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Commit 63263ca7 authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Delete obsolete SUSY-related DPD job options

parent b52e602d
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##Creation: George Redlinger & David Cote, September 2010
##This file defines the SUSYEGAMMA stream and filters instances
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
# Define the particle and event selections
# from D2PDMaker.SUSYFilters import SetupEGammaStreamFilters
# acceptAlgs=SetupEGammaStreamFilters(topSequence)
from SUSYD3PDMaker.SUSYTriggerFilters import SetupSUSYTriggerFilters
# Define the test DPD output stream
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
from D2PDMaker.D2PDHelpers import buildFileName
from D2PDMaker.D2PDFlags import D2PDFlags
# This stream HAS TO start with "StreamD2AODM_"! If the input was an (D)ESD(M), this should start with "StreamD2ESD(M)_".
# See this twiki for more information:
fileName = buildFileName( D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYEGammaStream )
streamName = D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYEGammaStream.StreamName
SUSYEGammaStream = MSMgr.NewPoolStream( streamName, fileName )
# Only events that pass the filters listed below are written out
# AcceptAlgs = logical OR of filters
# RequireAlgs = logical AND of filters
SUSYEGammaStream.AcceptAlgs( acceptAlgs )
# Add the containers to the output stream
from PrimaryDPDMaker import PrimaryDPD_OutputDefinitions as dpdOutput
# Take all items from the input, except for the ones listed in the excludeList
# If the excludeList is empty, all containers from the input file (e.g. AOD)
# are copied to the output file.
excludeList = []
excludeList = list(set(excludeList)) # This removes dublicates from the list
dpdOutput.addAllItemsFromInputExceptExcludeList( streamName, excludeList )
# You need to add your newly created output containers from above to the output stream
SUSYEGammaStream.AddItem( ['CompositeParticleContainer#*'] )
SUSYEGammaStream.AddItem( ['INav4MomLinkContainer#*'] )
##Creation: George Redlinger & David Cote, September 2010
##This file defines the SUSYJETS stream and filters instances
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
# Define the particle and event selections
#from D2PDMaker.SUSYFilters import SetupJetsStreamFilters
from SUSYD3PDMaker.SUSYTriggerFilters import SetupSUSYTriggerFilters
# Define the test DPD output stream
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
from D2PDMaker.D2PDHelpers import buildFileName
from D2PDMaker.D2PDFlags import D2PDFlags
# This stream HAS TO start with "StreamD2AODM_"! If the input was an (D)ESD(M), this should start with "StreamD2ESD(M)_".
# See this twiki for more information:
fileName = buildFileName( D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYJetsStream )
streamName = D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYJetsStream.StreamName
SUSYJetStream = MSMgr.NewPoolStream( streamName, fileName )
# Only events that pass the filters listed below are written out
# AcceptAlgs = logical OR of filters
# RequireAlgs = logical AND of filters
SUSYJetStream.AcceptAlgs( acceptAlgs )
# Add the containers to the output stream
from PrimaryDPDMaker import PrimaryDPD_OutputDefinitions as dpdOutput
# Take all items from the input, except for the ones listed in the excludeList
# If the excludeList is empty, all containers from the input file (e.g. AOD)
# are copied to the output file.
excludeList = []
dpdOutput.addAllItemsFromInputExceptExcludeList( streamName, excludeList )
# You need to add your newly created output containers from above to the output stream
SUSYJetStream.AddItem( ['CompositeParticleContainer#*'] )
SUSYJetStream.AddItem( ['INav4MomLinkContainer#*'] )
##Creation: George Redlinger & David Cote, September 2010
##This file defines the SUSYMUONS stream and filters instances
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
# Define the particle and event selections
#from D2PDMaker.SUSYFilters import SetupMuonsStreamFilters
from SUSYD3PDMaker.SUSYTriggerFilters import SetupSUSYTriggerFilters
# Define the test DPD output stream
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
from D2PDMaker.D2PDHelpers import buildFileName
from D2PDMaker.D2PDFlags import D2PDFlags
# This stream HAS TO start with "StreamD2AODM_"! If the input was an (D)ESD(M), this should start with "StreamD2ESD(M)_".
