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Commit 3035c041 authored by Francesca Pastore's avatar Francesca Pastore
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more cleanup, created ComboHypoToolBase, added chain HLT_2mu6_Dr_L12MU4 to test DR tool

parent 421acb33
No related branches found
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with 368 additions and 224 deletions
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ StatusCode ComboHypo::execute(const EventContext& context ) const {
uint16_t featureIndex = 0, roiIndex = 0;
// NOTE: roiKey, roiIndex not currently used in this discrimination
ATH_CHECK( extractFeatureAndRoI(dEL, featureKey, featureIndex, roiKey, roiIndex) );
// TODO: move this to InitialRoI for serial merging
const uint32_t featureHash = (featureKey + featureIndex);
if (featureHash == 0) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Disregarding feature hash of zero");
......@@ -237,7 +238,6 @@ StatusCode ComboHypo::execute(const EventContext& context ) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Chain " << chainId << ( overallDecision ? " is accepted" : " is rejected") <<" after multiplicity requirements" );
if ( overallDecision == true ) {
for (auto decID: allDecisionIds) {
// passing.insert( passing.end(), decID );
// saving the good combiantions
goodMultCombMap.insert (thisChainCombMap.begin(), thisChainCombMap.end());
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Passing " << HLT::Identifier(decID)<<" after multiplicity test");
......@@ -245,18 +245,18 @@ StatusCode ComboHypo::execute(const EventContext& context ) const {
// launching the tools:
LegDecisionsMap passingLegs;
LegDecisionsMap passingLegs;
if (goodMultCombMap.size()!=0){
// launching the tools:
if (m_hypoTools.size()>0){
for ( auto& tool: m_hypoTools ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Calling tool "<<tool->name());
ATH_CHECK( tool->decide( goodMultCombMap, passingLegs ) );
passingLegs = goodMultCombMap;
else passingLegs=goodMultCombMap;
// this is only for debug:
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)){
......@@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ StatusCode ComboHypo::extractFeatureAndRoI(const ElementLink<DecisionContainer>&
uint32_t featureClid = 0; // Note: Unused. We don't care what the type of the feature is here
const bool result = (*dEL)->typelessGetObjectLink(featureString(), featureKey, featureClid, featureIndex);
if (!result) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Did not find the feature for " << dEL.dataID() << " index " << dEL.index());
// Try and get seeding ROI data too. Don't need to be type-less here
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// STL includes
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "IComboHypoTool.h"
#include "ComboHypoToolBase.h"
* @class ComboHypo for combined hypotheses required only counting (multiplicity requirements)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ private:
StatusCode fillDecisionsMap( LegDecisionsMap& dmap, const EventContext& context) const;
ToolHandleArray< IComboHypoTool > m_hypoTools {this, "ComboHypoTools", {}, "Tools to perform selection"};
ToolHandleArray< ComboHypoToolBase > m_hypoTools {this, "ComboHypoTools", {}, "Tools to perform selection"};
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "ComboHypoToolBase.h"
using namespace TrigCompositeUtils;
ComboHypoToolBase::ComboHypoToolBase(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) :
base_class(type, name, parent),
m_decisionId( HLT::Identifier::fromToolName( name ) )
StatusCode ComboHypoToolBase::decide(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const
// if no combinations passed, then exit
size_t nLegs=IDCombMap.size();
if (nLegs==0) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// check that no other toold have efilled the map with this id
ATH_CHECK( passingCombinations[decisionId()].empty() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Looking for "<< decisionId() <<" in the map. Map contains "<<nLegs<<" legs");
// select the leg decisions from the map with this ID:
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> leg_decisions;
ATH_CHECK( selectLegs(IDCombMap, leg_decisions) );
if (leg_decisions.size() == 0) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Found 0 legs with this DecisionID: something failed?");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// create the combinations between the legs
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> combinations;
createCombinations( leg_decisions, combinations, nLegs, 2);
// do the actual algorithm and select the decisions that passed
for (ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> thecomb: combinations){
