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Commit 8388446f authored by John Kenneth Anders's avatar John Kenneth Anders
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Merge branch '21.0-TileJetMonTool-update' into '21.0'

21.0 TileJetMonTool update

See merge request atlas/athena!16558

Former-commit-id: 7087046fc73d72221f384b2129c55d224b731677
parents 0bb0bff7 2efe7221
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......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs(
......@@ -17,16 +17,13 @@
#include "xAODJet/Jet.h"
#include "TileMonitoring/TileFatherMonTool.h"
// to use JVT
#include "AsgTools/ToolHandle.h"
//#include "JetMomentTools/JetVertexTaggerTool.h"
#define JVT
#ifdef JVT
// JVT
#include "JetInterface/IJetUpdateJvt.h"
// Jet cleaning
#include "JetInterface/IJetSelector.h"
//#include "JetSelectorTools/JetCleaningTool.h"
// Event cleaning
#include "JetSelectorTools/IEventCleaningTool.h"
class ITileBadChanTool;
......@@ -61,6 +58,7 @@ class TileJetMonTool: public TileFatherMonTool {
unsigned int find_index(const int gain, const float energy);
bool isGoodChannel(int part, int mod, int pmt, uint32_t bad, unsigned int qbit, Identifier id);
bool passesJvt(const xAOD::Jet& jet);
bool isGoodJet(const xAOD::Jet& jet);
bool isGoodEvent();
......@@ -71,10 +69,6 @@ class TileJetMonTool: public TileFatherMonTool {
LooseBad, MediumBad, TightBad
} BadJetCategory;
bool isBad(BadJetCategory criteria, double quality, double NegE, double emf, double hecf,
double time, double fmax, double eta, double chf, double HecQ);
float m_jetPtMin;
......@@ -131,14 +125,15 @@ class TileJetMonTool: public TileFatherMonTool {
bool m_do_jet_cleaning;
float m_jet_tracking_eta_limit;
float m_jet_jvt_threshold;
float m_jet_jvt_ptmax;
bool m_first_event;
// JVT
#ifdef JVT
ToolHandle<IJetUpdateJvt> m_jvt;
std::string m_JvtDecorator;
std::string m_OrDecorator;
// event/jet cleaning
ToolHandle<IJetSelector> m_cleaningTool;
// JetCleaningTool* m_cleaningTool;
ToolHandle<ECUtils::IEventCleaningTool> m_ECTool;
......@@ -108,9 +108,10 @@ if tileESDMon:
if (jobproperties.Beam.beamType() == 'collisions'):
jetPtMin = 20000.
ToolSvc += CfgMgr.TileJetMonTool(name = 'TileJetMonTool'
, OutputLevel = INFO
, jetPtMin = 20000.0
, jetPtMin = jetPtMin
, jetEtaMax = 1.6
, jetCollectionName = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
, do_1dim_histos = False
......@@ -124,21 +125,32 @@ if tileESDMon:
, do_jet_cleaning = False
# , useJVTTool = jvt
# , useJetCleaning = cleaning
, jet_JVT_threshold = 0.64
, jet_JVT_threshold = 0.59
, jet_JVT_pTmax = 120000 # MeV
, histoPathBase = "/Tile/Jet")
from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
if jetFlags.useTracks():
jet_tracking_eta_limit = 2.4
jvt = CfgMgr.JetVertexTaggerTool('JVT')
ToolSvc += jvt
cleaning = CfgMgr.JetCleaningTool("MyCleaningTool")
cleaning.CutLevel = "LooseBad"
cleaning.DoUgly = False
ToolSvc += cleaning
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.do_jet_cleaning = True
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.useJVTTool = jvt
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.useJetCleaning = cleaning
ecTool = CfgMgr.ECUtils__EventCleaningTool("MyEventCleaningTool")
ecTool.JetCleaningTool = cleaning
ecTool.PtCut = jetPtMin
ecTool.EtaCut = jet_tracking_eta_limit
ecTool.JvtDecorator = "passJvt"
ecTool.OrDecorator = "passOR"
ecTool.CleaningLevel = cleaning.CutLevel
ToolSvc += ecTool
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.do_jet_cleaning = True
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.useJVTTool = jvt
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.useJetCleaning = cleaning
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.useEventCleaning = ecTool
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.jet_tracking_eta_limit = jet_tracking_eta_limit
if DQMonFlags.monManDataType == 'heavyioncollisions':
if not rec.doHIP():
ToolSvc.TileJetMonTool.jetCollectionName = 'AntiKt4HIJets'
......@@ -236,24 +236,35 @@ cleaning = CfgMgr.JetCleaningTool("MyCleaningTool")
cleaning.CutLevel = "LooseBad"
cleaning.DoUgly = False
ToolSvc += cleaning
ecTool = CfgMgr.ECUtils__EventCleaningTool("MyEventCleaningTool")
ecTool.JetCleaningTool = cleaning
ecTool.PtCut = 20000.0
ecTool.EtaCut = 2.4
ecTool.JvtDecorator = "passJvt"
ecTool.OrDecorator = "passOR"
ecTool.CleaningLevel = cleaning.CutLevel
ToolSvc += ecTool