# See this twiki for more information:
fileName = buildFileName( D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYMuonsStream )
streamName = D2PDFlags.WriteDAOD_SUSYMuonsStream.StreamName
SUSYMuonStream = MSMgr.NewPoolStream( streamName, fileName )
# Only events that pass the filters listed below are written out
# AcceptAlgs = logical OR of filters
# RequireAlgs = logical AND of filters
SUSYMuonStream.AcceptAlgs( acceptAlgs )
# Add the containers to the output stream
from PrimaryDPDMaker import PrimaryDPD_OutputDefinitions as dpdOutput
# Take all items from the input, except for the ones listed in the excludeList
# If the excludeList is empty, all containers from the input file (e.g. AOD)
# are copied to the output file.
excludeList = []
excludeList = list(set(excludeList)) # This removes dublicates from the list
dpdOutput.addAllItemsFromInputExceptExcludeList( streamName, excludeList )
# You need to add your newly created output containers from above to the output stream
SUSYMuonStream.AddItem( ['CompositeParticleContainer#*'] )
SUSYMuonStream.AddItem( ['INav4MomLinkContainer#*'] )
# Example of changing D3PD maker flags.
# Redefine SG keys for evgen running
from D3PDMakerConfig.D3PDMakerFlags import D3PDMakerFlags
D3PDMakerFlags.TruthSGKey = 'GEN_EVENT,GEN_AOD,TruthEvent'
D3PDMakerFlags.DoTrigger = False
D3PDMakerFlags.TruthWriteBHadrons = True
D3PDMakerFlags.TruthWriteEverything = True
# Configure RecExCommon.
# Need to set dummy values for when running on pure EVNT files
# if you are running on normal AODs (full simulation), comment next 4 lines
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# The following flags are mandatory if you build jets
from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
# Build truth missing Et
include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/" )
# Make the D3PD.
# Configuration
from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jobproperties as jobpropjet
jobpropjet.JetRecFlags.inputFileType = "GEN"
# Build list of particles stored in D3PD
from TruthD3PDAnalysis.truthParticleConfig import truthParticleConfig
truthParticleConfig (topSequence)
# Build list of particles used to jet building
from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthJetFilterConfig import TruthJetFilterConfig
TruthJetFilterConfig (topSequence, writePartons = False, writeHadrons = True,
excludeWZdecays = True)
# Build list of particles used for WZ jet building
TruthJetFilterConfig (topSequence, sgkey = 'FilteredWZD3PDTruth', writePartons = False, writeHadrons = True,
excludeWZdecays = True, photonCone=0.1)
# Build truth particle (hadron-level) jets
# flags for AOD
from ParticleBuilderOptions.AODFlags import AODFlags
AODFlags.MissingEtTruth = True
AODFlags.TruthParticleJet = True
# Reconstruct standard ATLAS truth jets
from JetRec.JetGetters import *
antikt4truthAlgStd = make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.4,'Truth',disable=False).jetAlgorithmHandle()
# Add truth jet collection that includes all final state particles (including muons and neutrinos)
antikt4truthAlgWZ = make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.4,'Truth',disable=False,
antikt6truthAlgWZ = make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.6,'Truth',disable=False,
# Make the D3PD
from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthD3PDMakerFlags import TruthD3PDFlags
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
alg = MSMgr.NewRootStream( "StreamNTUP_SUSYTRUTH", TruthD3PDFlags.TruthD3PDOutputFileName(), "truth" )
from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import EventInfoD3PDObject
alg += EventInfoD3PDObject (10,'EventInfo')
from TruthD3PDMaker.GenEventD3PDObject import GenEventD3PDObject
alg += GenEventD3PDObject (1, 'GenEvent')
from InDetD3PDMaker.TruthVertexD3PDObject import TruthVertexD3PDObject
from D3PDMakerConfig.D3PDMakerFlags import D3PDMakerFlags
alg += TruthVertexD3PDObject(1, 'TruthVertex', sgkey=D3PDMakerFlags.TruthSGKey(),prefix='mcVx',label='mcVx_')
