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Commit 89ac5a6b authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Merge branch 'masterderivationsbphy' into 'master'

Initial migration of BPHY Derivations to master

See merge request atlas/athena!38748
parents e8befe45 d1b9add7
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 3614 additions and 0 deletions
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file BPhysBlindingTool.h
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @brief Dual-use tool for blinding and unblinding certain float values
// $Id: $
// Framework includes
#include "AsgTools/AsgTool.h"
// System include(s):
#include <memory>
// Local includes
#include "BPhysTools/IBPhysBlindingTool.h"
#include "BPhysTools/SimpleEncrypter.h"
// EDM includes
#include "xAODTracking/VertexAuxContainer.h"
namespace xAOD {
/// @class BPhysBlindingToll
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
/// Dual-use tool for blinding and unblinding certain float values
/// provided as variables in a container.
/// This tool can be used in two ways:
/// 1. As a tool to blind or unblind arbitrary positive float values
/// using doBlind(float val) or doUnblind(float val).
/// For this mode to work only the corresponding key
/// (JO BlindingKey or UnblindingKey) needs to be set.
/// 2. As a tool to blind a list of variables (VarToBlindNames)
/// for a certain xAOD::VertexContainer's vertices.
/// Since this only works for positive float values,
/// an the values may be scaled by a factor and an
/// offset may be added to the values, specified separately for
/// each variable (BlindingFactors, BlindingOffsets).
/// In addition a negative sign may be added to the resulting blinded
/// value (NegativeSigns) as a convenience.
/// If this tool is used for unblinding the same values for
/// BlindingFactors, BlindingOffsets and NegativeSigns need to be
/// provided.
/// Depending on the mode, the BlindingKey or Unblindingkey need
/// to be set.
/// @Note: Key pairs may be produced using the createBlindingKeys
/// utility.
/// Job options:
/// - BlindingKey
/// Hex string providing the (public) blinding key.
/// - UnblindingKey
/// Hex string providing the (private) unblinding key.
/// - VertexContainerName
/// Name of the vertex container to be used
/// - BlindingFlag
/// Flag to indicate candidates for blinding ("pass_XXXX")
/// Blind values for all candidates if empty.
/// - VarToBlindNames
/// String with list of float variables to blind (delimiter: .)
/// - BlindingOffsets
/// Offsets applied to values before blinding
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
/// - BlindingFactors
/// Scale factors applied before blinding
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
/// - NegativeSigns
/// Flip signs to negative range?
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
class BPhysBlindingTool :
public asg::AsgTool, virtual public xAOD::IBPhysBlindingTool {
/// Declare the correct constructor for Athena
ASG_TOOL_CLASS( BPhysBlindingTool, xAOD::IBPhysBlindingTool )
/// @brief Regular AsgTool constructor
BPhysBlindingTool(const std::string& name = "BPhysBlindingTool");
/// @brief Method initialising the tool
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
/// @brief Method finalizing the tool
virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
/// @brief Simply blind one positive float value
/// @param[in] val : positive float value to blind.
/// @returns Blinded positive float value; same value as input on error.
virtual float doBlind(const float& val) override;
/// @name Methods to be called by user classes
/// @{
/// @brief Simply unblind one positive float value
/// @param[in] val : Blinded positive float value.
/// @returns Unblinded positive float value; same value as input on error.
virtual float doUnblind(const float& val) override;
/// @brief Simply blind one (positive) float value with corrections
/// @param[in] val : float value to blind.
/// @param[in] negativeSign : flip sign after blinding
/// @param[in] offset : before blinding, shift by offset
/// @param[in] factor : before blinding, stretch by factor
/// @returns Blinded float value; same value as input on error.
virtual float doBlind(const float& val,
const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset,
const float& factor) override;
/// @name Methods to be called by user classes
/// @{
/// @brief Simply unblind one (positive) float value with corrections
/// @param[in] val : Blinded float value.
/// @param[in] negativeSign : flip sign before unblinding
/// @param[in] offset : after unblinding, shift by offset
/// @param[in] factor : after unblinding, stretch by factor
/// @returns Unblinded positive float value; same value as input on error.
virtual float doUnblind(const float& val,
const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset,
const float& factor) override;
/// @brief Perform blinding of requested variables
virtual StatusCode doBlind() override;
/// @brief Perform unblinding of requested variables
virtual StatusCode doUnblind() override;
/// @name Perform blinding or unblinding action
virtual StatusCode doBlindingAction(bool unblind=false);
/// @name Utility methods
/// @{
/// @brief Check whether an element is marked as passing a hypothesis.
virtual bool pass(const SG::AuxElement& em, std::string hypo);
/// @brief Tokenize a string using certain separators
virtual std::vector<std::string> getTokens(std::string input,
std::string seperators);
/// @brief Convert vector of floats to string
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<float>& v) const;
/// @brief Convert vector of bools to string
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<bool>& v) const;
/// @name Cache current event.
virtual StatusCode cacheEvent();
/// @}
/// @name Job options
/// @{
/// @brief Vertex container name
std::string m_vertexContainerName;
/// @brief List of variables to blind
/// (as concatenated string using . as delimiter)
std::string m_varToBlindNames;
/// @brief Flag to indicate candidates for blinding
/// Left empty: Blind values for all candidates.
std::string m_blindingFlag;
/// @brief Offsets applied to values before blinding
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
/// Applied before blinding/after unblinding.
std::vector<float> m_vOffsets;
/// @brief Scale factors applied before blinding
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
/// Applied before blinding/after unblinding.
std::vector<float> m_vFactors;
/// @brief Flip signs to negative range?
/// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
/// Applied after blinding/before unblinding.
std::vector<bool> m_vNegSigns;
/// @brief Key for blinding
std::string m_blindKey;
/// @brief Key for unblinding
std::string m_unblindKey;
/// @}
/// @name Containers
/// @{
xAOD::VertexContainer* m_vtxContainer; //!
xAOD::VertexAuxContainer* m_vtxAuxContainer; //!
/// @}
/// @name Event caching
/// @{
int m_cachedRun; //!
int m_cachedEvent; //!
/// @}
/// @name Counters
/// @{
long m_eventsForBlindingSeen; //!
long m_candidatesForBlindingSeen; //!
long m_eventsForUnblindingSeen; //!
long m_candidatesForUnblindingSeen; //!
long m_eventsBlinded; //!
long m_candidatesBlinded; //!
long m_eventsUnblinded; //!
long m_candidatesUnblinded; //!
/// @}
/// @brief Vector of variable names
std::vector<std::string> m_vVarNames; //!
/// @brief Instance of SimpleEncrypter
SimpleEncrypter m_senc; //!
}; // class BPhysBlindingTool
} // namespace xAOD
// This file's extension implies that it's C, but it's really -*- C++ -*-.
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file BPhysTools/BPhysToolsDict.h
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @date Mar 2018
* @brief Dictionary header for BPhysTools.
#include "BPhysTools/BPhysBlindingTool.h"
#include "BPhysTools/BPhysTrackVertexMapTool.h"
#include "BPhysTools/SimpleEncrypter.h"
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// $Id: $
// Framework includes
#include "BPhysTools/IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool.h"
#include "AsgTools/AsgTool.h"
// System include(s):
#include <memory>
// EDM includes
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleAuxContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexAuxContainer.h"
namespace xAOD {
/// Dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from
/// the vertex-to-track information.
/// Job options provided by this class:
/// - VertexContainerName -- name of container for secondary vertices
/// - RefPVContainerName -- name of container for refitted PVs
/// - PVContainerName -- name of container for primary vertices
/// - TrackParticleContainerName -- name of container for TrackParticles
/// - DebugTrkToVtxMaxEvents -- Maximum number of events to produce
/// detailed log output for the
/// track-to-vertex association maps.
/// Set to -1 for infinity.
/// - DumpPrefix -- Line prefix for log dump lines.
/// - HypoName -- Hypothesis name
/// (for picking up inv. mass values)
/// May be a set of hypo names to be
/// tested, delimited by '|'.