// to add: protection when the two decisions are the same object
bool pass = executeAlg(thecomb);
if (pass){
setDecisionIds(thecomb, passingCombinations);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode ComboHypoToolBase::selectLegs(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>>& leg_decisions) const
size_t nLegs=IDCombMap.size();
if (nLegs==0) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// collect combinations from all the legs, searching both chain name and leg name
for (auto id: IDCombMap){
// get the Element links from the chainID (from all the legs)
HLT::Identifier chainId=0;
if (TrigCompositeUtils::isLegId(id.first))
chainId= TrigCompositeUtils::getIDFromLeg(id.first);
if ( chainId != decisionId() ) continue;
auto comb = id.second;
if (nLegs != leg_decisions.size()){
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Expecting "<<nLegs<<" legs, but found "<< leg_decisions.size() <<" legs to combine");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Getting "<<leg_decisions.size()<<" legs to combine, for ID: "<< decisionId());
for (auto leg: leg_decisions){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Leg --");
for (auto dEL:leg) ATH_MSG_DEBUG(dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Include case of one leg and multiple legs with mult=1 on each leg. Need to be exended to cover cases with multiple legs qith different multiplicities (2mu_3e)
void ComboHypoToolBase::createCombinations(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & v_legs,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & combinations, int nLegs, int nToGroup) const
if (nLegs ==1) {
auto elements = v_legs[0];
std::vector<int> selector(elements.size());
fill(selector.begin(), selector.begin() + nToGroup, 1);
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> thecomb;
do {
for (u_int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (selector[i]) {
} while (std::prev_permutation(selector.begin(), selector.end()));
else {
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> local;
recursive_combine(v_legs, combinations, local, 0);
for (auto comb: combinations){
for (auto dEL :comb){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
void ComboHypoToolBase::setDecisionIds(const ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>& thecomb, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations) const {
for (ElementLink<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> dEL: thecomb){
const TrigCompositeUtils:: Decision* decision= (*dEL);
// get back the decID of this element
const std::vector<DecisionID>& allDecIDs = TrigCompositeUtils::decisionIDs( decision );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index() <<" with "<<allDecIDs.size() <<" decisionIDs");
for (auto id: allDecIDs){
if ((HLT::Identifier(id).name()).find(decisionId().name())!=std::string::npos){
// we may have this element already stored, so there might be duplications
// add to both legID and chainID?
passingCombinations[ decisionId() ].push_back(dEL);
// remove duplicates?
StatusCode ComboHypoToolBase::printExecute(const LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("End of tool: Passing elments are: ");
for (auto id: passingCombinations){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Id "<<HLT::Identifier(id.first)<<" with "<<id.second.size()<<" elements");
for (auto dEL: id.second){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void ComboHypoToolBase::recursive_combine(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> &all,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine,
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> & local, u_int lindex) const
for (size_t leg =lindex; leg<all.size(); leg++){
for (size_t i=0; i<all[leg].size(); i++){
recursive_combine(all, tocombine,local, leg+1);
if (local.size() == all.size())
Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// Package includes
#include "IComboHypoTool.h"
// Framework includes
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DecisionHandling/HLTIdentifier.h"
#include "DecisionHandling/TrigCompositeUtils.h"
// STL includes
#include <string>
* @class ComboHypoToolBase
* @brief
class ComboHypoToolBase : public extends<AthAlgTool, IComboHypoTool> {
ComboHypoToolBase(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
* @brief retreives the decisions associated to this decId, make their combinations and apply the algorithm
@param[in] InputDecisions
@param[in] Cobminaiton map that lists all the decisions passing the multiplicity map of the ComboHypo
@param[out] Combination map that lists all the decisions passing the HypoTool algorithm
virtual StatusCode decide(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap,LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const override;