alg += TruthVertexD3PDObject(1, 'TruthVertexFake', sgkey=D3PDMakerFlags.TruthSGKey(),prefix='vx',label='vx_')
from SUSYD3PDMaker.SUSYD3PDFlags import SUSYD3PDFlags
from JetD3PDMaker.JetD3PDObject import JetD3PDObject
alg += JetD3PDObject (2, 'Jet_Truth', sgkey=SUSYD3PDFlags.AntiKt4TruthJetsSGKey(), prefix='jet_AntiKt4TruthJets_', include=['TrueFlavorComponents'],exclude=['L1Kinematics','L2Kinematics','EFKinematics','El02Match','Mu02Match','L1Info','L2Info','EFInfo'])
alg += JetD3PDObject (2, 'Jet_NotTruth', sgkey=SUSYD3PDFlags.AntiKt4TruthJetsSGKey(), prefix='jet_AntiKt4TopoNewEM_', include=['TrueFlavorComponents'],exclude=['L1Kinematics','L2Kinematics','EFKinematics','El02Match','Mu02Match','L1Info','L2Info','EFInfo'])
alg += JetD3PDObject (2, 'Jet_Truth_WZ', sgkey='AntiKt4TruthJets_WZ', prefix='jet_AntiKt4TruthJets_WZ_', include=['TrueFlavorComponents'],exclude=['L1Kinematics','L2Kinematics','EFKinematics','El02Match','Mu02Match','L1Info','L2Info','EFInfo'])
alg += JetD3PDObject (2, 'Jet_Truth6_WZ', sgkey='AntiKt6TruthJets_WZ', prefix='jet_AntiKt6TruthJets_WZ_', include=['TrueFlavorComponents'],exclude=['L1Kinematics','L2Kinematics','EFKinematics','El02Match','Mu02Match','L1Info','L2Info','EFInfo'])
from SUSYD3PDMaker.SUSYTruthParticleD3PDObject import SUSYTruthParticleD3PDObject
alg += SUSYTruthParticleD3PDObject (1, 'SUSYTruthParticle')
from TruthD3PDMaker.Atlfast1MissingETD3PDObject import TruthMETD3PDObject
alg += TruthMETD3PDObject (level=10)
#from MissingETD3PDMaker.MissingETD3PDMakerFlags import MissingETD3PDMakerFlags
#from MissingETD3PDMaker.MissingETD3PDObject import RefFinalMETD3PDObject
#alg += RefFinalMETD3PDObject( 10 , name='MET_Simplified20' , lebel=1, sgkey='MET_Truth_NonInt' , prefix='MET_Simplified20_' , label='MET_Simplified20_' , exclude=['MET_Regions'] , include = ['MET','MET_Phi','MET_Et','MET_SumEt'] )
from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthParticleFakerObject import *
alg += TruthParticleFakerElD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="el_", label='GrumpyEl_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerMuD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="mu_muid_", label='mu_m_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerMuD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="mu_staco_", label='mu_s_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerTauD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="tau_", label='tau_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerPhD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="ph_", label='ph_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerElD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="el_truth_", label='el_t_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerMuD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="mu_muid_truth_", label='mu_m_t_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerMuD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="mu_staco_truth_", label='mu_s_t_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerTauD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="trueTau_", label='tau_t_')
alg += TruthParticleFakerPhD3PDObject (level=10, sgkey='GEN_EVENT', prefix="ph_truth_", label='ph_t_')
# @file TruthD3PDMaker/share/
# @author Renaud Bruneliere <>
# @date Apr, 2010
# @brief Example for building a D3PD from event generation file.
# Define the input file here.
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
#athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput= ["EVNT.pool.root"]
#athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput= ["EVNT.289844._000396.pool.root.1"]
athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput= ["/afs/",
# Define the output file here.
from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthD3PDMakerFlags import TruthD3PDFlags
if not globals().get('tupleFileOutput'):
tupleFileOutput = 'susy.root'