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
/// $Revision:$
/// $Date: $
class BPhysTrackVertexMapTool :
public asg::AsgTool, virtual public xAOD::IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool {
/// Declare the correct constructor for Athena
ASG_TOOL_CLASS( BPhysTrackVertexMapTool, xAOD::IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool )
/// Regular AsgTool constructor
BPhysTrackVertexMapTool(const std::string& name =
/// Function initialising the tool
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
/// Function being excuted for each event
virtual StatusCode logEvent() override;
/// Function finalizing the tool
virtual StatusCode finalize() override;
/// Function indicating whether log counter allows logging of current event
virtual bool doLog() const override;
/// convenience method to wrap output lines by a prefix
static std::string wrapLines(std::string lines, std::string prefix);
/// @name Functions to be called by user classes
/// @{
/// fill cache for current event
virtual StatusCode cacheEvent() override;
/// obtain primary vertices for a given ID track (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
pvsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const override;
/// obtain refitted primary vertices for a given ID track
/// (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
refPVsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const override;
/// obtain secondary vertices for a given ID track (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
svsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const override;
// track-vertex association related
virtual std::string idTrackToString(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withPV=false,
bool withRefPV=false,
bool withSV=false) override;
virtual std::string pvToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) override;
virtual std::string refPVToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) override;
virtual std::string svToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false,
bool withMasses=false) override;
virtual std::string idTracksToString(const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer*
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withPV=false,
bool withRefPV=false,
bool withSV=false) override;
virtual std::string pvsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) override;
virtual std::string refPVsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* rpvc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) override;
virtual std::string svsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* svc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false,
bool withMasses=false) override;
virtual std::string summaryToString(std::string prefix) override;
/// @}
virtual float getFloat(std::string name, const xAOD::Vertex* b);
virtual std::vector<std::string> getTokens(std::string input,
std::string seperators);
// track-vertex association related
typedef std::map<const xAOD::TrackParticle*,
std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> > TrackToVertexMap_t;
virtual void initTrackVertexMaps(const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* tpc,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvc,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* rpvc,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* svc);
virtual void addVertexToTrackVertexMap(TrackToVertexMap_t& map,
const xAOD::TrackParticle* track,
const xAOD::Vertex* vtx);
virtual std::string pvName(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx);
virtual std::string refPVName(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx);
virtual std::string svName(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx);
virtual std::string idTrackName(const xAOD::TrackParticle* vtx);
// job options
std::string m_vertexContainerName;
std::string m_refPVContainerName;
std::string m_pvContainerName;
std::string m_trackParticleContainerName;
int m_debugTrkToVtxMaxEvents;
std::string m_dumpPrefix;
std::string m_hypoName;
// containers
const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* m_tracks;
const xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer* m_tracksAux;
const xAOD::VertexContainer* m_pvtxContainer;
const xAOD::VertexContainer* m_svtxContainer;
const xAOD::VertexAuxContainer* m_svtxAuxContainer;
const xAOD::VertexContainer* m_refPVContainer;
const xAOD::VertexAuxContainer* m_refPVAuxContainer;
unsigned int m_nEvtsSeen;
int m_cachedRun;
int m_cachedEvent;
// track-vertex association related
typedef std::map<const xAOD::Vertex*, std::string> VertexNameMap_t;
VertexNameMap_t m_pvNameMap;
VertexNameMap_t m_refPVNameMap;
VertexNameMap_t m_svNameMap;
typedef std::map<const xAOD::TrackParticle*, std::string> TrackNameMap_t;
TrackNameMap_t m_idTrackNameMap;
TrackToVertexMap_t m_idTrackToPVMap;
TrackToVertexMap_t m_idTrackToRefPVMap;
TrackToVertexMap_t m_idTrackToSVMap;
}; // class BPhysTrackVertexMapTool
} // namespace xAOD
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file IBPhysBlindingTool.h
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @brief Interface for dual-use tool for (un-)blinding of float values.
// Framework includes
#include "AsgTools/IAsgTool.h"
// System include(s):
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// EDM includes
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
namespace xAOD {
/// Interface for dual-use tool for blinding and unblinding
/// certain float values provided as variables in a container.
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
class IBPhysBlindingTool : virtual public asg::IAsgTool {
/// Declare the correct interface for Athena
/// @ brief Function finalizing the tool
virtual StatusCode finalize() = 0;
/// @name Methods to be called by user classes
/// @{
/// @brief Simply blind one positive float value
virtual float doBlind(const float& val) = 0;
/// @brief Simply unblind one positive float value
virtual float doUnblind(const float& val) = 0;
/// @brief Simply blind one (positive) float value with corretions
virtual float doBlind(const float& val, const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset, const float& factor) = 0;
/// @brief Simply unblind one (positive) float value with corrections
virtual float doUnblind(const float& val, const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset, const float& factor) = 0;
/// @brief Perform blinding of requested variables
virtual StatusCode doBlind() = 0;
/// @brief Perform unblinding of requested variables
virtual StatusCode doUnblind() = 0;
/// @}
}; // class IBPhysBlindingTool
} // namespace xAOD
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// $Id: $
// Framework includes
#include "AsgTools/IAsgTool.h"
// System include(s):
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
// EDM includes
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
namespace xAOD {
/// Interface for dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from
/// the vertex-to-track information.
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
/// $Revision:$
/// $Date: $
class IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool : virtual public asg::IAsgTool {
/// Declare the correct interface for Athena
ASG_TOOL_INTERFACE( xAOD::IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool )
/// Function being excuted for each event
virtual StatusCode logEvent() = 0;
/// Function finalizing the tool
virtual StatusCode finalize() = 0;
/// Function indicating whether log counter allows logging of current event
virtual bool doLog() const = 0;
/// @name Functions to be called by user classes
/// @{
/// fill cache for current event
virtual StatusCode cacheEvent() = 0;
/// obtain primary vertices for a given ID track (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
pvsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const = 0;
/// obtain refitted primary vertices for a given ID track
/// (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
refPVsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const = 0;
/// obtain secondary vertices for a given ID track (may return empty vector)
virtual std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>
svsForIDTrack(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const = 0;
// track-vertex association related
virtual std::string idTrackToString(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withPV=false,
bool withRefPV=false,
bool withSV=false) = 0;
virtual std::string pvToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) = 0;
virtual std::string refPVToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) = 0;
virtual std::string svToString(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false,
bool withMasses=false) = 0;
virtual std::string idTracksToString(const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer*
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withPV=false,
bool withRefPV=false,
bool withSV=false) = 0;
virtual std::string pvsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) = 0;
virtual std::string refPVsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* rpvc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false) =0;
virtual std::string svsToString(const xAOD::VertexContainer* svc,
unsigned int indent=0,
bool withTracks=false,
bool withMasses=false) = 0;
virtual std::string summaryToString(std::string prefix) = 0;
/// @}
}; // class IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool
} // namespace xAOD
// Dear emacs, this is -*- c++ -*-
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file SimpleEncrypter.h
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @brief Provide simple asymmetric encryption for blinding of float values.
// Framework includes
#include "AsgMessaging/AsgMessaging.h"
// System includes
#include <string>
#include <set>
namespace xAOD {
/// @class SimpleEncrypter
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
/// @brief Provide simple asymmetric encryption for blinding of float values.
/// Provides asymmetric key encryption for blinding of positive float
/// values. Internally it uses a simple RSA encryption of bits in
/// the floating point numbers.
/// This class is used by the BPhysBlindingTool.
class SimpleEncrypter : public asg::AsgMessaging {
/// @brief Useful typedefs
typedef long long int LLI_t;
typedef unsigned long long int ULLI_t;
/// @brief Main constructor
/// @param[in] name of instance
SimpleEncrypter(const std::string& name = "SimpleEncrypter");
/// @brief Default destructor
virtual ~SimpleEncrypter();
/// @brief Generate private and public keys
/// @returns key pair as string: [private key, public key]
virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string> genKeyPair();
/// @brief Set private key
/// @param[in] hex string with private key
virtual void setPrivKey(std::string keystr);
/// @brief Set public key
/// @param[in] hex string with public key
virtual void setPubKey(std::string keystr);
/// @brief Get private key
/// @returns hex string with private key
virtual std::string getPrivKey() const;
/// @brief Get public key
/// @returns hex string with public key
virtual std::string getPubKey() const;
/// @brief Encrypt a positive integer value
/// @param[in] unsigned integer value to be encrypted
/// @returns encrypted unsigned integer value
virtual ULLI_t encrypt(ULLI_t x);
/// @brief Decrypt a positive integer value
/// @param[in] unsigned integer value to be decrypted
/// @returns encrypted unsigned integer value
virtual ULLI_t decrypt(ULLI_t x);
/// @brief Encrypt a positive float value
/// @param[in] positive float value to be encrypted
/// @returns encrypted float value
virtual float encrypt(float x);
/// @brief Decrypt a positive float value
/// @param[in] positive float value to be decrypted
/// @returns encrypted float value
virtual float decrypt(float x);
/// @name Key generation utilities
/// @{
/// @brief Internally generate numeric representation of key pair
virtual void genKeyPairInternal();
/// @brief Find a prime number
virtual ULLI_t genPrime() const;
/// @brief Check for being a prime number
virtual bool isPrime(ULLI_t n) const;
/// @brief Find greatest common denominator
virtual ULLI_t greatestCommonDenominator(ULLI_t n1, ULLI_t n2) const;
/// @brief Find a coprime number
virtual ULLI_t genCoprime(ULLI_t n) const;
/// @brief Find decryption exponent
virtual ULLI_t genDecryptionExponent(ULLI_t phi, ULLI_t e) const;
/// @}
/// @name Key conversion utilities
/// @{
/// @brief Convert key to hex string
virtual std::string keyToString(ULLI_t a, ULLI_t b) const;
/// @brief Decode hex string to two integers
virtual std::pair<ULLI_t, ULLI_t> decodeKeyString(std::string str) const;
/// @}
/// @name float <-> int conversion utilities
/// @{
/// @brief Interpret bits of floating point number as integer
virtual ULLI_t floatBitsToInt(float val) const;
/// @brief Interpret bits of integer as floating point number
virtual float intBitsToFloat(ULLI_t val) const;
/// @}
/// @name Internal en-/decryption methods
/// @{
/// @brief Encrypt using format preserving encryption w.r.t. RSA modulus
ULLI_t encryptFPECycle(ULLI_t a) const;
/// @brief Decrypt using format preserving encryption w.r.t. RSA modulus
ULLI_t decryptFPECycle(ULLI_t a) const;
/// @brief Encrypt integer (internal)
ULLI_t encryptInternal(ULLI_t x) const;
/// @brief Decrypt integer (internal)
ULLI_t decryptInternal(ULLI_t x) const;
/// @brief Exponentiate a with d observing modulus n
ULLI_t powerMod(ULLI_t a, ULLI_t d, ULLI_t n) const;
/// @brief Check setup readiness for encryption
bool isOkForEnc();
/// @brief Check setup readiness for decryption
bool isOkForDec();
/// @}
/// @name Internal static consts
/// @brief Approximate range for prime numbers to be generated in
static const ULLI_t m_MAXRANGE;
static const ULLI_t m_MINRANGE;
/// @brief maximum number of hex digits for key parts
static const unsigned int m_MAXHEXDIGITS;
/// @name Internal member variables
/// RSA modulus: common part of both keys
ULLI_t m_n;
/// encryption exponent: public key part II
ULLI_t m_e;
/// decryption exponent: private key part II
ULLI_t m_d;
/// indicates that keys are set and range checks are ok
bool m_isOkForEnc;
bool m_isOkForDec;
}; // class
} // namespace xAOD
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
<!-- BPhysTools -->
<class name="xAOD::BPhysBlindingTool" />
<class name="xAOD::BPhysTrackVertexMapTool" />
<class name="xAOD::SimpleEncrypter" />
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 805745 2017-05-31 17:23:48Z wwalko $
