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Commit 798a64cb authored by Walter Lampl's avatar Walter Lampl
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Merge branch 'bookkeeper_redaction' into 'master'

Back out new BookkeeperTool

See merge request atlas/athena!21860
parents a108280c f49721f0
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Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
......@@ -12,7 +12,15 @@
* $Id: $
#include "AthenaKernel/GenericMetadataTool.h"
//#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "AsgTools/AsgMetadataTool.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/IMetaDataTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/ICutFlowSvc.h"
#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeper.h"
#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeperContainer.h"
......@@ -21,24 +29,55 @@
#include <string>
class BookkeeperTool : public GenericMetadataTool <xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer, xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer>
class BookkeeperTool : public asg::AsgMetadataTool
, public virtual ::IMetaDataTool
// Constructor and Destructor
public: // Constructor and Destructor
/// Standard Service Constructor
BookkeeperTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent);
BookkeeperTool(const std::string& name = "BookkeeperTool");
/// Destructor
virtual ~BookkeeperTool();
//void handle(const Incident& incident);
virtual StatusCode metaDataStop();
virtual StatusCode beginInputFile() override {return StatusCode::SUCCESS;}
virtual StatusCode endInputFile() override {return StatusCode::SUCCESS;}
virtual StatusCode beginInputFile(const SG::SourceID&) override;
virtual StatusCode endInputFile(const SG::SourceID&) override;
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
/// Virtual method to update a container with information from another one
virtual StatusCode updateContainer(xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contToUpdate,
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* otherCont );
/// Helper class to update a container with information from another one
StatusCode updateContainer( xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contToUpdate,
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* otherCont );
StatusCode copyContainerToOutput(const std::string& outname);
/// Fill Cutflow information
StatusCode addCutFlow();
/// Pointer to cut flow svc
//ServiceHandle<ICutFlowSvc> m_cutflowsvc;
/// The name of the output CutBookkeeperContainer
std::string m_outputCollName;
/// The name of the input CutBookkeeperContainer
std::string m_inputCollName;
/// The name of the CutFlowSvc CutBookkeeperContainer
std::string m_cutflowCollName;
bool m_cutflowTaken;
///////////////////////// -*- C++ -*- /////////////////////////////
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// Implementation file for class BookkeeperTool
......@@ -13,28 +13,241 @@
// STL include
#include <algorithm>
#include "AthenaKernel/MetaCont.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/ClassID_traits.h"
// #include "FillEBCFromFlat.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/FileIncident.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/GenericMetadataTool.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/ICutFlowSvc.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthCheckMacros.h"
#include "AthContainersInterfaces/IConstAuxStoreMeta.h"
BookkeeperTool::BookkeeperTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: GenericMetadataTool <xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer, xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer>(type,name,parent)
BookkeeperTool::BookkeeperTool(const std::string& name)
: asg::AsgMetadataTool(name),
declareProperty("OutputCollName", m_outputCollName="CutBookkeepers",
"The default name of the xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer for output files");
declareProperty("InputCollName", m_inputCollName = "CutBookkeepers",
"The default name of the xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer for input files");
declareProperty("CutFlowCollName", m_cutflowCollName = "CutBookkeepersFile",
"The default name of the xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer for CutFlowSvc");
declareInterface< ::IMetaDataTool >( this );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("InputCollName = " << m_inputCollName);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("OutputCollName = " << m_outputCollName);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CutFlowCollName = " << m_cutflowCollName);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BookkeeperTool::beginInputFile(const SG::SourceID&)
//Things to do:
// 1) note that a file is currently opened
// 2) Load CutBookkeepers from input file
// 2a) if incomplete from input, directly propagate to output
// 2b) if complete from input, wait for EndInputFile to decide what to do in output
// reset cutflow taken marker
m_cutflowTaken = false;
// Get the incomplete bookkeeper collection of the input metadata store
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* input_inc = 0;
// Construct input and output incomplete names
std::string inCollName = "Incomplete" + m_inputCollName;
std::string outCollName = "Incomplete" + m_outputCollName;
if (inputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(inCollName) ) {
StatusCode ssc = inputMetaStore()->retrieve( input_inc, inCollName );
if (ssc.isSuccess()) {
// First make sure there is an incomplete container in the output store
if( !(outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(outCollName)) ) {
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* inc = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer();
xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer* auxinc = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer();
// retrieve the incomplete output container
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* incompleteBook(NULL);
ATH_CHECK(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( incompleteBook, outCollName));
// update incomplete output with any incomplete input
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Successfully merged input incomplete bookkeepers with output");
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("No incomplete bookkeepers in this file " << inCollName);
// Get the complete bookkeeper collection of the input metadata store
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* input_com = 0;
inCollName = m_inputCollName;
outCollName = m_outputCollName;
if (inputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(inCollName) ) {
if ( (inputMetaStore()->retrieve( input_com, inCollName )).isSuccess() ) {
// Check if a tmp is there. IT SHOULD NOT BE
//xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* incompleteBook(NULL);
if( !(outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(outCollName+"tmp")) ) {
// Now create the tmp container
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* tmp = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer();
xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer* auxtmp = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer();
if (updateContainer(tmp,input_com).isSuccess()) {
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Could not update tmp container from input complete conatiner");
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("tmp collection already exists");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Successfully copied complete bookkeepers to temp container");
// Now make sure the output containers are in the output store
// Make sure complete container exists in output
if( !(outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(m_outputCollName)) ) {
// Now create the complete container