TruthD3PDFlags.TruthD3PDOutputFileName = tupleFileOutput
# Define other job options here.
#athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax = 1000
athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax = -1
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
#from D3PDMakerConfig.D3PDMakerFlags import D3PDMakerFlags
#D3PDMakerFlags.TruthSGKey = 'GEN_EVENT,GEN_AOD,TruthEvent'
#D3PDMakerFlags.DoTrigger = False
### configuration
run_default_rel19 = True
run_migrated_rel17_tools = True
rel17_use_separate_output = False
run_other_tools = {
'MET' : True,
'Muon' : True,
'Tau' : True,
'InDet': False,
### print configuration
print "PhysValSUSY job options:"
print " Running default release 19 tool : %s" % str(run_default_rel19)
print " Running migrated release 17 tool : %s" % str(run_migrated_rel17_tools)
print " output in separate file : %s" % str(rel17_use_separate_output)
print " Running following other tools : %s" % str(run_other_tools)
### consistency checks
# avoid tools being added twice
for other_tool_name in [other_tool for other_tool, run_this in run_other_tools.items() if run_this is True]:
if "do" + other_tool_name in vars():
if vars()["do" + other_tool_name] is True:
print "Configuration warning: do%s was already set active, removing from configuration." % other_tool_name
run_other_tools[other_tool_name] = False
### perform initialization / add tools
if run_default_rel19:
# add default tool
from SUSYPhysValMonitoring.SUSYPhysValMonitoringConf import SUSYPhysVal__SUSYPhysValMonitoring
tool1 = SUSYPhysVal__SUSYPhysValMonitoring()
tool1.EnableLumi = False
tool1.OutputLevel = INFO
tool1.DetailLevel = 10
tool1.UseTruthInformation = True
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
monMan = CfgMgr.AthenaMonManager("PhysValMonManager")
monMan.AthenaMonTools += [ tool1 ]
for run_other_tool in [other_tool for other_tool, run_this in run_other_tools.items() if run_this is True]:
# add "external tools"
include("PhysValMonitoring/PhysVal" + run_other_tool + "")
if run_migrated_rel17_tools:
# add migrated tool (main part of old release 17 validation package)
### imports
from SUSYPhysValMonitoring.SUSYPhysValMonitoringConf import *
doTrigger = False
doTruth = False
# specify input container names
TrigDecisionTool = "TrigDecisionTool"
McEventCollection = "GEN_AOD"
TrackParticleContainer = "TrackParticleCandidate"
JetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets" ##leave off the suffix "Jets"
ElectronContainer = "ElectronCollection"
MuonContainer = "Muons"
TauJetContainer = "TauRecContainer"
MissingET = "MET_RefFinal"
# for 17.2.1 (SUSYD3PDMaker-00-12-00)
# SUSY_MET_name = "MET_RefFinal_Simplified20" # MET name to be used by SUSYSusyRec.cxx
# SUSY_MET_muons_name = "MET_Muon_Total_Staco_Simplified20" # MET muons contribution name to be used by SUSYSusyRec.cxx
# for (SUSYD3PDMaker-00-12-36)
#SUSY_MET_name = "MET_RefFinal_Egamma10NoTau" # MET name to be used by SUSYSusyRec.cxx
#SUSY_MET_muons_name = "MET_Muon_Staco_Egamma10NoTau" # MET muons contribution name to be used by SUSYSusyRec.cxx
SUSY_MET_name = "Final"
SUSY_MET_muons_name = "Muons"
# init and add tool
SusyPlot = SUSYPlot("SusyPlot")
SusyPlot.DoTrigger = doTrigger
SusyPlot.DoTruth = doTruth
SusyPlot.HistToolKeys = [ "SUSYSusyRec/susyTool" ]
SusyPlot += SUSYSusyRec("susyTool")
SusyPlot.susyTool.ElectronName = ElectronContainer
SusyPlot.susyTool.MuonName = MuonContainer
SusyPlot.susyTool.TauName = TauJetContainer
SusyPlot.susyTool.JetName = JetContainer
SusyPlot.susyTool.MetName = MissingET
SusyPlot.susyTool.SUSYMissingET = SUSY_MET_name
SusyPlot.susyTool.SUSYMissingETMuons = SUSY_MET_muons_name
SusyPlot.susyTool.McEventName = McEventCollection
SusyPlot.susyTool.OutputLevel = INFO
if doTrigger:
SusyPlot.TrigDecisionTool = ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool
SusyPlot.susyTool.PtLeptonCut = 20*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.PtLeptonPreCut = 20*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.EtIsolCut = 10*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.EtMissCut = 80*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.etaJetCut = 3
SusyPlot.susyTool.PtJetCut = 20*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.PtJet0Cut = 60*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.PtJet1Cut = 30*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.MeffCut = 500*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.MTCut = 100*GeV
SusyPlot.susyTool.STCut = 0.2
topSequence += SusyPlot
if rel17_use_separate_output:
### if you want to write histograms to separate file use this:
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
theApp.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
## The string "TestMon" in the argument below is the 'FileKey'
## used by Athena to access the output file internally
svcMgr.THistSvc.Output += ["PhysVal2 DATAFILE='hist.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
svcMgr.THistSvc.PrintAll = True
svcMgr.THistSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
SusyPlot.susyTool.HistBaseDirectory = "/PhysVal/SUSY/ETmiss/"
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