# Build configuration for the package.
set( extra_dep
set( extra_libs
# The name of the package:
atlas_subdir( BPhysTools )
# Used external(s):
find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Physics Matrix )
find_package( Boost )
# Build the main library of the package:
atlas_add_library( BPhysToolsLib
BPhysTools/*.h Root/*.cxx src/*.cxx
atlas_add_component( BPhysTools
# Build the dictionary
atlas_add_dictionary( BPhysToolsDict
# Executables in util subdirectory
foreach (source ${util_sources})
string (REGEX REPLACE "util/(.*).cxx" "\\1" util ${source})
atlas_add_executable (${util} ${source} LINK_LIBRARIES BPhysToolsLib)
endforeach (source ${util_sources})
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// system include:
#include "boost/tokenizer.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <cmath>
// EDM includes:
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
// ROOT includes
#include "TString.h"
// Local include(s):
#include "BPhysTools/BPhysBlindingTool.h"
namespace xAOD {
// Constructor
BPhysBlindingTool::BPhysBlindingTool( const std::string& name )
: asg::AsgTool( name ),
m_vtxContainer(nullptr), m_vtxAuxContainer(nullptr),
m_cachedRun(-1), m_cachedEvent(-1),
m_candidatesUnblinded(0) {
declareInterface< IBPhysBlindingTool >( this );
// Vertex container
declareProperty("VertexContainerName", m_vertexContainerName = "");
// List of variables to blind
// (as concatenated string using . as delimiter)
declareProperty("VarToBlindNames", m_varToBlindNames = "");
// Flag to indicate candidates for blinding
// Left empty: Blind values for all candidates.
declareProperty("BlindingFlag" , m_blindingFlag = "");
// Offsets applied to values before blinding
// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
declareProperty("BlindingOffsets", m_vOffsets);
// Scale factors applied before blinding
// List must have same length as VarToBlindNames or zero.
declareProperty("BlindingFactors", m_vFactors);
// Flip signs to negative range?
declareProperty("NegativeSigns" , m_vNegSigns);
// Key for blinding
declareProperty("BlindingKey" , m_blindKey = "");
// Key for unblinding
declareProperty("UnblindingKey" , m_unblindKey = "");
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::initialize() {
// Greet the user:
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initializing xAOD::BPhysBlindingTool" );
// Setup of variables
if ( m_vertexContainerName == "" ) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("No vertex container name provided.");
if ( m_varToBlindNames != "" ) {
m_vVarNames = getTokens(m_varToBlindNames, ".,:;|");
// Blinding and unblinding keys
if ( m_blindKey == "" && m_unblindKey == "" ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("You must at least set a key for blinding or unblinding!");
} else {
if ( m_blindKey != "" ) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Setting blinding key.");
if ( m_unblindKey != "" ) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Setting unblinding key.");
// make sure offsets vector is of correct length
if ( m_vOffsets.size() < m_vVarNames.size() ) {
for (uint i=m_vOffsets.size(); i<m_vVarNames.size(); ++i) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Extending BlindingOffsets list ...");
} else if ( m_vOffsets.size() > m_vVarNames.size() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("BlindingOffsets list longer than VarToBlindNames.");
// make sure scale factors vector is of correct length
if ( m_vFactors.size() < m_vVarNames.size() ) {
for (uint i=m_vFactors.size(); i<m_vVarNames.size(); ++i) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Extending BlindingOffsets list ...");
} else if ( m_vFactors.size() > m_vVarNames.size() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("BlindingFactors list longer than VarToBlindNames.");
// make sure negative signs vector is of correct length
if ( m_vNegSigns.size() < m_vVarNames.size() ) {
for (uint i=m_vNegSigns.size(); i<m_vVarNames.size(); ++i) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Extending NegativeSigns list ...");
} else if ( m_vNegSigns.size() > m_vVarNames.size() ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("NegativeSigns list longer than VarToBlindNames.");
// some info for the job log
ATH_MSG_INFO("VertexContainerName : " << m_vertexContainerName);
ATH_MSG_INFO("BlindingFlag : " << m_blindingFlag);
ATH_MSG_INFO("VarToBlindNames : " << m_varToBlindNames);
ATH_MSG_INFO("BlindingOffsets : " << vecToString(m_vOffsets));
ATH_MSG_INFO("BlindingFactors : " << vecToString(m_vFactors));
ATH_MSG_INFO("NegativeSigns : " << vecToString(m_vNegSigns));
ATH_MSG_INFO("BlindingKey : " << m_blindKey);
ATH_MSG_INFO("UnblindingKey : " << m_unblindKey);
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::finalize() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Finalizing xAOD::BPhysBlindingTool" );
ATH_MSG_INFO("Statistics for " << name() << ":");
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_eventsForBlindingSeen : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_eventsBlinded : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_eventsForUnblindingSeen : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_eventsUnblinded : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_candidatesForBlindingSeen : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_candidatesBlinded : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_candidatesForUnblindingSeen : %10ld",
ATH_MSG_INFO(Form("N_candidatesUnblinded : %10ld",
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Simply blind one positive float value
float BPhysBlindingTool::doBlind(const float& val) {
return m_senc.encrypt(val);
// Simply unblind one positive float value
float BPhysBlindingTool::doUnblind(const float& val) {
return m_senc.decrypt(val);
// Simply blind one (positive) float value
float BPhysBlindingTool::doBlind(const float& val,
const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset,
const float& factor) {
// adjustment if requested
float bval(val);
float cval = val*factor + offset;
if ( cval > 0. ) {
// perform actual blinding
bval = m_senc.encrypt(cval);
if (negativeSign) bval *= -1.;
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Blinding: Corrected value not positive: "
<< val << Form(" (%a) -> ", val)
<< cval << Form(" (%a)", cval));
} // if cval > 0
return bval;
// Simply unblind one (positive) float value
float BPhysBlindingTool::doUnblind(const float& val,
const bool& negativeSign,
const float& offset,
const float& factor) {
float bval(val), cval(val);
if (negativeSign) bval *= -1.;
// if ( bval > 0. || isnan(bval) ) {
if ( bval > 0. || !std::isnormal(bval) ) {
// perform actual unblinding
cval = m_senc.decrypt(bval);
if ( factor != 0. ) {
cval = (cval - offset)/factor;
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unblinding: BlindingFactor == 0!: "
<< val << Form(" (%a)", val));
} // if m_vFactors[ivtx] != 0
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unblinding: Corrected value not positive: "
<< val << Form(" (%a) -> ", val)
<< bval << Form(" (%a)", bval));
} // if bval > 0
return cval;
// Perform blinding of requested variables
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::doBlind() {
if ( m_blindKey == "" ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Can not blind without blinding key!");
} else {
ATH_CHECK( doBlindingAction(false) );
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Perform unblinding of requested variables
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::doUnblind() {
if ( m_unblindKey == "" ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Can not unblind without unblinding key!");
} else {
ATH_CHECK( doBlindingAction(true) );
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Protected methods
// Perform blinding or unblinding action
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::doBlindingAction(bool unblind) {
// counters
if ( unblind ) {
} else {
if ( m_vVarNames.size() > 0 ) {
long candidatesBlinded(0);
long candidatesUnblinded(0);
// loop over vertices
// int ivtx(0);
for (xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator
vtxItr = m_vtxContainer->begin();
vtxItr != m_vtxContainer->end(); ++vtxItr) {
// counters
if ( unblind ) {
} else {
const xAOD::Vertex* vtx = *vtxItr;
// check whether to apply (un-)blinding to this candidate
if ( m_blindingFlag == "" || pass(*vtx, m_blindingFlag) ) {
// counters
if ( unblind ) {
} else {
// loop over variable names
for (size_t iv=0; iv<m_vVarNames.size(); ++iv) {
SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> floatDec(m_vVarNames[iv]);
// check for variable
if ( floatDec.isAvailable(*vtx) ) {
float val = floatDec(*vtx);
if ( unblind ) {
// unblinding
floatDec(*vtx) = doUnblind(val, m_vNegSigns[iv],
m_vOffsets[iv], m_vFactors[iv]);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Unblind: " << val << Form(" (%a) -> ", val)
<< floatDec(*vtx)
<< Form(" (%a)", floatDec(*vtx)));
} else {
// blinding
floatDec(*vtx) = doBlind(val, m_vNegSigns[iv],
m_vOffsets[iv], m_vFactors[iv]);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Blind: " << val << Form(" (%a) -> ", val)
<< floatDec(*vtx)
<< Form(" (%a)", floatDec(*vtx)));
} // if unblind
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Missing variable " << m_vVarNames[iv]);
} // if isAvailable
} // for m_vVarNames
} // if blinding
} // for iv
// counters
if ( unblind ) {
m_candidatesUnblinded += candidatesUnblinded;
if ( candidatesUnblinded > 0 ) ++m_eventsUnblinded;
} else {
m_candidatesBlinded += candidatesBlinded;
if ( candidatesBlinded > 0 ) ++m_eventsBlinded;
} // if m_vVarNames.size()
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Cache current event.
