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Commit 7be5b81a authored by Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton
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Merge branch 'removeLiveTool.LumiBlockComps-20190702' into 'master'

LumiBlockComps: Remove TrigLivefractionTool.

See merge request atlas/athena!24589
parents f6fc279f 7949dbd1
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Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@file TrigLivefractionTool.h
@class TrigLivefractionTool
@brief Implementing TrigLivefractionTool interface
@author E.Torrence
#ifndef LUMIBLOCKCOMPS_TrigLivefractionTool_H
#define LUMIBLOCKCOMPS_TrigLivefractionTool_H
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/IOVSvcDefs.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
#include "CoralBase/Blob.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/ITrigLivefractionTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/ILuminosityTool.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class TrigLivefractionTool: public AthAlgTool, virtual public ITrigLivefractionTool {
TrigLivefractionTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent);
// ---------------- user interface -------------------
// L1 livefraction information from /TRIGGER/LUMI/PerBcidDeadtime
// Use highPriority = false to get low priority triggers
// Return vector with all BCIDs indexed by bcid number
const std::vector<float>& l1LivefractionVector(bool highPriority = true) const;
// Return current BCID luminosity based on EventInfo bcid number
// Defaults to high priority L1 triggers.
float livefractionPerBCID(bool highPriority = true) const;
// Return specific BCID luminosity for any BCID in the current lumi block
float livefractionPerBCID(unsigned int bcid, bool highPriority = true) const;
// Number of turns in this lumi block (can be used to compute errors I guess)
unsigned int lhcTurnCounter() const;
// Luminosity-averaged live fraction over all physics BCIDs (high or low priority triggers)
// Depends on luminosity from LuminosityTool
float lbAverageLivefraction(bool highPriority=true);
// Standard tool methods
StatusCode initialize();
StatusCode finalize();
// Callback function
virtual StatusCode updateCache(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS);
// Callback function
virtual StatusCode updateLivefraction(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS);
// Lumi-weighted livefraction update function
void recalculateLumiLivefraction();
// Flag to indicate that cached data has changed
bool m_recalcLumiLivefraction;
// Tool handle for luminosity ### NEEDS UPDTING
PublicToolHandle<ILuminosityTool> m_lumiTool{this, "LuminosityTool", ""};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_eventInfoKey{this,"EventInfoKey","EventInfo","RHK for EventInfo"};
// Number of turns in this lumi block
unsigned int m_turnCounter;
// Live fraction per BCID
std::vector<float> m_livefractionHigh;
std::vector<float> m_livefractionLow;
// Folder name
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_deadtimeFolderName{this,"DeadtimeFolderName", ""};
void fillVector(std::vector<float>& livevec, const coral::Blob& blob);
// Luminoisty-weighted live fractions
float m_lumiLiveFractionLo;
float m_lumiLiveFractionHi;
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import *
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
# Configuration for LivefractionTool
# Also needs LuminosityTool to be configured (should be in RecExCommon)
def TrigLivefractionToolDefault(name='TrigLivefractionTool'):
mlog = logging.getLogger(name)
# mlog.warning("TrigLivefractionToolDefault called")
# Check if tool already exists
if hasattr(svcMgr.ToolSvc, name):
# re-use previously configured tool"TrigLivefractionToolDefault returning existing tool %s" % name)
return getattr(svcMgr.ToolSvc, name)
# Set up DB configuration
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
# Add the luminosity tool as a public tool
from LumiBlockComps.LumiBlockCompsConf import TrigLivefractionTool
liveTool = TrigLivefractionTool(name)
if conddb.dbdata == "COMP200":
liveTool.DeadtimeFolderName = '/TRIGGER/LUMI/PerBcidDeadtime'
# Mistakenly created as multi-version folder, must specify HEAD
conddb.addFolderWithTag('TRIGGER', '/TRIGGER/LUMI/PerBcidDeadtime', 'HEAD')
liveTool.LuminosityTool = 'LuminosityTool'
elif conddb.dbdata == "CONDBR2":
liveTool.DeadtimeFolderName = ''
liveTool.LuminosityTool = ''
mlog.warning("TrigLivefractionToolDefault can't resolve conddb.dbdata = %s, assume Run2!" % conddb.dbdata)
liveTool.DeadtimeFolderName = ''
liveTool.LuminosityTool = ''
return liveTool
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "LumiBlockComps/TrigLivefractionTool.h"
#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/AthenaAttributeList.h"
#include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
// Total number of BCIDs in one turn
const unsigned int TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS = 3564;
TrigLivefractionTool::TrigLivefractionTool(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent)
: AthAlgTool(type, name, parent),
// Initialize to 1 so we don't have divide by zero if there is no data
m_livefractionHigh = std::vector<float>(TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS, 1.);
m_livefractionLow = std::vector<float>(TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS, 1.);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TrigLivefractionTool::initialize() begin");
if (m_deadtimeFolderName.empty()) {
// May not be configured, could be OK
ATH_MSG_INFO("DeadtimeFolderName.empty is TRUE, skipping...");
} else {
ATH_MSG_INFO("TrigLivefractionTool::initialize() registering " << m_deadtimeFolderName);
// In addition to local, private callback functions, also set up callbacks to updateCache any time
// the local cached data changes.
