inputClusterCollection {this,
"InputClusterCollection", "egammaClusters",
"The name of the cluster container for electrons and photons"};
/** @brief Cell container*/
SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCellContainer> m_cellsKey {this,
"CellsName", "AllCalo", "Names of containers which contain cells"};
Gaudi::Property<double> m_neta {this, "Neta", 7.0,
"Number of eta cells in each sampling in which to look for hottest cell"};
Gaudi::Property<double> m_nphi {this, "Nphi", 7.0,
"Number of phi cell in each sampling in which to look for hottest cell"};
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