// Call this once per event.
// Repeated calls for the same run/event are not updating the cache again.
StatusCode BPhysBlindingTool::cacheEvent() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("BPhysBlindingTool::cacheEvent -- begin");
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo = NULL;
ATH_CHECK(evtStore()->retrieve(eventInfo, "EventInfo"));
if ( m_cachedRun != (int)eventInfo->runNumber() ||
m_cachedEvent != (int)eventInfo->eventNumber() ) {
// note update
m_cachedRun = eventInfo->runNumber();
m_cachedEvent = eventInfo->eventNumber();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("BPhysBlindingTool::cacheEvent: caching now: "
<< "run " << m_cachedRun << " event " << m_cachedEvent);
// retrieve vertices container
m_vtxContainer = nullptr;
m_vtxAuxContainer = nullptr;
if ( evtStore()->transientContains<xAOD::VertexContainer>(m_vertexContainerName) ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("In transient store: " << m_vertexContainerName);
} else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Not in transient store: " << m_vertexContainerName);
const xAOD::VertexContainer* constVtxContainer = nullptr;
const xAOD::VertexAuxContainer* constVtxAuxContainer = nullptr;
// create a copy
m_vtxContainer = new xAOD::VertexContainer();
m_vtxAuxContainer = new xAOD::VertexAuxContainer();
for (const xAOD::Vertex* constVtx : *constVtxContainer) {
xAOD::Vertex* vtx = new xAOD::Vertex();
*vtx = *constVtx;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Found vertex collection with key "
<< m_vertexContainerName);
} // if new run/event
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("BPhysBlindingTool::cacheEvent -- end");
// Return gracefully:
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Helper to check whether an element is marked as passing a specific
// hypothesis.
bool BPhysBlindingTool::pass(const SG::AuxElement& em, std::string hypo) {
if ( !boost::algorithm::starts_with(hypo, "passed_") )
hypo = "passed_" + hypo;
SG::AuxElement::Accessor<Char_t> flagAcc(hypo);
return flagAcc.isAvailable(em) && flagAcc(em) != 0;
// Tokenize a string using certain separators
BPhysBlindingTool::getTokens(std::string input, std::string seperators) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
boost::char_separator<char> sep(seperators.c_str());
typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer_t;
Tokenizer_t tokenizer(input, sep);
for (auto& token : tokenizer) {
return tokens;
// Format vector of floats as string
std::string BPhysBlindingTool::vecToString(const std::vector<float>& v)
const {
std::string str("[");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
str += std::to_string(v[i]);
if ( i < v.size()-1 ) str += ",";
str += "]";
return str;
// Format vector of bools as string
std::string BPhysBlindingTool::vecToString(const std::vector<bool>& v)
const {
std::string str("[");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
str += std::to_string(v[i]);
if ( i < v.size()-1 ) str += ",";
str += "]";
return str;
} // namespace xAOD
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// system include:
#include <climits>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
// ROOT includes
#include <TString.h>
// Local include(s):
#include "BPhysTools/SimpleEncrypter.h"
namespace xAOD {
// Private static constants
const SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::m_MAXRANGE =
(SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t)pow(std::numeric_limits<ULLI_t>::max(), 0.25);
const SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::m_MINRANGE =
const unsigned int SimpleEncrypter::m_MAXHEXDIGITS =
(unsigned int)(log(pow(SimpleEncrypter::m_MAXRANGE,2))/log(16.))+3;
// Public methods
// Constructor
SimpleEncrypter::SimpleEncrypter(const std::string& name) :
asg::AsgMessaging(name), m_n(0), m_e(0), m_d(0),
m_isOkForEnc(false), m_isOkForDec(false) {
// initialize random number generator
// Destructor
SimpleEncrypter::~SimpleEncrypter() {
// Generation of key pair as pair of hex strings
std::pair<std::string, std::string> SimpleEncrypter::genKeyPair() {
// default preset
std::pair<std::string, std::string> keys =
std::make_pair("__NO_PRIV_KEY__", "__NO_PUB_KEY__");
// generate keys
if ( isOkForEnc() && isOkForDec() ) {
keys = std::make_pair(getPrivKey(), getPubKey());
return keys;
// Set private key
void SimpleEncrypter::setPrivKey(std::string keystr) {
std::pair<ULLI_t, ULLI_t> keys = decodeKeyString(keystr);
if ( m_n > 0 && m_n != keys.first ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("RSA module already set!");
m_n = keys.first;
m_d = keys.second;
m_isOkForDec = false;
// Set public key
void SimpleEncrypter::setPubKey(std::string keystr) {
std::pair<ULLI_t, ULLI_t> keys = decodeKeyString(keystr);
if ( m_n > 0 && m_n != keys.second ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("RSA module already set!");
m_e = keys.first;
m_n = keys.second;
m_isOkForEnc = false;
// Get private key
std::string SimpleEncrypter::getPrivKey() const {
return keyToString(m_n, m_d);
// Get public key
std::string SimpleEncrypter::getPubKey() const {
return keyToString(m_e, m_n);
// Encrypt unsigned integer value
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::encrypt(ULLI_t a) {
ULLI_t b = a;
if ( isOkForEnc() ) {
b = encryptFPECycle(a);
return b;
// Decrypt unsigned integer value
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::decrypt(ULLI_t a) {
ULLI_t b = a;
if ( isOkForDec() ) {
b = decryptFPECycle(a);
return b;
// Encrypt positive float value
float SimpleEncrypter::encrypt(float a) {
float b = a;
if ( a > 0. ) {
if ( isOkForEnc() ) {
ULLI_t ia = floatBitsToInt(a);
ULLI_t ib = encryptFPECycle(ia);
b = intBitsToFloat(ib);
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Encrypt: Float value not positive: "
<< a << Form(" (%a) !", a));
} // if a > 0
return b;
// Decrypt positive float value
float SimpleEncrypter::decrypt(float a) {
float b = a;
// As nan is a valid encrypted value, decrypt it as well.