* @brief retrieves this decision Id
virtual HLT::Identifier decisionId() const { return m_decisionId; }
* @brief creates the decision legs starting from the initial LegDecision map, storing only those concerning this decisionID
StatusCode selectLegs(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>>& leg_decisions) const;
* @brief creates combinations of decisions starting from the legs vector of pairs, given the number of legs and the number of elements to combine
@param[in] v_legs: vector of legs (vector), each containing the corresponding decision pairs
@param[in] nLegs: number of legs to combine
@param[in] nToGroup: number of elements to group in a combination, in case one leg is used
@param[out] combinations: vector of combinations (vectors) of decision pairs
void createCombinations(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & v_legs,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & combinations, int nLegs, int nToGroup) const;
* @brief recursively creates combinations of elements from differnt vectors
@param[in] all: initial vector of decision legs
@parma[in] local: temporary vector of combinations
@param[in] lindex: leg index
@param[out] tocombine: vector of combinations
void recursive_combine(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> &all,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine,
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> & local, u_int lindex) const;
* @brief contains the real algorithm to apply on the given combination of decisions
virtual bool executeAlg(ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>& /* thecomb */) const {return true;}
* @brief Retrieves the decisionIds from the passing combinations and produce a new LegDecisionMap
void setDecisionIds(const ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>& thecomb, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations) const;
* @brief Print the Tool results stored in the passing combinations
StatusCode printExecute(const LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations) const;
// add here WriteHandkles of combinations
HLT::Identifier m_decisionId;
......@@ -6,124 +6,47 @@
using namespace TrigCompositeUtils;
DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: IComboHypoTool( name ),
AthAlgTool( type, name, parent )
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: ComboHypoToolBase(type, name, parent)
{ }
StatusCode DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("DR threshold set to " << m_DRcut );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::finalize() {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::decide(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const
bool DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::executeAlg(ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>& combination) const
size_t nLegs=IDCombMap.size();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Looking for "<< m_decisionId <<" in the map. Map contains "<<nLegs<<" legs");
if (passingCombinations[ m_decisionId].size() >0){
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Passing combinations have "<< passingCombinations[ m_decisionId].size()<<" elements: what to do?");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> leg_decisions;// vector of decisions per leg, to combine
// collect combinations from all the legs, searching both chain name and leg name
for (auto id: IDCombMap){
// get the Element links from the chainID (from all the legs)
HLT::Identifier chainId=0;
if (TrigCompositeUtils::isLegId(id.first))
chainId= TrigCompositeUtils::getIDFromLeg(id.first);
if ( chainId != m_decisionId ) continue;
auto comb = id.second;
if (nLegs != leg_decisions.size()){
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Expecting "<<nLegs<<" legs, but found "<< leg_decisions.size() <<" legs to combine");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Getting "<<leg_decisions.size()<<" legs to combine, for ID: "<< m_decisionId);
for (auto leg: leg_decisions){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Leg --");
for (auto dEL:leg) ATH_MSG_DEBUG(dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
//retrieve the rois
std::vector<ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> selected_rois;
for (auto el: combination){
auto dec= (*el);
auto roiLink = TrigCompositeUtils::findLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( dec, initialRoIString() ).link;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Selected RoIs: "<<selected_rois.size());
auto roiLink1=selected_rois[0];
auto roiLink2=selected_rois[1];
// create the combinatios:
// If we have one leg, the combination is between the elements in that leg;
// if we have more leges, use recursive combinator
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> combinations;