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* inc = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer();
xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer* auxinc = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer();
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("complete collection already exists");
//return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Make sure incomplete container exists in output
std::string inc_name = "Incomplete"+m_outputCollName;
if( !(outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(inc_name)) ) {
// Now create the complete container
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* coll = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer();
xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer* auxcoll = new xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer();
else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("incomplete collection already exists");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BookkeeperTool::endInputFile(const SG::SourceID&)
if (copyContainerToOutput(m_outputCollName).isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (!m_cutflowTaken) {
if (addCutFlow().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not add CutFlow information");
m_cutflowTaken = true;
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Cutflow information written into container before endInputFile");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BookkeeperTool::metaDataStop()
//Things to do:
// 1) Create new incomplete CutBookkeepers if relevant
// 2) Print cut flow summary
// 3) Write root file if requested
// Make sure incomplete container exists in output
std::string inc_name = "Incomplete"+m_outputCollName;
if (copyContainerToOutput(inc_name).isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (!m_cutflowTaken) {
if (addCutFlow().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not add CutFlow information");
else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Cutflow information written into container before metaDataStop");
// Reset after metadata stop
m_cutflowTaken = false;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Finalizing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BookkeeperTool::addCutFlow()
// Add the information from the current processing to the complete output
// --> same paradigm as original CutFlowSvc
// Get the complete bookkeeper collection of the output meta-data store
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* completeBook(NULL);
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( completeBook, m_outputCollName) ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Could not get complete CutBookkeepers from output MetaDataStore" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Get the bookkeeper from the current processing
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* fileCompleteBook(NULL);
if( outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(m_cutflowCollName) ) {
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( fileCompleteBook, m_cutflowCollName) ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Could not get CutFlowSvc CutBookkeepers from output MetaDataStore" );
else {
// update the complete output with the complete input
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("No cutflow container " << m_cutflowCollName);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
namespace {
resolveLink (const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* old,
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer& contToUpdate,
......@@ -111,9 +324,6 @@ BookkeeperTool::updateContainer( xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contToUpdate,
foundEBKToUpdate = true;
else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("otherEBK("<<otherEBK->name()<<") != ebkToUpdate("<<ebkToUpdate->name());
} // End: Inner loop over contToUpdate
if (!foundEBKToUpdate) {
xAOD::CutBookkeeper* newEBK = new xAOD::CutBookkeeper();
......@@ -175,3 +385,34 @@ BookkeeperTool::updateContainer( xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contToUpdate,
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BookkeeperTool::copyContainerToOutput(const std::string& outname)
// Get the complete bookkeeper collection of the output meta-data store
xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* contBook(nullptr);
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( contBook, outname) ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Could not get " << outname << " CutBookkeepers from output MetaDataStore" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Get the tmp bookkeeper from the input
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* tmpBook(NULL);
if ( outputMetaStore()->contains<xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer>(outname+"tmp") ) {
if( !(outputMetaStore()->retrieve( tmpBook, outname+"tmp") ).isSuccess() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Could not get tmp CutBookkeepers from output MetaDataStore" );
else {
// update the complete output with the complete input
// remove the tmp container
const SG::IConstAuxStore* tmpBookAux = tmpBook->getConstStore();
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ def GetCurrentStreamName( msg, athFile=None ):
def CreateCutFlowSvc( svcName="CutFlowSvc", athFile=None, seq=None, addAlgInPlace=False, addMetaDataToAllOutputFiles=True, SGkey="CutBookkeepers" ):
print "CreateCutFlowSvc"
Helper to create the CutFlowSvc, extract the needed information from
the input file, and also schedule all the needed stuff.
......@@ -64,7 +63,8 @@ def CreateCutFlowSvc( svcName="CutFlowSvc", athFile=None, seq=None, addAlgInPlac
import AthenaCommon.CfgMgr as CfgMgr
if not hasattr(svcMgr,"CutFlowSvc"): svcMgr += CfgMgr.CutFlowSvc()
svcMgr.CutFlowSvc.InputStream = inputStreamName
#if not hasattr(svcMgr,"FileCutFlowSvc"): svcMgr += CfgMgr.FileCutFlowSvc()
#svcMgr.FileCutFlowSvc.InputStream = inputStreamName
# Make sure MetaDataSvc is ready
if not hasattr(svcMgr,'MetaDataSvc'):
......@@ -79,19 +79,18 @@ def CreateCutFlowSvc( svcName="CutFlowSvc", athFile=None, seq=None, addAlgInPlac
outname = "CutBookkeepers"
cutflowtool = BookkeeperTool(outname+"Tool",
InputCollName = inname,
OutputCollName= outname,
OutputCollName= outname)
svcMgr.ToolSvc += cutflowtool
# Add tool to MetaDataSvc
svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [cutflowtool]
for x in svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools:
print x
# Add pdf sum of weights counts if appropriate
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
if globalflags.DataSource() == 'geant4':
#from PyUtils import AthFile
#afc = AthFile.fopen( svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections[0] )
name = "PDFSumOfWeights"
pdfweighttool = BookkeeperTool(name,
......@@ -143,8 +142,7 @@ def CreateCutFlowSvc( svcName="CutFlowSvc", athFile=None, seq=None, addAlgInPlac
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer#"+SGkey+"Aux.*" )
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer#Incomplete"+SGkey )
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer#Incomplete"+SGkey+"Aux.*" )
#SGkey = "FileBookkeepers"
SGkey = "CutBookkeepersFile"
SGkey = "FileBookkeepers"
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer#"+SGkey )
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperAuxContainer#"+SGkey+"Aux.*" )
MSMgr.AddMetaDataItemToAllStreams( "xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer#Incomplete"+SGkey )
......@@ -172,6 +170,7 @@ def CreateBookkeeperTool( name="CutBookkeepers" ):
svcMgr.ToolSvc += cutflowtool
# Add tool to MetaDataSvc
svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [cutflowtool]
#svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += [cutflowtool]
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