if ( a > 0. || std::isnan(a) ) {
if ( isOkForDec() ) {
ULLI_t ia = floatBitsToInt(a);
ULLI_t ib = decryptFPECycle(ia);
b = intBitsToFloat(ib);
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Decrypt: Float value not positive: "
<< a << Form(" (%a) !", a));
} // if a > 0
return b;
// Private methods
// Generate numeric representation of the keys
void SimpleEncrypter::genKeyPairInternal() {
// Generate prime numbers p != q
ULLI_t p(1);
ULLI_t q(1);
// Euler's phi function
ULLI_t phi(1);
// reset encryption and decryption exponent
m_e = 0;
m_d = 0;
while ( p == q || m_e < 2 || m_e >= phi || m_d < 2
|| m_e*m_d % phi != 1 ) {
double dlog2 = 0.;
while ( p == q || dlog2 < 0.1 || dlog2 > 30. ) {
p = genPrime();
q = genPrime();
dlog2 = fabs(log2(p)-log2(q));
} // inner while loop
phi = (p-1)*(q-1);
m_n = p*q;
m_e = genCoprime(phi);
m_d = genDecryptionExponent(phi, m_e);
} // outer while loop
m_isOkForDec = false;
m_isOkForEnc = false;
// Find a prime number
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::genPrime() const {
ULLI_t t = (m_MINRANGE + rand()) % (m_MAXRANGE-1);
do {
} while ( !isPrime(t) || t < m_MINRANGE );
return t;
// Test for being a prime number
bool SimpleEncrypter::isPrime(ULLI_t n) const {
bool isPrime = true;
if (n != 2) {
for (LLI_t i = 2; i < (LLI_t)sqrt(n) + 1; ++i) {
if (n % i == 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
// Greatest common denominator
SimpleEncrypter::greatestCommonDenominator(ULLI_t n1, ULLI_t n2) const {
std::vector<LLI_t> r;
LLI_t i = 1;
r.push_back(std::max(n1, n2));
r.push_back(std::min(n1, n2));
while (r[i] != 0) {
r.push_back(r[i-2] % r[i-1]);
return r[i-1];
// Find coprime number
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::genCoprime(ULLI_t n) const {
// make sure coprime is larger than 5th Fermat number (2^16+1 = 65537)
ULLI_t i = (65537 + rand()) % (m_MAXRANGE -1);
do {
} while (greatestCommonDenominator(n, i) != 1);
return i;
// Find decryption exponent
SimpleEncrypter::genDecryptionExponent(ULLI_t phi, ULLI_t e) const {
for (ULLI_t i=1; i<m_MAXRANGE; ++i) {
if ( ((phi * i + 1) % e) == 0 ) {
return (ULLI_t)((phi * i + 1) / e);
return 0;
// Convert key to a hex string
std::string SimpleEncrypter::keyToString(ULLI_t a, ULLI_t b) const {
// length of keys w.r.t. hex digits
unsigned int ra = (unsigned int)(log(a)/log(16.))+1;
unsigned int rb = (unsigned int)(log(b)/log(16.))+1;
// random numbers for padding
unsigned int r1 = rand() & ((1 << 4*(m_MAXHEXDIGITS-ra))-1);
unsigned int r2 = rand() & ((1 << 4*(m_MAXHEXDIGITS-rb))-1);
// format string
TString tstr = Form("%02x%02x%02x%0*x%0*llx%0*x%0*llx",
m_MAXHEXDIGITS-ra, r1, ra, a,
m_MAXHEXDIGITS-rb, r2, rb, b);
return std::string(tstr.Data());
// Convert hex string to two integers
std::pair<SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t, SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t>
SimpleEncrypter::decodeKeyString(std::string hstr) const {
std::pair<ULLI_t, ULLI_t> keys(0,0);
TString str(hstr);
if (str.IsHex() && str.Length() > 3) {
unsigned int ndigits = strtoul(TString(str(0,2)).Data(), nullptr, 16);
unsigned int ra = strtoul(TString(str(2,2)).Data(), nullptr, 16);
unsigned int rb = strtoul(TString(str(4,2)).Data(), nullptr, 16);
if ( str.Length() == (int)(2*ndigits + 6) ) {
keys.first = strtoll(TString(str(ndigits+6-ra, ra)).Data(),
nullptr, 16);
keys.second = strtoll(TString(str(2*ndigits+6-rb, rb)).Data(),
nullptr, 16);
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Private/public key must be a hex string of " <<
2*m_MAXHEXDIGITS+6 << " digits!");
} // if Length()
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Private/public key must be a hex string of " <<
2*m_MAXHEXDIGITS+6 << " digits!");
} // if IsHex() ...
return keys;
// Interpret bits of positive floating point number as integer
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::floatBitsToInt(float val) const {
ULLI_t res(0);
if ( val < 0. ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Float value needs to be positive!");
} else {
// convert floating point number to ULLI_t if size fits
if ( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(ULLI_t) ) {
// check whether a quick conversion is possible
if ( sizeof(float) == sizeof(int) ) {
int* p = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&val);
res = *p;
} else {
// do a slow conversion
char* pval = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&val);
// loop over bytes
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(float); ++i) {
// loop over bits
for (unsigned int j=0; j<CHAR_BIT; ++j) {
unsigned int n = i*CHAR_BIT + j;
unsigned int bit = (*(pval+i) >> j) & 1;
if ( bit > 0 ) res |= 1 << n;
} // for bits
} // for bytes
} // if sizeof
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("sizeof(float) > sizeof(ULLI_t): "
<< sizeof(float) << " > " << sizeof(LLI_t));
} // if sizeof
} // if val < 0.
return res;
// Interpret bits of positive integer as floating point number
float SimpleEncrypter::intBitsToFloat(ULLI_t val) const {
float res(0.);
// number of bits needed
unsigned int r = (int)(std::log2(val))+1;
// convert ULLI_t to floating point number if size fits
if ( sizeof(float)*CHAR_BIT >= r ) {
// check whether a quick conversion is possible
if ( sizeof(float) == sizeof(int) ) {
float* p = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&val);
res = *p;
} else {
// do a slow conversion
char* pres = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&res);
// loop over bytes
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(float); ++i) {
// loop over bits
for (unsigned int j=0; j<CHAR_BIT; ++j) {
unsigned int n = i*CHAR_BIT + j;
unsigned int bit = (val >> n) & 1;
if ( bit > 0 ) *(pres+i) |= 1 << j;
} // for bits
} // for bytes
} // if sizeof
} else {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("sizeof(float)*CHAR_BIT < r: "
<< sizeof(float)*CHAR_BIT << " < " << r);
} // if sizeof
return res;
// Encrypt using format preserving encryption w.r.t. RSA modulus
// via cycling
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::encryptFPECycle(ULLI_t a) const {
ULLI_t enc = 0;
if ( a > 0 ) {
ULLI_t r = (int)(std::log2(m_n));
ULLI_t rmask = pow(2,r)-1;
ULLI_t c = a & rmask;
ULLI_t b = a - c;
do {
c = encryptInternal(c);
} while ( c > rmask );
enc = b + c;
} // if
return enc;
// Decrypt using format preserving encryption w.r.t. RSA modulus
// via cycling
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::decryptFPECycle(ULLI_t enc) const {
ULLI_t dec = 0;
if ( enc > 0 ) {
ULLI_t r = (int)(std::log2(m_n));
ULLI_t rmask = pow(2,r)-1;
ULLI_t d = enc & rmask;
ULLI_t b = enc - d;
do {
d = decryptInternal(d);
} while ( d > rmask );
dec = d + b;
} // if
return dec;
// Encrypt integer
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::encryptInternal(ULLI_t x) const {
return powerMod(x, m_e, m_n);
// Decrypt integer
SimpleEncrypter::ULLI_t SimpleEncrypter::decryptInternal(ULLI_t x) const {
return powerMod(x, m_d, m_n);
// Exponentiate a with d observing modulus n
SimpleEncrypter::powerMod(ULLI_t a, ULLI_t d, ULLI_t n) const {
int bin[sizeof(ULLI_t)*CHAR_BIT];
ULLI_t dec[sizeof(ULLI_t)*CHAR_BIT];
ULLI_t r = (ULLI_t)(std::log2(d))+1;
ULLI_t tmp = d;
// decompose exponent into binary number (reverse order!)