createCombinations( leg_decisions, combinations, nLegs, 2);
for (auto comb: combinations){
for (auto dEL :comb){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
// calucalte DeltaR
float Dr = deltaR((*roiLink1)->eta(), (*roiLink2)->eta(), (*roiLink1)->phi(), (*roiLink2)->phi());
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Found two RoIs with eta/phi " << (*roiLink1)->eta() <<"/"<<(*roiLink1)->phi() <<" and "<< (*roiLink2)->eta()<<"/"<<(*roiLink2)->phi() <<" with Dr="<<Dr);
// do the actual algorithm:
// to add: protection when the two decisions are the same object
for (auto paircomb: combinations){
std::vector<ElementLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> selected_rois;
for (auto el: paircomb){
auto dec= (*el);
auto roiLink = TrigCompositeUtils::findLink<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>( dec, initialRoIString() ).link;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Selected RoIs: "<<selected_rois.size());
//retrieve the rois and calcualte the Dr
auto roiLink1=selected_rois[0];
auto roiLink2=selected_rois[1];
float Dr = deltaR((*roiLink1)->eta(), (*roiLink2)->eta(), (*roiLink1)->phi(), (*roiLink2)->phi());
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Found two RoIs with eta/phi " << (*roiLink1)->eta() <<"/"<<(*roiLink1)->phi() <<" and "<< (*roiLink2)->eta()<<"/"<<(*roiLink2)->phi() <<" with Dr="<<Dr);
if (Dr <= m_DRcut){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " RoIs within DR<"<<m_DRcut<<". Insert elements for this combination: ");
// apply the cut
bool pass=true;
if (Dr > m_DRcut) pass=false;
for (auto dEL: paircomb){
auto decision= (*dEL);
// get back the decID of this element
auto allDec = decisionIDs( decision );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index() <<" size ="<<allDec.size());
for (auto id: allDec){
if ((HLT::Identifier(id).name()).find(!=std::string::npos){
// we may have this element already stored, so there might be duplications
// add to both legID and chainID?
passingCombinations[ m_decisionId ].push_back(dEL);
if (pass)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " RoIs within DR<"<<m_DRcut<<". This seleciton passed! ");
// remove duplicates?
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("End of tool: Passing elments are: ");
for (auto id: passingCombinations){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Id "<<HLT::Identifier(id.first)<<" with "<<id.second.size()<<" elements");
for (auto dEL: id.second){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( dEL.dataID() << " , " << dEL.index());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
return pass;
double DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool::deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2) const {
double dPhi=std::remainder( phi1 - phi2, 2*M_PI );
double dEta=std::fabs(eta1-eta2);
......@@ -9,27 +9,26 @@
#include "DecisionHandling/HLTIdentifier.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DecisionHandling/TrigCompositeUtils.h"
#include "IComboHypoTool.h"
#include "ComboHypoToolBase.h"
class DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool: virtual public IComboHypoTool, public AthAlgTool {
class DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool: public ComboHypoToolBase {
DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent);
virtual ~DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool();
virtual ~DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool() {};
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
virtual StatusCode decide( const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const override;
Gaudi::Property<float> m_DRcut{this, "DRcut", 0.1, "DR threshold" };
bool executeAlg(ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>& thecomb) const override;
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2) const;
Gaudi::Property<float> m_DRcut{this, "DRcut", 0.1, "DR threshold" };
#include "IComboHypoTool.h"
void IComboHypoTool::recursive_combine(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> &all,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine,
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> & local, u_int lindex) const
for (size_t leg =lindex; leg<all.size(); leg++){
for (size_t i=0; i<all[leg].size(); i++){
recursive_combine(all, tocombine,local, leg+1);
if (local.size() == all.size())
void IComboHypoTool::createCombinations(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & v_combinations,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine, int nLegs, int nToGroup) const
if (nLegs ==1) {
auto combinations = v_combinations[0];
std::vector<int> selector(combinations.size());
// int nRoIsToCombine = 2;// use two RoIs, get this from theconfiguration?