from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringConf import TileJetMonTool
TileJetMonTool = TileJetMonTool(name = 'TileJetMonTool',
jetPtMin = 20000.0,
jetEtaMax = 1.6,
jetCollectionName = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets',
do_1dim_histos = True,
do_2dim_histos = False,
do_enediff_histos = False,
energyChanMin = 15000, # 2000,
energyChanMax = 50000, # 4000,
enediff_threshold = 2000,
do_event_cleaning = True,
do_jet_cleaning = True,
useJVTTool = jvt,
useJetCleaning = cleaning,
jet_JVT_threshold = 0.64,
OutputLevel = INFO);
TileJetMonTool = TileJetMonTool(name = 'TileJetMonTool',
jetPtMin = 20000.0,
jetEtaMax = 1.6,
jetCollectionName = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets',
do_1dim_histos = True,
do_2dim_histos = False,
do_enediff_histos = False,
energyChanMin = 15000, # 2000,
energyChanMax = 50000, # 4000,
enediff_threshold = 2000,
do_event_cleaning = True,
do_jet_cleaning = True,
useJVTTool = jvt,
useJetCleaning = cleaning,
useEventCleaning = ecTool,
jet_tracking_eta_limit = 2.4,
jet_JVT_threshold = 0.59,
jet_JVT_pTmax = 120000, # MeV
OutputLevel = INFO);
ToolSvc += TileJetMonTool;
ManagedAthenaTileMon.AthenaMonTools += [ TileJetMonTool ];
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "JetMomentTools/JetVertexTaggerTool.h"
//#include "CaloIdentifier/Tile_Base_ID.h"
//#include "TH2F.h"
//#include "TH1F.h"
......@@ -55,18 +56,12 @@
using xAOD::EventInfo;
#ifdef JVT
TileJetMonTool::TileJetMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, const IInterface* parent)
: TileFatherMonTool(type, name, parent)
, m_tileBadChanTool("TileBadChanTool")
, m_jvt("JVT")
, m_cleaningTool("MyCleaningTool")
TileJetMonTool::TileJetMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & name, const IInterface* parent)
: TileFatherMonTool(type, name, parent)
, m_tileBadChanTool("TileBadChanTool")
, m_ECTool("ECTool")
......@@ -83,12 +78,14 @@ TileJetMonTool::TileJetMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & nam
declareProperty("do_energy_profiles", m_do_energy_profiles = true);
declareProperty("do_event_cleaning",m_do_event_cleaning = true);
declareProperty("do_jet_cleaning",m_do_jet_cleaning = true);
#ifdef JVT
declareProperty("JvtDecorator",m_JvtDecorator = "passJvt");
declareProperty("OrDecorator",m_OrDecorator = "passOR");
declareProperty("jet_tracking_eta_limit",m_jet_tracking_eta_limit = 2.4);
declareProperty("jet_JVT_threshold",m_jet_jvt_threshold = 0.64);
declareProperty("jet_JVT_threshold",m_jet_jvt_threshold = 0.59);
declareProperty("jet_JVT_pTmax",m_jet_jvt_ptmax = 120000);
m_path = "/Tile/Jet";
m_partname[0] = "LBA";
......@@ -97,8 +94,9 @@ TileJetMonTool::TileJetMonTool(const std::string & type, const std::string & nam
m_partname[3] = "EBC";
m_first_event = true;
TileJetMonTool::~TileJetMonTool() {
......@@ -112,32 +110,22 @@ StatusCode TileJetMonTool::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_INFO("in initialize()");
ATH_MSG_INFO("value of m_do_jet_cleaning: " << m_do_jet_cleaning);
//=== get TileBadChanTool
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: Retrieving tile bad channel tool");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: Retrieved tile bad channel tool");
if (m_do_jet_cleaning) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: initializing JVT updater");
#ifdef JVT
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: initialized JVT updater");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: initializing JetCleaningTool");
/* This is RootCore approach
m_cleaningTool = new JetCleaningTool("MyCleaningTool");
CHECK(m_cleaningTool->setProperty("CutLevel", "LooseBad")); // also "TightBad"
CHECK(m_cleaningTool->setProperty("DoUgly", false));
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("TileJetMonTool: initialized JetCleaningTool");
return TileFatherMonTool::initialize();
......@@ -730,124 +718,51 @@ bool TileJetMonTool::isGoodEvent() {
if (! m_do_event_cleaning) return true;
const EventInfo* eventInfo(NULL);
const EventInfo* eventInfo = nullptr;
if (! evtStore()->retrieve(eventInfo, "EventInfo").isSuccess()){
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot retrieve EventInfo object!");
return false;
if (eventInfo->errorState(EventInfo::LAr) == EventInfo::Error) return(false);
if (eventInfo->errorState(EventInfo::Tile) == EventInfo::Error) return(false);
/* see and
/* see
#ifdef JVT
if (! m_do_jet_cleaning) return true;