for (ULLI_t i=0; i < r; ++i) {
bin[r-i-1] = tmp % 2;
tmp = (LLI_t)(tmp/2);
} // for i
// perform the exponentiation taking modulus into account
dec[0] = a;
for (ULLI_t i=1; i < r; ++i) {
ULLI_t d2 = dec[i-1]*dec[i-1] % n;
if ( bin[i] > 0 ) d2 *= a;
dec[i] = d2 % n;
} // for i
return dec[r-1];
// Check setup readiness for encryption
bool SimpleEncrypter::isOkForEnc() {
if ( !m_isOkForEnc ) {
if ( m_n > 0 && m_e > 1 && m_e < m_n ) {
m_isOkForEnc = true;
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Setup not OK for encryption: public key set?");
} // if ! m_isOkForEnc
return m_isOkForEnc;
// Check setup readiness for decryption
bool SimpleEncrypter::isOkForDec() {
if ( !m_isOkForDec ) {
if ( m_n > 0 && m_d > 1 && m_d < m_n ) {
m_isOkForDec = true;
} else {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Setup not OK for decryption: private key set?");
} // if ! m_isOkForDec
return m_isOkForDec;
} // namespace xAOD
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file creteBlindingKeys.cxx
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @brief Utility to create a set of blinding keys
* @param[in] option: -c : perform a quick encoding/decoding check
// system includes:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
// Local include(s):
#include "BPhysTools/SimpleEncrypter.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Enable check (-c flag)
bool doCheck(false);
int nChecks(1);
if ( argc > 1 ) {
std::string arg(argv[1]);
if ( arg == "-c" ) doCheck = true;
if ( argc > 2 ) {
nChecks = atoi(argv[2]);
// Helper object
xAOD::SimpleEncrypter senc;
// Create key pair
std::pair<std::string, std::string> keys = senc.genKeyPair();
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Blinding keys generated:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Private key: " << keys.first << std::endl;
std::cout << " Public key: " << keys.second << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// check that encryption works
if ( doCheck ) {
std::cout << "Encryption test:" << std::endl;
int nOK(0);
for (int i=0; i<nChecks; ++i) {
float val = 10000.*
static_cast <float>(rand())/(static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX));
// float val = 5267.23;
float enc = senc.encrypt(val);
float dec = senc.decrypt(enc);
if ( dec == val ) ++nOK;
if ( i == 0 || dec != val ) {
std::cout << " Test # " << i << std::endl;
std::cout << " val = " << val << std::endl;
std::cout << " enc = " << enc << std::endl;
std::cout << " dec = " << dec << std::endl;
if ( dec == val ) {
std::cout << " => worked!" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << " => FAILED!" << std::endl;
} // if
} // for
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Summary:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " nChecks: " << std::setw(12) << nChecks << std::endl;
std::cout << " nOK : " << std::setw(12) << nOK << std::endl;
std::cout << " nFailed: " << std::setw(12) << nChecks - nOK << std::endl;
} // if
# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Package: DerivationFrameworkBPhys
# Declare the package name:
atlas_subdir( DerivationFrameworkBPhys )
find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core MathCore )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_component( DerivationFrameworkBPhys
DerivationFrameworkBPhys/*.h src/*.cxx src/components/*.cxx
LINK_LIBRARIES xAODMuon AthenaBaseComps JpsiUpsilonToolsLib
MuonSelectorToolsLib ${ROOT_LIBRARIES}
xAODTracking xAODBPhysLib AthenaKernel RecoToolInterfaces EventPrimitives
DerivationFrameworkInterfaces BPhysToolsLib TrackVertexAssociationToolLib
xAODBase xAODMetaData AsgTools CaloInterfaceLib TrackToCaloLib
xAODEventInfo AthenaPoolUtilities xAODPrimitives TrigDecisionToolLib
BeamSpotConditionsData TrkVertexAnalysisUtilsLib ITrackToVertex
InDetTrackSelectionToolLib InDetV0FinderLib)
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8})
atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file AugOriginalCounts.h
* @brief Augmentation with primary vertex counts (before thinning)
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "StoreGate/WriteDecorHandleKey.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include <string>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include <string>
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include <StoreGate/WriteDecorHandleKey.h>
namespace DerivationFramework {
/// @class AugOriginalCounts
/// @brief Augmentation with primary vertex counts (before thinning)
/// This tool adds primary vertex counts and track counts
/// to the EventInfo container in order to preserve them in
/// case the primary vertex or track collections are thinned.
/// ### Job options
/// <table border="0">
/// <tr><th align="left">Name</td>
/// <th align="left">Description</th></tr>
/// <tr><td>TrackContainer</td>
/// <td>name of the TrackParticle container to be used</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>VertexContainer</td>
/// <td>name of the Vertex container to be used</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>AddPVCountsByType</td>
/// <td>add PV counts by PV type (default: false)</td>
/// </td>
/// </table>
class AugOriginalCounts : public AthAlgTool, public IAugmentationTool {
/// @brief Main constructor
AugOriginalCounts(const std::string& t, const std::string& n,
const IInterface* p);
/// @brief Main method called for each event
virtual StatusCode addBranches() const override;
virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
/// @name job options
/// @{
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigPVNTracks{this, "DO_NOT_SET1", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNTracksKeys{this, "DO_NOT_SET2", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNtype0{this, "DO_NOT_SET3", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNtype1{this, "DO_NOT_SET4", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNtype2{this, "DO_NOT_SET5", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNtype3{this, "DO_NOT_SET6", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::EventInfo> m_OrigNtypeUnknown{this, "DO_NOT_SET7", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::VertexContainer> m_OrigSqrtPt2Sum{this, "DO_NOT_SET8", "", "internal property"};
SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<xAOD::VertexContainer> m_d_nPVTracks{this, "DO_NOT_SET9", "", "internal property"};
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> m_TrackContainername;
SG::ReadHandleKey<xAOD::VertexContainer> m_PVContainername;
bool m_addPVCountsByType;
bool m_addNTracksToPVs;
bool m_addSqrtPt2SumToPVs;
/// @}
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// BMuonTrackIsoTool.h
// Author : Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
// Changes:
// Add muon track isolation information for different configurations,
// different track selections and different PV-to-SV association methods.
// For an usage example see .
#include "DerivationFrameworkBPhys/BPhysVertexTrackBase.h"
#include "xAODMuon/MuonContainer.h"
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
namespace InDet {
class IInDetTrackSelectionTool;
namespace DerivationFramework {
class BMuonTrackIsoTool : virtual public BPhysVertexTrackBase {
typedef BPhysVertexTrackBase super;
// internal helper class
class MuIsoItem : public BaseItem {
MuIsoItem(std::string Name="_none_", std::string Bname="muiso",
std::string Prefix="");
virtual ~MuIsoItem();
virtual void resetVals();
virtual void copyVals(const BaseItem& item);
virtual void copyVals(const MuIsoItem& item);
virtual void fill(double isoValue=-2., int nTracks=-1,
const xAOD::Muon* muon=NULL);
virtual std::string muIsoName();
virtual std::string nTracksName();
virtual std::string muLinkName();
mutable std::vector<float> vIsoValues;
mutable std::vector<int> vNTracks;
mutable MuonBag vMuons;
}; // MuIsoItem
BMuonTrackIsoTool(const std::string& t, const std::string& n,
const IInterface* p);
// Hook methods
virtual StatusCode initializeHook();
virtual StatusCode finalizeHook();
virtual StatusCode addBranchesVCSetupHook(size_t ivc) const;
virtual StatusCode addBranchesSVLoopHook(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx) const;
virtual StatusCode calcValuesHook(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
const unsigned int ipv,
const unsigned int its,
const unsigned int itt) const;
virtual bool fastFillHook(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx,
const int ipv) const;
virtual StatusCode saveIsolation(const xAOD::Vertex* vtx) const;
virtual void initResults();
virtual void setResultsPrefix(std::string prefix) const;
virtual std::string buildBranchName(unsigned int ic,
unsigned int its,
unsigned int ipv,
unsigned int itt) const;
// job options
std::string m_muonContainerName;
std::vector<double> m_isoConeSizes;
std::vector<double> m_isoTrkImpLogChi2Max;
std::vector<int> m_isoDoTrkImpLogChi2Cut;
// containers
mutable const xAOD::MuonContainer* m_muons;
// results array
typedef boost::multi_array<MuIsoItem, 4> MuIsoItem4_t;
mutable MuIsoItem4_t m_results;
}; // BMuonTrackIsoTool
} // namespace
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* @file BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass.h
* @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
* @brief Augmentation with muon-information based invariant mass.
#ifndef DERIVATIONFRAMEWORK_BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass_H
#define DERIVATIONFRAMEWORK_BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "xAODBPhys/BPhysHelper.h"
#include "EventPrimitives/EventPrimitives.h"
#include "ITrackToVertex/ITrackToVertex.h"
namespace DerivationFramework {
// typedefs -- to abbreviate long lines
typedef std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> TrackBag;
typedef std::vector<const xAOD::Muon*> MuonBag;
/// @class BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass
/// @author Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
/// @brief Augment secondary vertices with muon-information-based mass.
/// Add muon-information based invarient mass to secondary vertices using
/// a four vector sum. Optionally, it also calculates the minimum
/// chi2 for all muon tracks of the secondary vertex candidate w.r.t.
/// any primary vertex matching the selection criteria.
/// ### Job options provided by this class:
/// <table border="0">
/// <tr><th align="left">Name</th>
/// <th align="left">Description</th>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>BranchPrefix</td>
/// <td>assign the prefix of added branches
/// (possibly the derivation format's name)</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>VertexContainerName</td>
/// <td>name of container for vertices</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>TrkMasses</td>
/// <td>ordered list of track masses
/// (Important to keep proper order: J/psi muons go first!)</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>TrackToVertexTool</td>
/// <td>ToolHandle for track-to-vertex tool</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>AdjustToMuonKinematics</td>
/// <td>Adjust the primary track particle's kinematics to the one of
/// the muon.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td valign="top">AddMinChi2ToAnyPVMode</td>
/// <td>mode of minLogChi2ToAnyPV calculation: (default: 0)
/// <table border="0">
/// <tr><th align="left">Value</th>
/// <th align="left">Explanation<th></tr>
/// <tr><td> 0 </td><td>no such calculation</td></tr>
/// <tr><td> 1 </td><td>use all PVs of requested
/// type(s)</td></tr>
/// <tr><td> 2 </td><td>exclude PVs associated to SVs</td></tr>
/// <tr><td> 3 </td><td>replace PVs associated to SVs by
/// corresponding refitted PVs</td></tr>
/// </table></td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>PrimaryVertexContainerName</td>
/// <td>name of container for primary vertices</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>MinNTracksInPV</td>
/// <td>minimum number of tracks in PV
/// for PV to be considered in calculation
/// of minChi2MuToAnyPV variable.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>PVTypesToConsider</td>
/// <td>list of primary vertex types to consider
/// (default: {1, 3})</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr><td>DoVertexType</td>
/// <td>PV-to-SV association types to be considered (bitwise variable,
/// see xAODBPhys::BPhysHelper)<br>
/// Note: only needed for AddMinChi2ToAnyPVMode > 1</td>
/// </tr>
/// </table>
/// @note
/// For a usage example see .
class BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass : virtual public AthAlgTool,
virtual public IAugmentationTool {
/// @brief Main contructor
BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass(const std::string& t, const std::string& n,
const IInterface* p);
/// @brief Initialize augmentation tool.
virtual StatusCode initialize();
/// @brief Finalize augmentation tool.
virtual StatusCode finalize();
/// @brief Main method called for each event.
virtual StatusCode addBranches() const;
/// @name Internal protected methods
/// @{
/// @brief Calculate muon-information based mass values if available.