fill(selector.begin(), selector.begin() + nToGroup, 1);
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> thecomb;
do {
for (u_int i = 0; i < combinations.size(); i++) {
if (selector[i]) {
} while (std::prev_permutation(selector.begin(), selector.end()));
else {
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> local;
recursive_combine(v_combinations, tocombine, local, 0);
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
#include "DecisionHandling/HLTIdentifier.h"
#include "DecisionHandling/TrigCompositeUtils.h"
#include "DecisionHandling/TrigCompositeUtils.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
......@@ -24,49 +23,10 @@ class IComboHypoTool: virtual public ::IAlgTool {
DeclareInterfaceID(IComboHypoTool, 1, 0);
virtual ~IComboHypoTool() {};
IComboHypoTool(const std::string& name) : m_decisionId( HLT::Identifier::fromToolName( name ) ) {}
* @brief retreives the decisions associated to this decId, make their combinations and apply the algorithm
@param[in] InputDecisions
@param[in] Cobminaiton map that lists all the decisions passing the multiplicity map of the ComboHypo
@param[out] Combination map that lists all the decisions passing the HypoTool algorithm
virtual StatusCode decide(const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const = 0;
* @brief retrieves this decision Id
virtual HLT::Identifier decisionId() const { return m_decisionId; }
HLT::Identifier m_decisionId;
* @brief creates combinations of decisions starting from the legs vector of pairs, given the number of legs and the number of elements to combine
@param[in] v_combinations: vector of legs (vector), each containing the corresponding decision pairs
@param[in] nLegs: number of legs to combine
@param[in] nToGroup: number of elements to group in a combination, in case one leg is used
@param[out] tocombine: vector of combinations (vectors) of decision pairs
void createCombinations(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & v_combinations,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine, int nLegs, int nToGroup) const;
* @brief recursively creates combinations of elements from differnt vectors
@param[in] all: initial vector of decision legs
@parma[in] local: temporary vector of combinations
@param[in] lindex: leg index
@param[out] tocombine: vector of combinations
void recursive_combine(const std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> &all,
std::vector<ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer>> & tocombine,
ElementLinkVector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionContainer> & local, u_int lindex) const;
virtual StatusCode decide( const LegDecisionsMap & IDCombMap, LegDecisionsMap & passingCombinations ) const = 0 ;
......@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
#include "../ComboHypo.h"
#include "../InputMakerForRoI.h"
#include "../DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool.h"
#include "../ComboHypoToolBase.h"
DECLARE_COMPONENT( TriggerSummaryAlg )
......@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ class ChainConfigurationBase(object):
mySequence = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(mySequenceCfg, None) # the None will be used for flags in future
return mySequence
def getStep(self, stepID, stepPartName, sequenceCfgArray):
def getStep(self, stepID, stepPartName, sequenceCfgArray, comboTools=[]):
stepName = 'Step%d'%stepID + '_%d'%self.mult + stepPartName
log.debug("Configuring step " + stepName)
seqArray = []
for sequenceCfg in sequenceCfgArray:
seqArray.append( RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve( sequenceCfg, None))
return ChainStep(stepName, seqArray, [self.mult])
return ChainStep(stepName, seqArray, [self.mult], comboToolConfs=comboTools)
def buildChain(self, chainSteps):
myChain = Chain(name = self.chainName,
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ def makeChainSteps(steps):
stepNumber = ''
log.verbose(" steps %s ", steps)
stepName = "merged"
comboHypoTools = []
for step in steps:
if step is None:
......@@ -108,9 +109,11 @@ def makeChainSteps(steps):
# set the multiplicity of all the legs
theChainStep = ChainStep(stepName, stepSeq, stepMult)
comboHypoTools = list(set(comboHypoTools))