// This must be done with the interface (ILuminosityTool) so external code can use this to trigger
// their own callbacks.
// Setup callback
if (detStore()->contains<AthenaAttributeList>(m_deadtimeFolderName)) {
const DataHandle<AthenaAttributeList> aptr;
// Causes updateLivefraction to be called when m_deadtimeFolderName changes
CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&TrigLivefractionTool::updateLivefraction, this, aptr, m_deadtimeFolderName));
// Causes updateCache to be called when updateLivefraction is called
CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&TrigLivefractionTool::updateLivefraction, this, &ITrigLivefractionTool::updateCache, dynamic_cast<ITrigLivefractionTool*>(this)));
// CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&ITrigLivefractionTool::updateCache, dynamic_cast<ITrigLivefractionTool*>(this) , aptr, m_deadtimeFolderName));
ATH_MSG_INFO( " Registered a callback for " << m_deadtimeFolderName << " COOL folder " );
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR( " cannot find " << m_deadtimeFolderName << " in DetectorStore" );
// Get the luminosity tool
if (m_lumiTool.empty()) {
// May not be configured, could be OK
ATH_MSG_INFO( "LuminosityTool.empty() is TRUE, skipping...");
} else {
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieving luminosity tool handle" );
// Also set up a callback on luminosityTool change
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Registering callback on ILuminosityTool::updateCache" );
CHECK(detStore()->regFcn(&ILuminosityTool::updateCache, dynamic_cast<ILuminosityTool*>(&(*m_lumiTool)), &ITrigLivefractionTool::updateCache, dynamic_cast<ITrigLivefractionTool*>(this)));
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "TrigLivefractionTool::initialize() end" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "TrigLivefractionTool::finalize()" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
unsigned int
TrigLivefractionTool::lhcTurnCounter() const {
return m_turnCounter;
const std::vector<float>&
TrigLivefractionTool::l1LivefractionVector(bool highPriority) const {
if (highPriority) return m_livefractionHigh;
return m_livefractionLow;
TrigLivefractionTool::livefractionPerBCID(bool highPriority) const {
SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::EventInfo> eventInfo(m_eventInfoKey);
// check is only useful for serial running; remove when MT scheduler used
if(!eventInfo.isValid()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL("Failed to retrieve "<< m_eventInfoKey.key());
return 0;
float frac = livefractionPerBCID(eventInfo->bcid(), highPriority);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "LB " << eventInfo->lumiBlock() << " bcid " << eventInfo->bcid() << " -> Livefrac = " << frac << " for highPriority = " << highPriority);
return frac;
TrigLivefractionTool::livefractionPerBCID(unsigned int bcid, bool highPriority) const {
if (bcid >= TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Request for livefraction with bcid " << bcid << " > " << TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS << "!" );
return 0.;
if (highPriority) return m_livefractionHigh[bcid];
return m_livefractionLow[bcid];
TrigLivefractionTool::lbAverageLivefraction(bool highPriority) {
// Recalculate the average livefraction if some input has changed
if (m_recalcLumiLivefraction) recalculateLumiLivefraction();
if (highPriority) {
return m_lumiLiveFractionHi;
return m_lumiLiveFractionLo;
// Callback functions
TrigLivefractionTool::updateCache( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(/*idx*/, /*keys*/) )
m_recalcLumiLivefraction = true;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Called when livefraction folder updates
TrigLivefractionTool::updateLivefraction( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P(/*idx*/, /*keys*/) )
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in updateLivefraction() " );
// Should be set in updateCache, but do it here just to make sure
m_recalcLumiLivefraction = true;
// Ensure value won't crash monitoring on error
m_turnCounter = 0;
m_livefractionHigh = std::vector<float>(TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS, 1.);