/// @param[in] vtx secondary vertex
/// @param[in] trkMasses ordered vector of track mass values
/// @param[in] nMuRequested number of muons requested
/// @returns muon-information based invariant mass for secondary
/// vertex and the corresponding uncertainty
std::pair<double, double> getMuCalcMass(xAOD::BPhysHelper& vtx,
int nMuRequested) const;
/// @brief Obtain a set of tracks with muon track information if available
/// @param[in] vtx secondary vertex
/// @returns container of muon tracks, number of muons found
std::pair<TrackBag, int> getTracksWithMuons(xAOD::BPhysHelper& vtx) const;
/// @brief Calculate invariant mass and uncertainty from a set of tracks.
/// Returns invariant mass and mass error given
/// a set of tracks, their mass hypotheses and a reference position.
/// Each track must have a separate mass hypothesis in
/// the vector, and they must be in the same order as the tracks in the
/// track vector. Otherwise it will go horribly wrong.
/// @param[in] trksIn container with tracks to be considered
/// @param[in] massHypoTheses vector of mass hypotheses in the same
/// order as the tracks
/// @param[in] pos position of the vertex
/// @returns invariant mass value and uncertainty
getInvariantMassWithError(TrackBag trksIn,
std::vector<double> massHypotheses,
const Amg::Vector3D& pos) const;
/// @brief Determine minimum log chi2 of signal muon tracks w.r.t.
// any primary vertex.
/// Find minimum log chi2 distance of signal muons w.r.t any primary
/// vertex of required types and with a minimum number of tracks cut.
/// It also depends on the mode w.r.t. the treatment of the associated
/// primary vertex and the type of PV-to-SV association.
/// Returns this minimum chi2.
/// @param[in] vtx secondary vertex
/// @param[in] pvContainer container of primary vertices
/// @parma[in] pvtypes vector of primary vertex types to be considered
/// @param[in] minNTracksInPV minimum number of tracks in primary
/// vertex for it to be considered
/// @param[in] mode mode of operation (possible values: 0, 1, 2 ,3)
/// @param[in] pv_type type of PV-to-SV association
/// @returns minimum log chi2 = log(d0^2/d0e^+z0^2/z0e^2) w.r.t.
/// any primary vertex
double getMinChi2ToAnyPV(xAOD::BPhysHelper& vtx,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvContainer,
const std::vector<int>& pvtypes,
const int minNTracksInPV,
const int mode,
const xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv_type&
pvAssocType) const;
/// @brief Calculate log chi2 value of a track w.r.t. a position.
/// Calculate the log chi2 ( = log((d0/d0e)^2+(z0/z0e)^2) contribution
/// of a track at the position closest to the given PV.
/// @param[in] track track considered
/// @param[in] pos position considered
/// @returns log chi2 value
double getTrackPVChi2(const xAOD::TrackParticle& track,
const Amg::Vector3D& pos) const;
/// @brief Extract 3x3 momentum covariance matrix from a TrackParticle.
/// Extract the 3x3 momentum covariance matrix in (x,y,z) notation
/// from the (phi, theta, qoverp) notation from a TrackParticle.
/// @param[in] track TrackParticle considered
/// @returns 3x3 momentum covariance matrix
AmgSymMatrix(3) getMomentumCov(const xAOD::TrackParticle* track) const;
/// @brief Extract 3x3 momentum covariance matrix from a Perigee.
/// Extract the 3x3 momentum covariance matrix in (x,y,z) notation
/// from the (phi, theta, qoverp) notation from a Perigee.
/// @param[in] perigee Trk::Perigee considered
/// @returns 3x3 momentum covariance matrix
AmgSymMatrix(3) getMomentumCov(const Trk::Perigee* perigee) const;
/// @brief Extract 3x3 momentum covariance matrix from a track parameter
/// vector and 5x5 covariance matrix.
/// Extract the 3x3 momentum covariance matrix in (x,y,z) notation
/// from the (phi, theta, qoverp) notation from a vector of
/// track parameters and the 5x5 error matrix.
/// @param[in] pars 5-vector of track parameters
/// @param[in] cov 5x5 covariance matrix of track parameters
/// @returns 3x3 momentum covariance matrix
AmgSymMatrix(3) getMomentumCov(const AmgVector(5)& pars,
const AmgSymMatrix(5)& cov) const;
/// @brief Find all muons associated to secondary vertex.
/// Returns a vector of xAOD::Muon objects found
/// in this vertex and subsequent decay vertices.
/// Recursively calls itself if necessary.
/// @param[in] vtx secondary vertex
/// @returns container of muons found
MuonBag findAllMuonsInDecay(xAOD::BPhysHelper& vtx) const;
/// @brief Obtain a set of ID tracks for a set of muons.
/// @param[in] muons container of muon objects
/// @returns container of associated ID tracks
TrackBag getIdTracksForMuons(MuonBag& muons) const;
/// @brief Extract TrackParticle for Muon and adjust kinematics.
/// Extract primary track particle from muon;
/// if configured adjust pt, eta and phi of it before returning
/// a pointer to it.
/// @param[in] muon pointer to muon
/// @returns TrackParticle pointer
const xAOD::TrackParticle* adjustTrackParticle(const xAOD::Muon* muon)
/// @brief Initialize PV-to-SV association type vector.
void initPvAssocTypeVec();
/// @brief Clear the cache of adjusted TrackParticles.
void clearAdjTpCache() const;
/// @}
/// @name job options
/// @{
std::string m_branchPrefix;
std::string m_vertexContainerName;
std::vector<double> m_trkMasses;
ToolHandle<Reco::ITrackToVertex> m_trackToVertexTool;
bool m_adjustToMuonKinematics;
int m_addMinChi2ToAnyPVMode;
std::string m_pvContainerName;
int m_minNTracksInPV;
std::vector<int> m_pvTypesToConsider;
int m_doVertexType;
/// @}
/// map original -> adjusted track particles
typedef std::map<const xAOD::TrackParticle*, const xAOD::TrackParticle*>
/// map of adjusted track particles as cache
mutable TpMap_t m_adjTpCache;
/// cache for individual vertex types
std::vector<xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv_type> m_pvAssocTypes;
}; // class
} // namespace
#endif // DERIVATIONFRAMEWORK_BPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass_H
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// BPhysConversionFinder.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
// Author: A. Chisholm <>
#include <string>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "InDetConversionFinderTools/VertexPointEstimator.h"
#include "InDetConversionFinderTools/ConversionPostSelector.h"
#include "TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils/ITrkDistanceFinder.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
namespace Trk
class V0Tools;
class IVertexFitter;
class TrkVKalVrtFitter;
namespace InDet
class VertexPointEstimator;
class TrackPairsSelector;
class ConversionPostSelector;
namespace DerivationFramework {
class BPhysConversionFinder : public AthAlgTool, public IAugmentationTool {
BPhysConversionFinder(const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p);
StatusCode initialize() override;
StatusCode finalize() override;
virtual StatusCode addBranches() const override;
StatusCode doCascadeFit(const xAOD::Vertex * diMuonVertex, const xAOD::Vertex * convVertex, const double diMuonMassConstraint, TLorentzVector & fitMom, float & chiSq) const;
std::string m_diMuonCollectionToCheck;
std::vector<std::string> m_passFlagsToCheck;
ToolHandle <Trk::V0Tools> m_v0Tools;
ToolHandle <Trk::IVertexFitter> m_vertexFitter;
ToolHandle <InDet::VertexPointEstimator> m_vertexEstimator;
ToolHandle <Trk::ITrkDistanceFinder> m_distanceTool;
ToolHandle <InDet::ConversionPostSelector> m_postSelector;
ToolHandle <Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter > m_cascadeFitter;
std::string m_inputTrackParticleContainerName;
std::string m_conversionContainerName;
float m_maxDistBetweenTracks;
float m_maxDeltaCotTheta;
bool m_requireDeltaM;
float m_maxDeltaM;
#endif // DERIVATIONFRAMEWORK_BPhysConversionFinder_H
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// BPhysMetadataBase.h
// Author : Wolfgang Walkowiak <>
// Changes:
// - w.w., 2017-01-22: Added use of BPhysMetaDataTool.