theChainStep = ChainStep(stepName, Sequences=stepSeq, multiplicity=stepMult, comboToolConfs=comboHypoTools)
log.debug("Merged step: \n %s", theChainStep)
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ def setupMenu():
ChainProp(name='HLT_2mu6_10invm70_L1MU6', groups=SingleMuonGroup),
ChainProp(name='HLT_mu10_lateMu_L1MU10', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED'], groups=SingleMuonGroup),
# this is for test only
ChainProp(name='HLT_2mu6_Dr_L12MU4', groups=MultiMuonGroup),
# ATR-20049
ChainProp(name='HLT_mu6_mu4_L12MU4', l1SeedThresholds=['MU4']*2, groups=MultiMuonGroup),
......@@ -758,18 +758,23 @@ class ChainStep(object): = name
self.multiplicity = multiplicity
if self.isCombo:
self.makeCombo(Sequences, comboToolConfs )
self.decisions = []
def makeCombo(self, Sequences, comboToolConfs=[]):
if len(Sequences)==0:
def addCombHypoTools(self, tools):
def makeCombo(self):
if len(self.sequences)==0:
hashableMult = tuple(self.multiplicity)
self.combo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(createComboAlg, None, name=CFNaming.comboHypoName(, multiplicity=hashableMult)
def createComboHypoTools(self, chainName):
if self.isCombo:
......@@ -782,7 +787,7 @@ class ChainStep(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "--- ChainStep %s ---\n + isCombo = %d, multiplicity = %d \n + MenuSequences = %s"%(, self.isCombo,sum(self.multiplicity), ' '.join(map(str, [ for seq in self.sequences]) ))
return "--- ChainStep %s ---\n + isCombo = %d, multiplicity = %d \n + MenuSequences = %s \n + ComboHypoTools = %s"%(, self.isCombo,sum(self.multiplicity), ' '.join(map(str, [ for seq in self.sequences]) ), ' '.join(map(str, [tool for tool in self.comboToolConfs]) ))
def createComboAlg(dummyFlags, name, multiplicity):
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ MuonChainParts = {
'trigType' : ['mu'],
'etaRange' : ['0eta2550','0eta105'],
'threshold' : '',
'extra' : ['noL1', 'Comb', 'fast', 'msonly','lateMu'],
'extra' : ['noL1', 'Comb', 'fast', 'msonly','lateMu', "Dr"],
'IDinfo' : [],
'isoInfo' : ['ivar','ivarmedium'],
'invMassInfo' : ['10invm70'],
......@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.ChainConfigurationBase import ChainConfigu
from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Muon.MuonSequenceSetup import muFastSequence, muFastOvlpRmSequence, muCombSequence, muCombOvlpRmSequence, muEFMSSequence, muEFSASequence, muIsoSequence, muEFCBSequence, muEFSAFSSequence, muEFCBFSSequence, muEFIsoSequence, muEFCBInvMassSequence, efLateMuRoISequence, efLateMuSequence
# this must be moved to the HypoTool file:
def dimuDrComboHypoToolFromDict(chainDict):
from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConf import DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool
name = chainDict['chainName']
tool= DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool(name)
return tool
......@@ -121,7 +128,8 @@ class MuonChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
"msonly":[['getmuFast', 'getmuMSEmpty'], ['getmuEFMS']],
"ivarmedium":[['getmuFast', 'getmuComb'], ['getmuEFSA', 'getmuEFCB', 'getmuEFIso']],
"Dr": [['getmuFastDr', 'getmuCombDr']]
return stepDictionary
......@@ -204,17 +212,18 @@ class MuonChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
def getmuMSEmptyAll(self, stepID):
return self.getStep(stepID,'muMS_empty',[])
def getmuMSEmpty(self):
return self.getmuMSEmptyAll(2)
def getmuFastEmpty(self):
return self.getStep(1,'muFast_empty',[])
def getEFCBEmpty(self):
return self.getStep(6,'EFCBEmpty',[])
def getmuInvM(self):
return self.getStep(5,'muInvM',[muEFCBInvMSequenceCfg])
......@@ -226,3 +235,18 @@ class MuonChainConfiguration(ChainConfigurationBase):
def getLateMu(self):
return self.getStep(2,'muEFLate',[muEFLateSequenceCfg])
# FP:
# Here example of how to create steps with ComboHypoTools
# tmp: the problem is that we create a differnt Alg, insetad of reusing the same ComboAlg
# need to be fixed!
def getmuCombDr(self):
step=self.getStep(2, 'muCombDr', sequenceCfgArray=[muCombSequenceCfg])
step.addCombHypoTools([dimuDrComboHypoToolFromDict] )
return step
def getmuFastDr(self):
step=self.getStep(1,"mufastDr", [muFastSequenceCfg] )
step.addCombHypoTools([dimuDrComboHypoToolFromDict] )
return step
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