m_livefractionLow = std::vector<float>(TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS, 1.);
if (m_deadtimeFolderName.empty()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "updateLiveFraction called with DeadtimeFolderName.empty() = True!" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
const AthenaAttributeList* attrList = 0;
CHECK(detStore()->retrieve(attrList, m_deadtimeFolderName));
if ((*attrList)["TurnCounter"].isNull()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "TurnCounter is NULL in " << m_deadtimeFolderName << "!" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_turnCounter = (*attrList)["TurnCounter"].data<uint32_t>();
// Nothing to do if turn counter is zero
if (m_turnCounter == 0) {
ATH_MSG_INFO( "TurnCounter = " << m_turnCounter << " ... setting livefraction to 1");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "TurnCounter = " << m_turnCounter );
// OK, unpack deadtime counters
// Check data availability
if ((*attrList)["LowPriority"].isNull() || (*attrList)["HighPriority"].isNull()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( " NULL veto counter information in database ... set livefraction to 1 " );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
const coral::Blob& lowBlob = (*attrList)["LowPriority"].data<coral::Blob>();
const coral::Blob& highBlob = (*attrList)["HighPriority"].data<coral::Blob>();
fillVector(m_livefractionLow, lowBlob);
fillVector(m_livefractionHigh, highBlob);
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "HighPriority livefraction: ";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_livefractionHigh.size(); i++) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << m_livefractionHigh[i] << " ";
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
TrigLivefractionTool::fillVector(std::vector<float>& livevec, const coral::Blob& blob) {
// Ensure turn counter is non-zero
if (m_turnCounter == 0) return;
// Verify length
// Due to a bug, this was sometimes written with 3654 entries rather than desired 3564
if ( static_cast<uint32_t>( blob.size() ) < 3*TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Deadtime BLOB with " << blob.size() << " < 3 * " << TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS);
// Unpack one byte at a time
const uint8_t* p=static_cast<const uint8_t*>(blob.startingAddress());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS; i++, p+=3) {
unsigned int busyCounter = *p | (*(p+1) << 8) | (*(p+2) << 16);
livevec[i] = (m_turnCounter-busyCounter)/(1.*m_turnCounter);
// Routine to recalculate the lumi-weighted live fraction if either the luminosity or live fraction data changes
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in recalculateLumiLivefraction" );
// Clear the request flag
m_recalcLumiLivefraction = false;
// One more thing, lets calculate the lumi-weighted live fraction
m_lumiLiveFractionLo = 1.;
m_lumiLiveFractionHi = 1.;
if (m_lumiTool.empty()) {
// May not be configured, could be OK
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "recalculateLumiLivefraction called with LuminosityTool.empty() == TRUE!");
double numsumlo = 0.;
double numsumhi = 0.;
double densum = 0.;
// Just use physics bunch group
for (unsigned int bcid = 1; bcid < TOTAL_LHC_BCIDS; bcid++) {
numsumlo += m_lumiTool->lbLuminosityPerBCID(bcid) * this->livefractionPerBCID(bcid, false);
numsumhi += m_lumiTool->lbLuminosityPerBCID(bcid) * this->livefractionPerBCID(bcid, true);
densum += m_lumiTool->lbLuminosityPerBCID(bcid);
if (densum > 0.) {
m_lumiLiveFractionLo = numsumlo/densum;
m_lumiLiveFractionHi = numsumhi/densum;
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
//full-athena-only components
#include "LumiBlockComps/LumiBlockMuTool.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/LuminosityTool.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/TrigLivefractionTool.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/LumiCalcSvc.h"
#include "LumiBlockComps/LumiBlockTester.h"
#include "../LBDurationCondAlg.h"
......@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( CreateLumiBlockCollectionFromFile )
DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrigLivefractionTool )
DECLARE_COMPONENT( LuminosityCondAlg )
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