// - w.w., 2019-12-05: Added long and vector<long> types
// Store JO metadata in the output file.
// It uses the BPhysMetaDataTool (default) or the IOVDbMetaDataTool to
// store job option information as metadata in a specific branch whose
// name needs to prefixed by the deriviation format name.
// Note: Metadata stored by the IOVDbMetaDataTool is not readable on
// 'RootCore' level.
// This is a base class. Inherit from it to add the job options you want
// to store. For a usage example, see
// Bmumu_metadata.h / Bmumu_metadata.cxx
// and
// .
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
namespace DerivationFramework {
class BPhysMetadataBase : virtual public AthAlgTool,
virtual public IAugmentationTool {
BPhysMetadataBase(const std::string& t, const std::string& n,
const IInterface* p);
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
virtual StatusCode addBranches() const;
virtual void recordPropertyI(const std::string& name, int val);
virtual void recordPropertyL(const std::string& name, long val);
virtual void recordPropertyD(const std::string& name, double val);
virtual void recordPropertyB(const std::string& name, bool val);
virtual void recordPropertyS(const std::string& name, const std::string& val);
virtual void recordPropertyVI(const std::string& name, const std::vector<int>& val);
virtual void recordPropertyVL(const std::string& name, const std::vector<long>& val);
virtual void recordPropertyVD(const std::string& name, const std::vector<double>& val);
virtual void recordPropertyVB(const std::string& name, const std::vector<bool>& val);
virtual void recordPropertyVS(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<std::string>& val);
virtual StatusCode saveMetaDataBPhys() const;
virtual std::string buildFolderName(const std::string& fname="") const;
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<int>& v) const;
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<long>& v) const;
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<double>& v) const;
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<bool>& v) const;
virtual std::string vecToString(const std::vector<std::string>& v) const;
/// Object accessing the output metadata store
mutable ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > m_outputMetaStore;
// job options
std::string m_derivationName;
std::string m_mdFolderName;
std::string m_prefix;
// maps for different types of JOs
std::map<std::string, int> m_propInt;
std::map<std::string, long> m_propLong;
std::map<std::string, double> m_propDouble;
std::map<std::string, bool> m_propBool;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_propString;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int> > m_propVInt;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<long> > m_propVLong;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > m_propVDouble;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<bool> > m_propVBool;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > m_propVString;
}; // class
} // namespace
#endif // DERIVATIONFRAMEWORK_BPhysMetadataBase_H
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "xAODBPhys/BPhysHypoHelper.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkBPhys/CascadeTools.h"
#include "EventKernel/PdtPdg.h"
#include <vector>
// Authors: Adam Barton <>
// Eva Bouhova <>
//class CascadeTools;
namespace Trk {
class V0Tools;
class VxCascadeInfo;
namespace Analysis{
class PrimaryVertexRefitter;
namespace InDet{
class BeamSpotData;
namespace HepPDT{
class ParticleDataTable;
namespace DerivationFramework {
class BPhysPVCascadeTools {
typedef ElementLink<xAOD::VertexContainer> VertexLink;
typedef std::vector<VertexLink> VertexLinkVector;
const Trk::V0Tools *m_v0Tools;
const CascadeTools *m_cascadeTools;
const InDet::BeamSpotData *m_beamSpotData;
/// minimum number of tracks required in PVs considered
size_t m_PV_minNTracks;
bool m_copyAllVertices;
BPhysPVCascadeTools(const CascadeTools *cascadeTools);
BPhysPVCascadeTools(const CascadeTools *cascadeTools,
const InDet::BeamSpotData*);
void ProcessVertex(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, Amg::MatrixX cov, xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper &vtx, xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv_type pvtype, double mass) const;
static void FillBPhysHelperNULL(xAOD::BPhysHelper &vtx, const xAOD::VertexContainer* PvContainer,
xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv_type pvtype);
///Fills the BPhysHelper object with the standard parameters
void FillBPhysHelper(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, Amg::MatrixX cov, xAOD::BPhysHelper &vtx, const xAOD::Vertex* refPV,const xAOD::VertexContainer* refPvContainer,
xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv_type pvtype, int) const;
///Returns the index integer of the vertex with the lowest Z in relation to the given vertex
size_t FindLowZIndex(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, const xAOD::BPhysHelper &Obj,
const std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> &PVlist,
const size_t PV_minNTracks=0) const;
///Returns the index integer of the vertex with the lowest A0 in relation to the given vertex
size_t FindLowA0Index(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, const xAOD::BPhysHelper &Obj,
const std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> &PVlist,
const size_t PV_minNTracks=0) const;
static size_t FindHighPtIndex(const std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> &PVlist);
template< size_t NTracks> //NTracks = number of tracks in this type of vertex, if this is not known do not use this method
static bool VerticesMatchTracks(const xAOD::Vertex* v1, const xAOD::Vertex* v2);
template< size_t NTracks>
static const xAOD::Vertex* FindVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer* c, const xAOD::Vertex* v);
/// Static method call with
/// DerivationFramework::BPhysDerHelpers::GetGoodPV
/// Returns a std::vector containing only PVs of type 1 and 3 - HighPt
/// and Pileup, which have at least PV_minNTracks tracks.
static std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> GetGoodPV(const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvContainer);
/// Set the minimum number of tracks required for primary vertices to be
/// considered for primary vertex association to a secondary vertex.
/// Note that this requirement will not be applied for finding
/// the vertex with the highest pT sum (FindHighPtIndex()) since
/// it would possibly exclude this vertex which has been marked
/// earlier in the tool chain.
void SetMinNTracksInPV(size_t PV_minNTracks);
/// Get the current beamspot position either from cache or from
/// BeamCondSvc.
/// Before processing a new event, make sure to call
/// GetBeamSpot();
[[nodiscard]] const Amg::Vector3D& GetBeamSpot() const noexcept;
/// Find the index for the PV with the lowest distance in z of
/// the SV's DOCA point w.r.t. the beamline and the PV.
size_t FindLowZ0BAIndex(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, const xAOD::BPhysHelper &obj,
const std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*> &PVlist,
const size_t PV_minNTracks=0) const;
/// Calculate the distance along z axis between the PV and
/// SV's DOCA point w.r.t. the beamline.
double DistInZtoDOCA(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, const xAOD::BPhysHelper &obj,
const xAOD::Vertex* vertex) const;
/// Point of DOCA w.r.t. the beamline backward extrapolated
/// along the B candidate's momentum direction.
Amg::Vector3D DocaExtrapToBeamSpot(const std::vector<TLorentzVector> &mom, const xAOD::BPhysHelper &obj) const;
static void PrepareVertexLinks(Trk::VxCascadeInfo *result, const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* importedTrackCollection);
StatusCode FillCandwithRefittedVertices( bool refitPV,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* pvContainer, xAOD::VertexContainer* refPvContainer,
const Analysis::PrimaryVertexRefitter *pvRefitter, size_t in_PV_max, int DoVertexType,
Trk::VxCascadeInfo* casc, int index,
double mass, xAOD::BPhysHypoHelper &vtx);
static std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> CollectAllChargedTracks(const std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*> &cascadeVertices);
static void SetVectorInfo(xAOD::BPhysHelper &, const Trk::VxCascadeInfo*);
static bool uniqueCollection(const std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*>&);
static bool uniqueCollection(const std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*>&, const std::vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*>&);
static bool LinkVertices(SG::AuxElement::Decorator<VertexLinkVector> &decor, const std::vector<const xAOD::Vertex*>& vertices,
const xAOD::VertexContainer* vertexContainer, const xAOD::Vertex* vert);
static double getParticleMass(const HepPDT::ParticleDataTable* pdt, int pdg);
}; // class BPhysPVCascadeTools
} // namespace DerivationFramework
//added by ab
template< size_t NTracks>
bool DerivationFramework::BPhysPVCascadeTools::VerticesMatchTracks(const xAOD::Vertex* v1, const xAOD::Vertex* v2)
if(v1->nTrackParticles() != v2->nTrackParticles()) return false;
assert(v1->nTrackParticles() == NTracks);
std::array<const xAOD::TrackParticle*, NTracks> a1;
std::array<const xAOD::TrackParticle*, NTracks> a2;
for(size_t i=0;i<NTracks;i++){
a1[i] = v1->trackParticle(i);
a2[i] = v2->trackParticle(i);
std::sort(a1.begin(), a1.end());
std::sort(a2.begin(), a2.end());
return a1 == a2;
template< size_t NTracks>
const xAOD::Vertex* DerivationFramework::BPhysPVCascadeTools::FindVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer* c, const xAOD::Vertex* v){
for (const xAOD::Vertex* a : *c){
if(VerticesMatchTracks<NTracks>(a,v)) return a;
return nullptr;
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