const xAOD::JetContainer* jetContainer = evtStore()->tryConstRetrieve<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt4EMTopoJets");
if (!jetContainer) return true;
const xAOD::JetContainer* jetContainer = nullptr;
if (! evtStore()->retrieve(jetContainer, "AntiKt4EMTopoJets").isSuccess()){
ATH_MSG_INFO("Cannot retrieve AntiKt4EMTopoJets. However, returning true.");
return true;
int ijet=0;
for (const xAOD::Jet* jet : *jetContainer) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Jet " << ijet << ", pT " << jet->pt()/1000.0 << " GeV, eta "
<< jet->eta());
#ifdef JVT
if (jet->pt() > 50000) {
if (m_cleaningTool->keep(*jet) == 0) return false;
} else if ((jet->pt() > 20000) && (fabs(jet->eta()) < m_jet_tracking_eta_limit)) {
float jvt = m_jvt->updateJvt(*jet);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("... jvt = " << jvt);
if ((jvt > m_jet_jvt_threshold) && (m_cleaningTool->keep(*jet) == 0)) return false;
jet->auxdecor<char>(m_JvtDecorator) = passesJvt(*jet);
jet->auxdecor<char>(m_OrDecorator) = true;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("... done with jet " << ijet);
return m_ECTool->acceptEvent(jetContainer);
bool TileJetMonTool::passesJvt(const xAOD::Jet& jet) {
if ( > 20000
&& < m_jet_jvt_ptmax
&& fabs(jet.getAttribute<float>("DetectorEta")) < m_jet_tracking_eta_limit
&& m_jvt->updateJvt(jet) < m_jet_jvt_threshold)
return false;
return true;
bool TileJetMonTool::isGoodJet(const xAOD::Jet& jet) {
/* Run-1 stuff
double hecf = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::HECFrac);
//double tileGap3f = tileGap3F(&jet);
double quality = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::LArQuality);
double HecQ = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::HECQuality);
double NegE = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::NegativeE);
double emf = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::EMFrac);
double time = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::Timing);
double pt =;
const std::vector<float>& sumPtTrk = jet.getAttribute<std::vector<float> >(xAOD::JetAttribute::SumPtTrkPt1000);
double chf = (pt != 0 && !sumPtTrk.empty()) ? sumPtTrk[0] / pt : 0;
double em_eta = jet.jetP4(xAOD::JetEMScaleMomentum).eta();
double fmax = jet.getAttribute<float>(xAOD::JetAttribute::FracSamplingMax);
bool isBadJet = isBad(MediumBad, quality, NegE, emf, hecf, time, fmax, em_eta, chf, HecQ);
return (!isBadJet);
#ifdef JVT
if (! m_do_jet_cleaning) return true;
double pt =;
if (pt > 50000) {
} else if (pt > 20000) {
if (fabs(jet.eta()) < m_jet_tracking_eta_limit) {
float jvt = m_jvt->updateJvt(jet);
return(m_cleaningTool->keep(jet) && (jvt > m_jet_jvt_threshold));
} else {
} else {
This is copy & paste from JetCaloUtilsFillerTool.cxx. The function is private,
so it cannot be just included
bool TileJetMonTool::isBad(BadJetCategory criteria, double quality, double NegE, double emf,
double hecf, double time, double fmax, double eta, double chf, double HecQ) {
if (criteria == LooseBad || criteria == MediumBad || criteria == TightBad) {
// HEC spike
if (hecf > 0.5 && fabs(HecQ) > 0.5) return true;
if (fabs(NegE) > 60000./*MeV*/) return true;
// EM coherent noise
if (emf > 0.95 && fabs(quality) > 0.8 && fabs(eta) < 2.8) return true;
// Cosmics and Beam background
if (fabs(time) > 25.) return true;
if (emf < 0.05 && chf < 0.05 && fabs(eta) < 2.) return true;
if (emf < 0.05 && fabs(eta) > 2.) return true;
if (fmax > 0.99 && fabs(eta) < 2) return true;
if (criteria == MediumBad || criteria == TightBad) {
// HEC spike
if (hecf > 1 - fabs(HecQ)) return true;
// EM coherent noise
if (emf > 0.9 && fabs(quality) > 0.8 && fabs(eta) < 2.8) return true;
// Cosmics and Beam background
if (fabs(time) > 10.) return true;
if (emf < 0.05 && chf < 0.1 && fabs(eta) < 2.) return true;
if (emf > 0.95 && chf < 0.05 && fabs(eta) < 2.) return true;
if (criteria == TightBad) {
// EM coherent noise
if (fabs(quality) > 0.95) return true;
if (emf > 0.98 && fabs(quality) > 0.05) return true;
// Cosmics and Beam background
if (emf < 0.1 && chf < 0.2 && fabs(eta) < 2.) return true;
if (emf < 0.1 && fabs(eta) > 2.) return true;
if (emf > 0.9 && chf < 0.02 && fabs(eta) < 2.) return true;
return false;
if ( < 20000) return false;
if (! passesJvt(jet)) return false;
if (! m_cleaningTool->keep(jet)) return false;
return true;
unsigned int TileJetMonTool::find_index(const int gain, const float energy) {
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